Halloween or All Saint's Eve


On the edge of nowhere
Aug 17, 2002
The trend here is that perents are calling Halloween "All Saint's Eve"

Puhleeze! They don't let their kids be witches, ghosts, or anything else "scary"

What gives?

I will never stop calling October 31 Halloween!

Let's be scary and and evil and throw eggs and TP people's houses and all that awful stuff!

No, wait! Let's go to church and pray! Damn! :mad:

It will always be Hallo'een over here.. All Hallows Eve is the one night I'm not scared of the dark.. go figure :rolleyes:

The "Christian" folk over here who don't believe in the holiday... celebrate "Autumn arrival" with a festival at a church, or something. They don't allow their kids to eat candy.. and won't answer the friggin' door when my kids want to "Trick or Treat!"
I don't know.. I think I want a trick from the college girls.
SpiceCake said:
The trend here is that perents are calling Halloween "All Saint's Eve"

Puhleeze! They don't let their kids be witches, ghosts, or anything else "scary"

What gives?

I will never stop calling October 31 Halloween!

Let's be scary and and evil and throw eggs and TP people's houses and all that awful stuff!

No, wait! Let's go to church and pray! Damn! :mad:


My in-laws are the same way...they go to church and have church activities on Halloween.

They hate the fact that we let our kids dress up, and although we don't take them out trick-or-treating, we do buy them a lot of candy, watch scary movies, and do scary things.

One of the church elders was at my in-laws one day, and this topic came up. They were trying to make me out to be the bad guy. But they had nothing to say when I told them that all of their "christian" holidays were actually borrowed from the Pagans. But this one day is shunned by them. The one day where people dress up to scare away the evil spirits on the eve before All Saints Day.

Fuck 'em.
I just call it samhain (the pronunciation is sow-an...not sam-hane btw) But then it's a holy day in my religion.