had an interview with a sexy looking intern


Literotica Guru
Mar 19, 2011
Yesterday. With her and the hr boss. Looked young but had huge boobs as far as I could tell, could see the tops of them for her work blouse, tried not to not at them directly during the interview. Now I'm all hot and bothered. What to do?
Am I the only one here that wonders about these posts from guys (usually married) that "ask permission" or want to know "what to do" about being attracted to a person that you KNOW from the tet go that you should just let alone from the standpoint of morals, ethics, laws?

Typical post/scene: Hot young intern/co-worker/sister in law/church supper chairwoman shows up and guy gets all turned on. What to do? He wants to make a move but KNOWS it's wrong. "Oh please gentle Lit people, tell me what to do. Give me permission to fuck this sweet young taboo woman."

I'll bet a dollar to a dime that the guy "knows" what to do in his heart and from the standpoint of potentially losing his job. Either get some balls and make your own decision and live with the joy or disaster of it, sit in the corner and worry about it waiting for instructions from on high.

Bottom line, assuming you do hire her, (a decision which should be based on her ability and not her tits) you can either:

1) If you're a single guy and she's attractive to you, tell her that you know it might be a tenuous situation with HR, but you'd like to date her and tell HR about it. If you're both single, HR may just say, "Go for it". It's happened dozens of times at my company. As long as you're not her direct supervisor you'll probably get the nod from HR.
2) If you're married, you know it's wrong at multiple points of view and you don't need us to tell you that. Go home, fantasize, and pull your meat. However, if you REALLY TRULY want to risk your job, her job, your marriage, her marriage (if she's married), then step up to the plate like the cool dude you want to be, and go for it. Let the chips fall where they may, and trust me, been there, you may not like where the chips land and where the shit flys when it hits the fan. Do you remember a guy named Bill Clinton?

Good luck either way.
I should rephrase that. I was the one being interviewed for the job

Nothing you can do really apart from wait for the phone call to see if your hired or not

As far as the tits go, just look at another pair
If you get hired. Make sure the boss isn't already fucking her. Good way to get fired lol
Lol I will make sure of that Amanda her boss is a female soo if that were the case could be interesting. Now i have to try not to get hard when I go in later lol
Just met again no bonuses today. Her top wasn't revealing as she was wearing a long sleeve shirt but her breasts still stood out