Hahaha! Now the truth comes out!

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
My ex has completely dumped himself in the shit.
He's working, and despite what he told the Oz Child.Support agency, he told me this in a post on fb.
Printed, and already on it's way to the authorities.

Apart from that, he now claims that the reason his entire family refuses to stay in contact with our kids is because of me.
The man is completely delusional - he doesn't think his lies will eventually catch up with him!
I almost have pity.
I am doing a mini happy-dance right now :D
Tell me people - exactly how mentally challenged does one have to be to not only send something likw this to the ex... but to also send it to his kids!

I have had calls from each child since it arrived asking wtf s wrong with Dad????!!!

I don't get the impression he's "ahead"


He was!
I got a notification that I owed HIM back pay child Support!

Because he wasn't employed.

Now he tells me, not only is he employed, but he's getting paid to train!

And why put this rant where your kids can see it?
Want to alienate your offspring? Give them the blame!
I imagine, in a way...

...this is what a recurring outbreak of herpes must be like.
knowing exactly how a thread like this will end, what is it you get from posting it? i'm genuinely curious.
The bastardex has spent a great deal of time, energy and money trying to prove to our kids that somehow everything that's happened is my fault.
Never mind that all our kids have atayed in contact with me throughout all of this, and have had limited contact with him.
Plus, they know he's been lying on his child Support assessments.

And now he goes and CONFIRMS IT in an open measage on fb?
One has to wonder where his head is at.
knowing exactly how a thread like this will end, what is it you get from posting it? i'm genuinely curious.

I guess I'm putting this here as a kind of warning..... if you're going to lie, it doesn't make sense to confirm it!
I wonder more about where yours is.

Because I haven't lied to our kids?

If you as a parent are going to trash the other parent, and think you'll be believed, then never EVER post anything to contradict yourself on a page where your kids will see it!
this thread will give you self satisfaction? think carefully before you answer.
this thread will give you self satisfaction? think carefully before you answer.

If you were in my shoes - faced with having to pay back many $ in child Support because your ex lied - wouldn't you feel just a tiny bit satisfied when you could prove he lied in his own words?
Not to mention each of our kids now KNOWS who was telling the truth about why he won't speak to them! (Remembering that all the kids asked each of us and got different answers from him?)

Hell yes, I feel better!
First, posting shit on Facebook isn't proof. Stop trying to get out of paying what you owe and pay it.

Second, I don't see it as being out of the realm of possibility that his family is avoiding the kids because of you. For goodness sakes, we've all heard the stories of the evil ex who makes it impossible to get along with.
First, posting shit on Facebook isn't proof. Stop trying to get out of paying what you owe and pay it.

Second, I don't see it as being out of the realm of possibility that his family is avoiding the kids because of you. For goodness sakes, we've all heard the stories of the evil ex who makes it impossible to get along with.

The bastardex has told our kids that the reason not one member of his family has stayed in touch is because they don't like the idea that the kids might tell me something they've said.
Stupid - because most of the time they don't, and I would never ask!

I'm also pretty sure that he never informed them about his new grand-daughter. And seriously.... who the fuck keeps that from their family?
I couldn't wait to tell everyone!

And fr the record, I do not owe him any child Support - he owea me. But he lied to the Agency about not working and they backdated his assessment so I have to pay him back.

But between what he just wrote to me on fb, and some legwork I've done with regard to his employment here before he left..... not only is my debt going to be cancelled, but he could well find himself in deep doggy doo doo for lying to a Federal Agency!
And Tbh, I would not be sad if that happened, given all the shit he's put our kids through.
If you were in my shoes - faced with having to pay back many $ in child Support because your ex lied - wouldn't you feel just a tiny bit satisfied when you could prove he lied in his own words?
Not to mention each of our kids now KNOWS who was telling the truth about why he won't speak to them! (Remembering that all the kids asked each of us and got different answers from him?)

Hell yes, I feel better!

yeah, i'm not asking about your ex.

why did you start this thread, knowing exactly how it will turn out?
what is it that you get from doing this?
I was about to read this thread, but decided to plunge an ice pick in my ear instead. I feel better.:)
what i will never understand about most divorces is where one or both parties WANT to use the kids as a bargaining chip, or a sledgehammer.
yeah, i'm not asking about your ex.

why did you start this thread, knowing exactly how it will turn out?
what is it that you get from doing this?

Ok, I'll answer.
Here in my real life I don't ever talk about any of this stuff with anybody except my Mum, and then only rarely.
I don't talk to my friends, other family, my kids, no-one.

But I think it.... especially on those ocasions when the bastardex feels it necessary to send me yet another email/fb message/letter gloating over how he's a fucking saint and everything is my fault (and then also feels it's vitally important that the kids get told too.)

I get furiously angry for an hour or two, I come in here and offload (where I know absolutely that none of you will ever be able to tell my kids!) and then once I've got it down and out, I calm down and feel better.
The key here is that I know my nasty words about their Dad won't be heard by my kids.

And believe it or not, sometimes I get a different perspective on all this crap, from people here who either have had a similar experience, or simply see it differently.

Does that answer your question?