Gym teacher Mrs Hunters HUGE find


Literotica Guru
Feb 26, 2008
(found this in past posts from someone years ago and thought id give it a try. sorry its a long read to start)

The woman in this story is Mrs Cristy Hunter. Wife, mother, teacher, all around seemingly good wife on the outside. Standing about 5'5, 125lbs of a solid fit body, you stay in great shape being a gym teacher. long blonde hair with sparkling blue eyes and a pretty face and smile. Smooth creamy skin that leads down that tight body, breasts large, real and perfect shape, with perfect pink nipples, taught belly even after 2 kids, winding down to some only slightly rounded hips with the most perfect tight little married ass. Two beautifully rounded buns that slightly bubble, smooth creamy legs and shins.
Lately her marriage has gone dry over the past few years. Mrs Nimrod has maintained her form and beauty while her husband has totally let himself go in appearance and performance, Her sex life has been non existent for nearly 3 years now while She remains in her sexual prime, and desperately wants to have more children. Her eyes have been wandering more and more lately and her will seems to be on the verge of completely breaking down. Given the opportunity she would completely break through her sexual inhibitions and do all of the nasty, filthy things that have been flooding her mind lately. She might even surprise herself at the anger and sexual frustration she feels at her husband, surprising herself at how sometimes she wants to defile her body and marriage, doing things that she would never have even dreamed of before. And tonight she will break through, let go, completely melt to her desires. she will go from 0 to 100 in nearly the blink of an eye. She's dreamt about the sight of a certain magnificent, gargantuan young swinging thing, such a vivid dream, and she can't seem to get it out of her mind, and and she knows she could never turn back if she were ever under the spell of that Horse hung young god with his far superior mind and frame that she’s been dreaming about at night..

Cristy Hunter looked up from the papers she was grading. Seated her chair in front of the table, which stood on the stage overlooking the gym. She lifted her blue eyes and looked out and the sound of the sole basketball dribbling in the gym. It was Pat, the star forward on the basketball team, and, as far as Mrs Hunter and every other woman that came within sight of Pat, an all around fucking hunk. He had short blond hair, piercing green eyes on his handsome young face, a sly grin all leading down to a rock hard chiseled young body, cut in all the right places, and down his ripped abs further down the V to his crotch (and Mrs Hunter had only heard this once amongst the gossip in the girls locker room, and immediately laughed it off as young girls being inexperienced and having no idea when they were talking about) was said to be one horse of a cock, according to the so called testimonial in the locker room, it was said to be 11 inches long and thick as a beer bottle. And such a charmer, he had quite the reputation around school for being very popular with the ladies. He looked and acted like a man amongst boys, and without a doubt was Mrs Hunter best and favorite student.
As Mrs Hunter drank in Pats body with her eyes, she quickly shook her head slightly to clear the thoughts she was having while she ogled. For months now she'd been having these thoughts. Nasty, naughty thoughts that she'd never felt before. After the husband and kids would be gone to bed, Cristy would be up "grading papers". When in fact she was indulging her pert little neglected married pussy with her array of dildos while she watched her hardcore porn on the internet. Cristy had just bought herself a new dildo, this one was huge. The package said 9 inches long, and she was amazed at how good it felt. She'd been pleasing herself more and more lately, her taste in porn getting nastier and nastier. She loved the ones with the hot young guys with their big cocks, shooting their huge loads all over the hot women. She had to get it somehow, her husband certainly wasn't giving it to her, and hadn't for almost a year now.
It was shuch a shame. Kevin had never been a good lover to begin with, but they'd had two children together. The kids were growing up, Devon was 10 now and Taylor 8. Cristy didn't show it much, but she desperately wanted another child. Up until about a year ago, she and Kevin had been trying, but after about 10 months of being unsuccessful (and un-pleased {Andrew was incredibly small, and hardly lasted at all})their sex life had dried up completely.
But Mrs Cristy Hunter was at the age of 48, and quite frankly, had never looked or felt better in her entire life. She ran about 4 or 5 miles a day now, exercise seemed to be one of the things that took her mind away from the troubles at home, and the lustful thoughts that had been clouding her mind more and more. All 5'5 of her lithe married body was getting to be hard muscle under her tight creamy white skin. Starting with her shoulder length blonde hair, Mrs Hunter had a pretty face which had aged nicely. With her pretty blue eyes and big bright smile, she seemed to look as good, if not better, than she did in her 20's. Leading down her luscious neck, her breasts were large, and had what she had been told throughout her life as a 'perfect' shape. From the barrage of fitness, she was even starting to show a six pack in her tight little stomach. All of this was atop her beautiful waist. Cristy Hunter had always had a shapely rear end, and it was most definitely getting better with age. Her ass was the envy of every woman, not big, but her hardened buns slightly bubbled out. It was almost as though you could set a quarter on the small of her back while she was standing, the curve and rounding of the pert little globes was sheer eye candy. Her husband never complimented her, but she wasn't altogether unaware of her gifted behind. She'd seen the stares and almost audible groans from the boys in class whenever she wore something that showed her assets off. Lately she'd been testing out the toys she had down there, finding that she was liking it more and more lately, but she'd been a little afraid to make an attempt with the big toy she'd just bought, having never had anything remotely that size in her ass before. But that dildo was certainly pleasing her well kept shaved married pussy. Its smooth little mound eagerly awaiting it when she started playing with herself at night, which she would surely do tonight, having seen the shirtless god on display in the gym tonight before her.
She went back to grading her papers, not even really paying much attention to them since her mind was in her 'naughty time', as she liked to say. She stopped in the middle of a checkmark, no longer hearing the dribble of the basketball. She thought for a second, 'looks like I'm the only one left, might as well pack..." her thought was cut short by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Mrs Hunter put down the pen and looked over to the stairs, just in time to see Pat walking around the corner and towards the table where she sat. Her heart beat a little faster as she once again drank in Pats handsome face and perfect body before they made eye contact. A smile came on both of their faces as they did. Stepping towards her he said "Hey Mrs Hunter", in his silky manly voice. Mrs Hunter pushed the chair back an inch or two, sitting there in her (her and wearing ), smiling back at Pat, "hey Pat, getting a little extra shooting in I see." Her mouth was watering as she took in his scent as he stood at the edge of the table where she sat. Pat smiled back down at her, "yeah, I'm all done though. Just gonna hit the showers and head home". As he said this, he looked off into the gym, and Mrs Hunter's eyes almost instinctively went down his body. The edge of the table came up to about mid thigh on Pat as he stood there, and Mrs Hunter absentmindedly licked her lips as she noticed the obvious bulge in Pats shorts as he spoke. She managed to tear her eyes away just in time to meet Pats eyes, almost stuttering back, "We-well it certainly looks like that practice is paying off, keep it up." She smiled back meekly at him, the power of this young man emanating from him as he stood before her, her mind almost feeling like it was about to fall into a trance like state, not sure what was coming over her. The near hypnosis broke when Pat replied, "Thanks. I can hurry up in the locker room if you need me to".
With an almost immediate reply Mrs Hunter said. "No no, don't worry about it, I'm certainly no hurry to get home." slightly blushing after she said it, not really meaning it to come out like that, but almost glad she did. "Um, ok. I shouldn't be too long though." And with another one of his sly smiles he departed, walking towards the locker room with his swagger. Mrs Hunter turning her head as he walked behind her, biting her bottom lip with her eyes on his nice hard teenage butt. With a mixture of relief and want, she sighed as she looked back to her papers, the nasty thought forming in her mind nearly overpower her before she finally picked up the pencil and starting putting checks and marks on the papers with no real conviction.
Pat had noticed the yoga pants that Mrs Hunter had on and licked his lips as he walked to the locker room door, remembering the torment that perfect married ass had been giving him and all the other students as she displayed it during gym class earlier that day. With the thought of that tight ass in his head, he walked through the doorway of the locker room and simply forgot to close the door behind him. Reaching inside the shower stalls, he turned on the water to warm up before seeing his locker front and center of the locker room, he walked towards it, bringing his shoe up to the bench and untying it, then the other. He opened his squeaky locker and tossed them inside, making a soft bang as the hit the old locker. Pat turned, the fact that he was facing the wide open door completely oblivious to him as he untied his gym shorts, getting them undone, he hooked his thumbs inside of the waistband of both his shorts and jockeys.
Cristy Hunter had tried to go back to grading the papers in front of her but without much success. She heard the soft back of the shoes hitting the locker and dropped her pen with a slight start. She turned her head towards the noise and again her heart started beating faster as she saw Kyle standing in front of his locker. The door to it stood wide open, giving her a clear view of the entire locker room, with Pat standing in the middle in front of his locker, facing the doorway. For a split second her rational mind kicked in and she made just the slightest move to get up and shut the door, mouth opening and almost saying something. But this thought went away almost as soon as it came as she noticed that Pat was untying his shorts. The pace of her heart quickened as his hands went to the waistband of his shorts and jockeys. Her mouth was watering furiously, she licked her lips in anticipation of what was about to happen. Cristy Hunter turned her body slightly so she didn't have to crane her neck around as much, careful not to make a sound as she did so. Her eyes wide, she peered at the sight before her, and then it happened. Pat slide down both shorts and jockeys with swift motion. Picturing it now, Mrs. Hunter could almost see it unfolding in slow motion. The waistbands slide down over the hard waist, down the visible veins that led down to what was to be reveled. Down they came, Pat slightly bending down with the shorts and jockeys. As he let them go and straightened back up, Mrs Hunter's hand shot to her mouth to cover the audible gasp she let out at the sight in front of her. The shorts and boxers had fallen to his ankles and Pat stood straight up. Mrs Hunters eyes bulged out as she took in the sight of the biggest cock she had ever seen or even imagined. It hung halfway to his knees, it was as big as her arm, and even from this distance she could make out the veins of it as it hung down proudly between his legs. Her eyes glued to the huge package, she tried to take in as much as she could, noticing the huge set of balls that accompanied that massive cock. Much like that monster of a cock, his balls were equally a sight to behold. They looked to be the size of tennis balls as the sack that held them hung halfway down the staggering length of that giant young cock.
Still staring wide eyed, mouth agape, Cristy Hunter had a thousand nasty thoughts fill her mind as she took in the unbelievable sight in front of her. 'Jesus that’s that biggest fucking cock I’ve ever seen Jesus look at that fucking thing Oh my god the things i would do with that big fucking cock Jesus fucking Christ look at the size of those balls i bet there’s so much fucking hot sticky baby making cum in those sperm filled balls OH MY GOD!!' Mrs Hunters mind was going wild, her hand was actually making its way under the table and creeping in between her legs as she watched. Her mind slightly snapped back to where she was when Pat kicked the shorts and boxers to the side and started to walk to the shower room. Mrs Hunter still gawked openly, that monstrous package was bobbing and wagging back and forth with each step he took. Her hand had made its way to her pussy and she was furiously rubbing it through her yoga pants, not even really knowing where she was at she was in such a trance from that horse like cock and balls. Surprisingly Pat still hadn't noticed that the door was open and his hot married gym teacher was ogling his huge cock and balls while he undressed in the boys locker room.
Finally, he stepped through the locker room door and out of Mrs Hunters view. She let out an audible gasp as the spell she was under wavered with the beautiful sight in front of her taken away. The hand that was attacking her clit had come up and gone to her chest. She noticed that her heart was beating rapidly, and she was nearly out of breath. "oh my god.." she whispered to herself. The image of what she had just seen was burned in her mind, replaying what she had just seen over and over again. She thought, realizing the rumor she had heard in the locker room about Pats legendary size was true, but not entirely, because that beautiful big young cock she had seen just moments ago must have been bigger than 11 inches, that was for sure, and oh god did she ache to find out for sure.
Mrs Hunter heard the water in the shower room shut off. She shook her head from side to side once to try to clear the thoughts she was having, with no luck. She froze, listening and watching the door to see what would happen next.
She almost jumped when she heard Pats voice shout from the showers, "Ahhh Mrs Hunter, are you around?" Her heart leapt in her chest again at the sound of his voice. She pushed her chair back with a loud squeak and stammered out a reply. "Y-Yes Pat. What is it..?" She stood up after replying, heart racing in her chest as she waited for an answer.
"Um, do you think you could get me a towel, I forgot to grab one" Pat shouted from the shower.
Mrs Hunter eyes almost rolled back in her head with delight as she heard Pats question. She cleared her throat and said back. "no problem Pat, just a sec." She looked to her right and found a stack of towel sitting there, like it was her destiny and everything was in place for the events that were about to happen. She bent her beautiful married ass over and picked one up, straightening back up and taking a deep breath before she took the first step down the path that would completely change her life forever.
Trying to compose herself, she put on a smile, one that didn't seem to hide the nervousness she felt as she walked to the boys locker room, reaching the door and pausing, thinking of how to go about this. She licked her lips again and reached up the hand with the towel in it, holding it out in front of her. Mrs Hunter took a few steps towards the shower room door and started to speak, "Here's your tow....." she stopped mid sentence. Pat had stepped out of the shower room before she could finish her sentence, Mrs Hunter only a few steps away as Pat emerged from the door, stopping outside of it, His naked, dripping wet body on Display to Mrs Hunter from the side. Her eyes immediately darted to the massive package she saw just minutes ago. Mrs Cristy Hunters pretty blue eyes could not believe what she was seeing, it was even more incredible from closer up. The huge cock that was attached to this young stud seemed to be hanging even lower than before, as did the sack that held those huge young sperm filled balls which looked like it was holding two large eggs in it. Beads of water were running down the gigantic phallus as it bobbed when Pat came to a stop, Mrs Hunter watched in awe as a few beads of water dripped from the bulbous head, her eyes trailed up the unbelievable length, passing over the big squiggly pulsing veins, up and up to where the huge veins that connected the powerful organ to the equally powerful young body pulsed like big blue wires under the soft smooth skin of that giant cock. Her mouth gaped open, her speech cutting off abruptly as she gazed, hand still outstretched, holding the towel out, but every ounce of her attention was focused on the beautiful sight before her.
Pat suddenly swung around, seeming to be almost startled by Mrs Hunters presence. As he turned, his massive package followed. Mrs Hunters head turned down slightly, her eyes watching as Pats huge cocks swung around after he did, she watched as more beads of water were flung off of it while the long girthy meat slapped against his thigh, then slowly swung back in front of him like a pendulum, his big balls swung against the insides of his thighs. Mrs Hunter was in a daze, a dream-like state as she watched this.
A bit surprised, Pats eyebrows went up in a look of surprised when he saw Mrs Hunter standing there. His eyes went to the outstretched hand holding the towel, not seeming to notice that Mrs Hunter was thoroughly enjoying the eye candy before her. As Pat reached out for the towel he spoke, "oh, thanks Mrs Hunter", as he put his hand on the towel he looked up at her face. For a second he saw right were her eyes had been, saw the look on her face as she ogled his huge package. A grin started to creep into his face every so slightly. But then she jerked her head up quickly, looking back up at his face. Mrs Hunter took a deep breath through her nose and sort of straightened her back, trying to get her mind under control and snap out of the spell she was under. she managed a dry smile, again the nervousness showing in her face. Realizing both of their hands were on the towel, she let go, Pats hand grasping it. " problem" she stammered out, reaching her hand up to twirl at her blonde hair, obviously distraught.
Pat returned her words with a smile, an almost sly smile. He brought the towel into his body and ran it up his chest, then he grabbed it with both hands and threw it over his head, the towel covering his face and wet hair. He reached his hands up and ran the towel back and forth, drying his wet hair and face. Not seeming to care at all that he stood completely exposed in front of his gym teacher. In fact, he seemed to relish in it.
Mrs Hunter could not believe her eyes again. She was getting another free view of this young stud in all his glorious nakedness. She watched the towel go to Pats hard chest and then go over his face and hair. Her eyes saw this as an opportunity to ogle that giant package again. She looked down and watched the monstrous cock wiggle and wag back and forth while Pat dried his face and hair. She was amazed as she watched these massive parts in motion. She wondered what that monster could look like when it was hard, what it would look like splitting open her pussy, her ass. What it would look like gushing cum. She was boiling over, there was no turning back now.
Pat took the towel from his face, opening his eyes, and then running it back over his hair. His eyes opened to look at Mrs Hunter standing in front of him. Her eyes were glued to his massive package that was displayed out in front of him. Pat grinned, taking the towel and putting it around his shoulders. He just stood there and grinned while he watched Mrs Hunter gaze, pushing his pelvis out just a bit, putting it out in front of him and even more on display for her pretty blue eyes.
Mrs Hunter couldn't keep it in any longer. she hadn't even noticed that Kyle had quit drying himself and stood there looking at her while she ogled. "Jesus Christ.." she muttered, not even sure if she'd known that she said it out loud. Pats grin widened as he heard her remark. Deciding to be bold, he answered, "I bet that’s a lot bigger than your husband’s huh?".
Mrs Hunter looked back up again, only briefly at Pats face as he spoke, this time not seeming to snap out of whatever state she was in, but only looked back down at the gifted package and answered in almost a laugh, "good god yes, that thing is fucking HUGE", not even caring or really knowing that she cursed in front of a student, that was one of the last things on her mind. Mrs Hunter continued to stare as Pat spoke again, "You can take a closer look if you want.." both hands holding onto the towel around his shoulders, big young package hanging so low between his legs, licking his lips after the suggestion. The anticipation of the events about to happen making his giant cock stir, almost seeming to grow in front of Mrs Hunters eyes. Pat tensed his ab muscles while Mrs Hunter gazed, wide eyed, down at the monster as Pat made it twitch and lift slightly. Mrs Hunter let out a gasp as he did this. She looked up at Pats grinning face, and returned his grin with a sultry smile of her own. Then, looking back down at her prize, she took one step forward, then two, only about a foot away from the young god. She could feel her knees getting weak, like a signal of what she wanted to do, and found herself sinking down, spreading her legs as she got into a full crouch in front of him until she was eye level with the beast. The monster was even more remarkable up close, she marveled at its size, the veins pulsing under the soft skin, 'my god' she thought, 'this thing isn't even hard yet and look at it!'. She managed to look beyond the massive cock in front of her face and focused on the big hanging sack that held Pats two huge balls. They were at least the size of racquetballs and as she stared harder, she noticed that they were visibly churning, the skin around them rolling around, no doubt brewing the monstrous load that was inside them.
The grin on Pats face disappeared as Mrs Hunter sunk to her knees. He looked down and saw her pretty blonde head only inches away from his giant package. Mrs Hunter gasped a "wow..", Pat closed his eyes momentarily as Mrs Hunters warm breath spread over his big cock and balls. She took her eyes away from the prize too look up at Pat, looking back into his eyes with a lustful grin