H5N1 outbreak in China could become global pandemic killings untold millions

This new strain of Avian influenza could kill hundreds of millions or possibly billions of human beings if it becomes a global pandemic.


God that would be sweet....the levels of derp in the human population are out of control, could use a good thinning and you can't beat a good plague. Plue no ones at fault for natural disasters so just like any other all you can do is ride it out, pick up the pieces and rebuild. Sad yes, but no hard feelings/political shit storm.
God that would be sweet....the levels of derp in the human population are out of control, could use a good thinning and no ones at fault for natural disasters.

Perhaps this virus isn't as "natural" as most people think.

It could be a test for a highly weaponized strain of the virus that the globalist technocrats/NWO/global elite/joint corporate criminal enterprise/international banking cartels/occultists/satanists/secret societies/freemasons/jesuits/illuminati/whatever intend on using to drastically cut the global human population by billions.

Go watch the James Bond 007 movie "moon raker" to get a handle on what I'm trying to say.

If the powers that be plan on reducing the global population from what it is today to "below 500,000,000" like inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones, their mostly likely method of choice would be a radically advanced biological weapon and blame the outbreak on nature.

Alex Jones has been warning of this hypothetical "skynet-like attack" for over 15 years. The wealthiest, most prominent, and powerful people in the world will seek refuge in giant fortified underground redoubts shortly before this is set to happen.
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I don't think you're playing with a full deck.

China is a filthy, polluted, and overpopulated petri dish of viruses and growing bacteria.

If any apocalyptic plague was to surface, most likely it would start in China or South-East Asia.
Last time we were all to die of avian flu the british government spent millions upon millions of taxpayers money on vaccines which were neither effective, needed or used.

I don't doubt this form of flu exists but like the rest they promote it to ensure public expenditure on the private big pharma corporations.

All bullshit scaremongering.
why in the hell would the global elite want to kill off the majorty of humans? it would cut into their profit margin of dumbasses working jobs they hate to buy shit they don't need. i can see a disease being created so they can sale you the vaccine. your logic is flawed. it would make more sense for them to help the population to grow and then colonize other planets. remember, rich people are rich because they are greedy. they want more.
why in the hell would the global elite want to kill off the majorty of humans?

I'm not quite sure why you're asking that but I'm guessing it was suggested that the flu is being created and/or dealt out by these so-called elite. But to provide a (possibly) answer to your particular question....

The NAZIs had a clear intention to take over the whole of Europe, if not the world, and they are well known for eugenics programmes and mass murder.

You're saying they'd have less people to sell produce to, so would have less money, but what is the purpose of having so much money? It cannot be for survival, because some people have so much money they cannot possibly spend it on themselves......money is a means to the real objective, control. If there are fewer people, there is less resistance to control.
Will this be like a zombie apocalypse? I don't have enough tinned fruit in the cupboards...... off to the shops I go then :)
you have more reason to be concerned about ebola virus due to international air traffic. you know, your neighbor picked up granny coming in from new york who just happen to come into contact with someone who was in africa.
they don't need to manufacture a disease. nature will do it on its own due to over population. happens all the time. just look at history.
take your tinfoil hat off dude.

If the Ebola virus somehow mutated into an airborne strain, it could easily wipe out 80-90% of the entire global human population.

I remember reading about an incident at a CDC biosafety level 4 laboratory where monkeys brought in from somewhere in Asia were found to be infected with an airborne strain of Ebola. This laboratory (and it's employees) were quarantined for months and hundreds of monkeys had to be incinerated. If an outbreak had occurred, it would have caused death and mayhem of absolutely biblical proportions. Global casualties wouldn't be in the millions, but BILLIONS!
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It could be a test for a highly weaponized strain of the virus that the globalist technocrats/NWO/global elite/joint corporate criminal enterprise/international banking cartels/occultists/satanists/secret societies/freemasons/jesuits/illuminati/whatever intend on using to drastically cut the global human population by billions.

hang on, i think you forgot the milk monitors