Had a friend telle something now it's all I think about

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Feb 3, 2011
Ok last night a friend was talking to me on the phone said she went to a club had a few to many drinks and made a booboo as she calls it when I inquired about the booboo she said she was so hammered that she ended up having a threesome with two guys and not have protection she i worried but is ok my problem is she told me not only was that not her first but she also had it with girls and a guy and a girl but now I can't stop thinking about it her tiny frame getting fuck by two guys her sucking a dick maybe taking it in the ass I get a hard on just thinking about it and now I want to just fuck her brains out and have a threesome with her and another girl I get so turned on by the thought that I've gone to the bathroom at work and had to jerk off and still have a hard on all day. Anyone else have this what can I do I'm out of her league as in a guy and don't want to cross that line where were not friends cause her kids are my god kids so can't complacte thing there
I think you're just going to have to find a new sexual object and wait it out. The feelings will mostly likely go away in time.
Periods, commas, and the enter key will likely help you get more replies.

If she's so far out of your league then why is she telling you these things? Does she think it's safe to tell you because she knows you feel like you don't have a chance with her?

I have to question her motivation here. Is it possible that she's telling you this stuff because she knows that it's going to turn you on? Or is she telling you because she just wants to get it off her chest and you're her go-to mind dump?

Don't have any illusions here - she knows what kind of mental imagery she's creating in your mind. The question is why is she doing it?

Or you could just forget the question all together and just enjoy her stories. That's probably what I would do (have done). You can never have enough fantasy fodder.
Crosseye30, I got cross-eyed reading that post... that was one mother of a run-on sentence. As pointed out, periods, the occasional comma, and the enter key will help you create a readable post. Just try reading that out loud, without stopping to breathe....

Sounds like she's treating you like an emotional friend, someone to confide in and discuss these things, instead of including you or asking you to participate.

Your thoughts of her sexual activities will eventually go away or be replaced by others, but in the meantime, spank away. If she continues to "share" this stuff with you and you are finding it difficult to function (whackin' it at work) normally, let her know you don't really need to hear all the details.

If you're god-parent to the kid(s) and don't want to potentially complicate or mess that up, take a pass on making a pass.
I think you're just going to have to find a new sexual object and wait it out. The feelings will mostly likely go away in time.

You can either take this advice or:

Man up and take her the way she needs to be taken.

I can think of dozens of opening lines but the line is not going to do you any good if you're not prepared to pack it up.

But in general it's fine if she brings up the sexual stories don't put yourself further in the friend zone though by asking about them or asking her to elaborate. You don't want to be every girls gay friend believe me it's easy to do and I'm not even gay.

This is a girl who wants to let her inner slut out pardon the expression. She is using alcohol as an excuse to do what she obviously wants to do anyway.

Invite her over or out for drinks.

Get about 1 and a half drinks into her and just calmly tell her " just so you know before you get too drunk I'm fully planning on taking advantage of you and doing filthy things with that gorgeous body of yours."

If you chicken out let me know when she might be traveling out west... say on a vacation.

I'll send you pictures.
Oh, goody, just what she always wanted, some strange asshole "taking her the way she needs to be taken."

yeah buddy.
Oh, goody, just what she always wanted, some strange asshole "taking her the way she needs to be taken."

yeah buddy.

Really stella????

HE isnt some strange asshole he's the poor unfortunate sad-sack who is being used by this girl so can re-live the experience through euphoric recall. What this girl should do his own her own sexuality and her own choices; not use alcohol as an excuse to do what is she wanted to do.

He can either point that out to her or he can be forever in the friend zone orbit.

Now, It is possible that my advice is in fact ill advised.

I may not have the best of judgement at the moment it's been 2 months since I've gotten laid and 26 days since I've had human contact of any kind. Working in the middle of nowhere pays well but it's got its social costs.
Really stella????

HE isnt some strange asshole he's the poor unfortunate sad-sack who is being used by this girl so can re-live the experience through euphoric recall. What this girl should do his own her own sexuality and her own choices; not use alcohol as an excuse to do what is she wanted to do.

He can either point that out to her or he can be forever in the friend zone orbit.

Now, It is possible that my advice is in fact ill advised.

I may not have the best of judgement at the moment it's been 2 months since I've gotten laid and 26 days since I've had human contact of any kind. Working in the middle of nowhere pays well but it's got its social costs.

I think she was referring to your request that he send her your way. You would be the asshole stranger in that scenario.

Not that I think you're an asshole.

Stellas Snark™ is like a fine wine - nuanced and complex.
I think she was referring to your request that he send her your way. You would be the asshole stranger in that scenario.

Not that I think you're an asshole.

Stellas Snark™ is like a fine wine - nuanced and complex.
aww, thanks, It's just two-buck chuck, really. ;) Which three bucks now, dammit.

query, your situation makes your first comment more understandable for sure. How long till they cut you loose for R&R?

But this--
What this girl should do his own her own sexuality and her own choices; not use alcohol as an excuse to do what is she wanted to do.

He can either point that out to her or he can be forever in the friend zone orbit.
is golden. Gold! :rose::rose:
I think she was referring to your request that he send her your way. You would be the asshole stranger in that scenario.

Not that I think you're an asshole.

Stellas Snark™ is like a fine wine - nuanced and complex.

I dunno if snark is quite the term... I always thought of the word snark connoting more often undeserved sarcasm?

On the on the other hand, I'm all about alliteration...stella snark™ has a nice feel to it.

And yeah i can see me as the antecedant of asshole in the sentance structure.

And no i wasnt born, raised or socialized to be an asshole..( although if 1 fallows the apple doesn't fall far from the tree theory it is my destiny)..but in that case i would suggest that the woman in question seems to be behaving in a way that tends to attract assholes suggesting that in fact she is interested in assholes.

I used to think that being the quote nice guy it was in fact a) desired and b) actually nice.

I know I understand that being the nice guy puts a woman in something of an awkward position when it comes to rejection.

Since I've let a bit of my inner asshole out I find that I'm getting laid like tile... the key is to focus the genre of asshole. I strive to affect a devil may care assholery rather than simply insufferable asshole. It's a fine line to be sure.

aww, thanks, It's just two-buck chuck, really. ;) Which three bucks now, dammit.

query, your situation makes your first comment more understandable for sure. How long till they cut you loose for R&R?

But this--
is golden. Gold! :rose::rose:

What I enjoy about you spell it is that your positions are not so firmly fixed that your feet are planted to the floor when a potential knockout blow comes. You would make a formidable sparring partner. You call bullshit when you see it without apology though. I told him it is Lee was a bit on the alpha side.. but that seemed warranted as this gentleman has plenty of beta characteristics.

Anyway enough about him in his opportunities..

Full-on thread Jack to follow:

In Tucson now..(180 MILE Extravagance of time and gas money and minor amount of dad guilt)

Had a sure thing lined up with a girl that lets be honest I basically rent by the hour when time is short she's fun, enthusiastic and highly skilled... Her follow through and communication no has been lacking. When she didn't respond Even minimally to my confirmation text... I just couldnt be bothered to let her know I was in town...

We had a tentative date 2 together deflower a girl on her first girl on girl experience that girl wasn't avail...making me even less eager.

Interesting dynamic there they work together... shy girl has expressed enthusiastim about my friend that she has seen me talking to incorrectly surmise that we from time to time play, but not that there are is to a certain extent a financial component there.

Rent a girl has agreed to shy girl sight unseen not realizing and wouldn't care of that happens to be a coworker.

So back to my fishing hole where despite the misnomer as 1 doesn't have to be a gentleman in the club, I generally behave myself.

Got a few dances when I got talked into it by a girl... Ended up picking her up and taking her out for a very chaste date; old fashioned to a movie dropped her off home.

Interestingly it was 1 of the more validating things I've done in a while.

Went back fishing again... enjoyed some enthusiasm hugs from some past flirtations.

Met a new girl who's only objection coming home with me was that her fiance was expecting her. I enquired how kinky he was...she suggested that as they are both Scorpio's that there is endless possibilities there perhaps.

Bringing this long thread Jack perhaps back around to the original poster's quandry...

It's amazing what happens in life if you open your mouth and express your interests.
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