Half of the Bucha soldiers looked Asian or mixed Asian


Literotica Guru
Nov 10, 2020
Anonymous? posted online the names, dob, pictures of the soldiers who were deployed at Bucha.
They come from the far East part of Russia, half of them have full or mixed East Asian features, and their commander was called Imur Buki or something.

Yeah yeah yeah, butters SeanH & anti-racist virtue signallers will jump on me.
But there's something that just doesn't make sense to me.

Yes Putin & Russian Empire are genocidal, yes White Russians looted the crap out of Ukrainian homes and did many acts of genocide
But not in such an unanymous way.

And in the Animals kingdom, tigers etc rarely killl their own, unless they're starving.
And Ukrainians share more than 80% DNA with White Russians, they also share the same religion.
We saw genocide in Europe, but it was mostly on religious and ethnic lines (ie Germans killed Caucasians, but they killed Caucasians who didn't share the same DNA)
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How is this a surprise? Didn't Putin say he was bringing in Chechen and Syrian mercenaries?
Good. Dox the fuck out of them. Human trash.

Russia has openly admitted their goal is genocide.

Fuck em all.
How is this a surprise? Didn't Putin say he was bringing in Chechen and Syrian mercenaries?

Good. Dox the fuck out of them. Human trash.

Russia has openly admitted their goal is genocide.

Fuck em all.

Yes indeed.

The first point -- you guys are right
Putin's goal WAS genocide, with the view of scaring Ukrainians into capitulating.

Not sure if this is also your point, but Now it fully sinks in to me why Putin brought in Syrian/Chetchen mercenaries, and deployed troups from far East Russia. Russia is big enough, there are millions of Cucasian Christian Orthodox soldiers that he could have employed.
He worried that the latter wouldn't have had the stomach to massacre their brothers to such a degree.

The second point is:
I keep telling people: Dudes, Russian laypeople AREN'T the unsophisticated brutes that massmedia --Western but Baltic and EE in particular-- lately portrayed them as. This is one of the most sophisticated cultures of Western and Eastern Europe, ffs.

It was either the poor, uneducated brutalised masses, or the 'other ethnicities' with no allegiance to Europe, that the Imperialists used during such wars.
It is of no surprise, for several linked reasons.

First, Russian army is a prison, being drafted is a misfortune to be avoided. Most sensible or afloat people do their utmost to dodge the draft, use the numerous legal exemptions, bribe, hide. So, most of draft is forceful, but not all. For the truly poor the financial benefits are substantial, and even more so are the guarantees of obtaining a city flat (I don't know details of how it works, but that's often cited reason to endure the year in prison for).

There is a program for criminals, prison inmates to undergo "rehabilitation" by drafting into army. While it may seem as noble idea, the practical repercussions are inverted, the army is permeated by criminal gang structure and culture. Including a caste system and traditions (think "hazing" on steroids) that have led to deaths of conscripts with some regularity. Conscripts pay is often robbed by officers or peers with gang affiliation. As absurd as it sounds, army units as whole are allegedly harrassed by mob and forced to pay levy to local crime gangs.

Prestige of army in society is extremely low, with rare exceptions that are mostly ceremonial and like the legend of "elite" VDV (airborne) units that are, unsurprisingly, sometimes used in policing missions.

(Better outfitted and organized, the relatively light VDV units were/are used to spearhead the current war effort, seeing combat elements of several very nearly wiped out. Those are causalities that may have chance to be noticed by central Russian society, unlike the predominantly minority regulars.)

Last but not least, it's pure demographics. Russia as whole is in decline, but at different rates, and it is the ethnic Russian parts that have it worst.
It is of no surprise, for several linked reasons.

First, Russian army is a prison, being drafted is a misfortune to be avoided. Most sensible or afloat people do their utmost to dodge the draft, use the numerous legal exemptions, bribe, hide. So, most of draft is forceful, but not all. For the truly poor the financial benefits are substantial, and even more so are the guarantees of obtaining a city flat (I don't know details of how it works, but that's often cited reason to endure the year in prison for).

There is a program for criminals, prison inmates to undergo "rehabilitation" by drafting into army. While it may seem as noble idea, the practical repercussions are inverted, the army is permeated by criminal gang structure and culture. Including a caste system and traditions (think "hazing" on steroids) that have led to deaths of conscripts with some regularity. Conscripts pay is often robbed by officers or peers with gang affiliation. As absurd as it sounds, army units as whole are allegedly harrassed by mob and forced to pay levy to local crime gangs.

Prestige of army in society is extremely low, with rare exceptions that are mostly ceremonial and like the legend of "elite" VDV (airborne) units that are, unsurprisingly, sometimes used in policing missions.

(Better outfitted and organized, the relatively light VDV units were/are used to spearhead the current war effort, seeing combat elements of several very nearly wiped out. Those are causalities that may have chance to be noticed by central Russian society, unlike the predominantly minority regulars.)

Last but not least, it's pure demographics. Russia as whole is in decline, but at different rates, and it is the ethnic Russian parts that have it worst.

Good points too.
And I remember now, growing up/travelling in EE:
how we used to aapproach soldiers from Any EE country, even if we knew many were conscripted: like potential rapists.
When hiking & travelling in more remote villages, females made sure they always travelled in large groups with guys around, wheneveer they saw a platoon of soldiers.
If that happened in EE, I can only imagine Russia, in which masses had a far worse quality of living.

I kind of praise Americans and NATO countries. Of course rape and sexism are still occasionally there like in any Army, but over the last decades they brought prestige to the institution, and now good youth enroll.

There is a program for criminals, prison inmates to undergo "rehabilitation" by drafting into army. While it may seem as noble idea, the practical repercussions are inverted, the army is permeated by criminal gang structure and culture. Including a caste system and traditions (think "hazing" on steroids) that have led to deaths of conscripts with some regularity. Conscripts pay is often robbed by officers or peers with gang affiliation. As absurd as it sounds, army units as whole are allegedly harrassed by mob and forced to pay levy to local crime gangs.

Jesus Christ. Which country came up with such a stupid idea?
Jesus Christ. Which country came up with such a stupid idea?
Whom else we're talking about?

I am NOT certain on this, but that program might be on effect at various forms for a long time deep into Soviet times. The systemic culture problems were certainly already extremely bad back in the eighties.

Edit. As to western militaries. It's increasingly a high tech occupation. That demands certain cultural changes.
Edit. As to western militaries. It's increasingly a high tech occupation. That demands certain cultural changes.
Back in the 1950s the UK still had national service - for every male. My brother enlisted in the navy for three years instead of the compulsory two because the benefits were better.

He spent most of his three years teaching National Service sailors how to read and write. They would be useless in the modern Royal Navy (or Army).
Anonymous? posted online the names, dob, pictures of the soldiers who were deployed at Bucha.
They come from the far East part of Russia, half of them have full or mixed East Asian features, and their commander was called Imur Buki or something.

Yeah yeah yeah, butters SeanH & anti-racist virtue signallers will jump on me.
But there's something that just doesn't make sense to me.

Yes Putin & Russian Empire are genocidal, yes White Russians looted the crap out of Ukrainian homes and did many acts of genocide
But not in such an unanymous way.

And in the Animals kingdom, tigers etc rarely killl their own, unless they're starving.
And Ukrainians share more than 80% DNA with White Russians, they also share the same religion.
We saw genocide in Europe, but it was mostly on religious and ethnic lines (ie Germans killed Caucasians, but they killed Caucasians who didn't share the same DNA)
They are the Mongoloid people of eastern Russia.
I've been doing a marathon of watching captioned EE debates and talk shows.

The one I'm watching now, alludes to two Russias:

a more Cosmopolitan civilized one, Moskow St Petwrsbutgh big cities.
They're showing interview with Russians who say they would only want Ukraine to be reunited if Ukrainians want to, or "Why should it? It's an independent country."

but on the other hand, they also report brutal stories of "Z" being drawn on cakes in shops, kids with cancer in hospitals being asked by doctors and nurses to do an impression of the "Z" crap.
The talk show hosts claim that the more 'Oriental' side or rural backwards of Russia is like that.

Call me racist, but I totally agree.
I've been doing a marathon of watching captioned EE debates and talk shows.

The one I'm watching now, alludes to two Russias:

a more Cosmopolitan civilized one, Moskow St Petwrsbutgh big cities.
They're showing interview with Russians who say they would only want Ukraine to be reunited if Ukrainians want to, or "Why should it? It's an independent country."

but on the other hand, they also report brutal stories of "Z" being drawn on cakes in shops, kids with cancer in hospitals being asked by doctors and nurses to do an impression of the "Z" crap.
The talk show hosts claim that the more 'Oriental' side or rural backwards of Russia is like that.

Call me racist, but I totally agree.
Here is a racial breakdown of Russia:


yes, that's interesting.

On one hand it attests to Russia's imperialism, how they managed to subjugate different looking popullations that should have been independent.

On the other hand those images of mainly East Asian-looking Russian soldiers who were deployed to Bucha and committed the most barbaric atrocities, are striking.
Just like those Chetchens who posted selfies on FB, of them shelling apartments and laughing.

But the uneducated rough Russians don't put them to shame either.
They, too committed genocide, even if not in such a systemic manner as MongolbRussians, Chechens and Syrians did.

People are now dumbfounded by their barbaric destructive stupidity: they are actually digging trenches in the Chernobyl soil (which should remain undisturbed) 'for practice'.
Anonymous? posted online the names, dob, pictures of the soldiers who were deployed at Bucha.
They come from the far East part of Russia, half of them have full or mixed East Asian features, and their commander was called Imur Buki or something.
The Russian East is in Asia. What's your point?
yes, that's interesting.

On one hand it attests to Russia's imperialism, how they managed to subjugate different looking popullations that should have been independent.

On the other hand those images of mainly East Asian-looking Russian soldiers who were deployed to Bucha and committed the most barbaric atrocities, are striking.
Just like those Chetchens who posted selfies on FB, of them shelling apartments and laughing.

But the uneducated rough Russians don't put them to shame either.
They, too committed genocide, even if not in such a systemic manner as MongolbRussians, Chechens and Syrians did.

People are now dumbfounded by their barbaric destructive stupidity: they are actually digging trenches in the Chernobyl soil (which should remain undisturbed) 'for practice'.
Russia is a backward nation that for the most part evolved in modern times outside of Western Civilization, there are parts of the West and East in Russia however and any understanding of Russia will be complicated if only one aspect of its 145 million population is considered when viewing the equation.
Jesus Christ. Which country came up with such a stupid idea?
The U.S. Army used to recruit convicts -- that is, depending on the offense, the judge might offer a convict a choice between prison and military service -- and I'm sure many other countries have done the same.
The U.S. Army used to recruit convicts -- that is, depending on the offense, the judge might offer a convict a choice between prison and military service -- and I'm sure many other countries have done the same.
One service chief a few years back told a judge the US military wasn't going to be receiving any convicted felons or people with serious crimes of any nature.