Hairy or Hairless chest

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Really Experienced
Feb 18, 2012
I have a thing about men with hairy chest. I LOVE it! The first time I saw my love when he took off his shirt I got so excited! He is hairy on his back. That doesnt bother me, doesnt turn me on either. lol

SO my question to you all, men and women do you like your man with hair on his chest, alot or a little or want them shaved?
As a man with lots of hair everywhere, I like the way you think. Unfortunately, we hirsute men have been out of style ever since Magnum P.I. went off the air......
I'm not going to turn a man down just because he doesn't have a hairy chest, but hair on the chest is a definite turn on. I absolutely love the contrast of his crisp hair against my soft, sensitive skin.
As a man with lots of hair everywhere, I like the way you think. Unfortunately, we hirsute men have been out of style ever since Magnum P.I. went off the air......

While other ladies say Brad Pitt is fuckable I still would choose Tom Selleck any day!.
Hmmmm this is a hard question...I think it depends on the man. If he is cool with his chest being hairy then I am all over it. I want my mans chest to be what makes him feel sexy...cause that just turns me on more... but if he has got hair I'm going to play with it :D
As I told my bf when he asked me if he should keep it smooth after going bare for Halloween, "you're a man, not a slip n' slide."

I like to keep myself bare, but he's the one who should have the hair.
I absolutely love men with hair on their chest as it is so sexy. I don't rule men without hair out, but a hairy chest takes my breath away. :)

am a hairy man by nature, but well groomed when I want to change it up. love the reaction when she sees my smooth skin. love manscaping my shit as well.
If he's naturally hairless then fine. I have dated someone who was. If not then I'm for hairy. Yummy to pull.
Definitely Tom Selleck vs Brad Pitt - I like REAL men (and besides - it gives me something to play with......after;)):rose:
It would seem I'm in the minority on this thread, but I love smooth, sleek, hairless skin. So yummy to lick, and suck, and bite... To rub my whole body over..... Mmmmmm
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As a guy who has more hair in more places than he cares to admit- it's great to hear there are women who like that.

Thank you ladies- you made an old guy feel better.
I absolutely love men with hair on their chest as it is so sexy. I don't rule men without hair out, but a hairy chest takes my breath away. :)

That is EXCACTLY what happened to me when I saw my love the first time with his shirt off. Breathless! :heart:
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