Halloween Party


Aug 20, 2002
Halloween costume party.

Six couples get together for an alnight party. They are all friends and have known each other since college. Trick, the guys get together and decide to wear the same costume. As luck may have it, the women got wind of it and did the same.

These couples love to drink and dance, unlike most couples in their thirties. The party is really rocking. No one is huddled in a corner plotting or scheming, they all are having a great time.

A little pat on the butt-cheek an the fun begins. Since they are all good friends no one is bothered by the playfulness. But frisky parties can get out of hand in a hurry.

What are some things the couples can do as a group to get things started?
Well, they could begin with a game of hide and seek?



Actually, having them become intimate with whomever they chose and not finding out until the great unmasking would be interesting if there was tension involved. (i.e. a brother and sister group, or one of the couples decided to go costumed as the opposite as planned. Woman in men's costume,....you get the picture?)

Or, might be interesting to have the party take place at a wealthy millionaire's home wherein he has cameras in each room. This might add a bit of voyeurism and intrigue.
How about people disappearing from the party. Big old mansion. It's a gag. One of the couples plan it. The couple snatch one of the guys who she knows been wanting to fuck her. The woman fucks the guy and let him in on the plan. They snatch one of the women who is the type that loves sex games. She is fucked. They go into a secret room where they begin their orgy. It is scary for the ones who are left, and they begin to search. As they search, they are snatched and brought into the orgy room.

I don't know how this sounds, because I am sleepy................
lex, that sounds like the "mystery" pls and I were planning a few months ago.

i like it though.

mix that and "hide and seek" together - LET'S PLAY SARDINES!

One person hides. When a person finds them, they have to hide together. When the second person comes along, he/she has to climb into the hiding place as well! ETC ETC ETC! lotsa fun could be happening in that hiding space.

The clown and the genie are getting it on, and damn, someone else happens by. Oh well, in they come, and it's the Purple Dinosaur...he can help out with the horn on his nose.
