Grrrr... Humans suck.


The one That got Away
Sep 21, 2004
Just venting my frustration at people in general. Okay, men. Am I a thick woman with curves? Yeah. Does that mean I'm so desperate for attention that I'll respond to any proposition? No. I'm attractive, and I know it. Maybe a little too well sometimes and that makes me sort of picky. But I have never and will never fuck somebody who says to me, "you know you've always wanted a piece of this, you'd do it if you had the chance."
Um, no. No, I wouldn't. First of all asshat, you're married now. I'm not interested in being the other woman for anyone. I will not settle for anything less than THE ONLY woman. Even if its only temporary. I played that part for a really long time and I refuse to feel again the way that relationship made me feel. You've been married less than a year. Grow a pair of balls and get out of it if you're unhappy, but I won't be your dirty little secret. Fuck you.
Men look at me with lust in their eyes. Not all men, no. But enough. I don't need your approval. Yeah, I love sex. You've known me a long fucking time, you probably know that. But if that's all I needed, you're high if you think I'd get it from you. Remember, I've also known you long enough to have heard about your prowess in bed, trust me... Your girlfriends have not been impressed. I can do better.

End rant.
Just venting my frustration at people in general. Okay, men. Am I a thick woman with curves? Yeah. Does that mean I'm so desperate for attention that I'll respond to any proposition? No. I'm attractive, and I know it. Maybe a little too well sometimes and that makes me sort of picky. But I have never and will never fuck somebody who says to me, "you know you've always wanted a piece of this, you'd do it if you had the chance."
Um, no. No, I wouldn't. First of all asshat, you're married now. I'm not interested in being the other woman for anyone. I will not settle for anything less than THE ONLY woman. Even if its only temporary. I played that part for a really long time and I refuse to feel again the way that relationship made me feel. You've been married less than a year. Grow a pair of balls and get out of it if you're unhappy, but I won't be your dirty little secret. Fuck you.
Men look at me with lust in their eyes. Not all men, no. But enough. I don't need your approval. Yeah, I love sex. You've known me a long fucking time, you probably know that. But if that's all I needed, you're high if you think I'd get it from you. Remember, I've also known you long enough to have heard about your prowess in bed, trust me... Your girlfriends have not been impressed. I can do better.

End rant.

WOW :eek: But I will say that you deserve a decent man to satisfy your desires, both in and out of the bedroom.

Can hardly say that's me, but someone. :)
WOW :eek: But I will say that you deserve a decent man to satisfy your desires, both in and out of the bedroom.

Can hardly say that's me, but someone. :)

Thank you. The problem I run into the most, is any man worth my time that I've met, lives too far away to pursue.
Sorry.....two issues: 1. Youre on the wrong coast. And 2. Im married. While a hug is a hug, I defer to your original post and would not want to muddy the waters.

That, and I bet you could hurl a frying pan with the best of them!
Sorry.....two issues: 1. Youre on the wrong coast. And 2. Im married. While a hug is a hug, I defer to your original post and would not want to muddy the waters.

That, and I bet you could hurl a frying pan with the best of them!

Lol, fair enough. And yes. Though my specialty is anything breakable.
I'd settle for a hug, really.

I was going to say, you sound like you need a hug. But I don't know you, and I'm not supposed to hug strangers. And I have a girlfriend, so I feel like trying to hug you might result in me getting a black eye..

But I hope you feel better after the rant! I always tell my female friends that if the guy isn't chasing you, he probably isn't worth it. That other guy sounds like a dbag!
I was going to say, you sound like you need a hug. But I don't know you, and I'm not supposed to hug strangers. And I have a girlfriend, so I feel like trying to hug you might result in me getting a black eye..

But I hope you feel better after the rant! I always tell my female friends that if the guy isn't chasing you, he probably isn't worth it. That other guy sounds like a dbag!

Maybe it's wrong of me, but it's not even the fact that he's married that pisses me off about it. If their sex isn't enough for him, that's their own business.
Just venting my frustration at people in general. Okay, men. Am I a thick woman with curves? Yeah. Does that mean I'm so desperate for attention that I'll respond to any proposition? No. I'm attractive, and I know it. Maybe a little too well sometimes and that makes me sort of picky. But I have never and will never fuck somebody who says to me, "you know you've always wanted a piece of this, you'd do it if you had the chance."
Um, no. No, I wouldn't. First of all asshat, you're married now. I'm not interested in being the other woman for anyone. I will not settle for anything less than THE ONLY woman. Even if its only temporary. I played that part for a really long time and I refuse to feel again the way that relationship made me feel. You've been married less than a year. Grow a pair of balls and get out of it if you're unhappy, but I won't be your dirty little secret. Fuck you.
Men look at me with lust in their eyes. Not all men, no. But enough. I don't need your approval. Yeah, I love sex. You've known me a long fucking time, you probably know that. But if that's all I needed, you're high if you think I'd get it from you. Remember, I've also known you long enough to have heard about your prowess in bed, trust me... Your girlfriends have not been impressed. I can do better.

End rant.

I've seen you around the boards a little. You are indeed a beautiful woman. You deserve far better than a man who takes you for granted and apparently takes his wife for granted too.

I genuinely beleive that love will find you.
I hear what you re saying;

Use that search engine for dating sites.20% are dating online these days.Some are free,so if you can t /don t want to pay for a dating site,type the free dating sites into the box like at

then theres the ethnic or I believe is ethnic for chicanos.I went and checked it, is a pay site affiliated with,with 3 million latinos,personally,Id go with the adultfriendfider first instead of latino,but thats just me.

Adult friendfinder has a silver membership for a hundred a yr,while just a mo is like 30 bucks,last time i checked,but is free to join and look around,,but when you want to contact is when you have to pay the fee.Or type in latinos dating sites,n see what you come up with.theres the church thing,if youre catholic oriented,type the catholic dating sites.

My experience is that the dating sites work best for the big city and surrounding areas.I moved away from big cities 30 yrs back myself,living 50 miles west of Charlotte,NC,& drive a old car..*****s a trade off.

Personally,Im getting old myself,medical issues,on a pension,pushing,it could be worse,you could have those problems.Oh,I got a 2 yr soc work degree in late 70s...Ive got cats.cable.a sm 12x50 on a acre,all hints,tips.Be Blessed ,& heres a angel to save to your pic gallery...

Go to comm college n see if you can find someone,go to church and see if anyones there,get a massager to take the pressure off...You mentioned those in uniform,check out military dating sites in search engine.Personally,I cleared 326 bucks a mo back in 1975 with the reserves in active duty,and was married at the time.The wife qualified for food stamps,as do most enlisted privates even today...

My ma,Irish/French/Norwegian/Canadian, married chicano for apx 10 yrs on her 2nd marriage,she already had 3 boys,catholic on her side...He had a grown son by a former German wife.The sex thing,as men age,they don t have the stamina stay with them ,once they age,especially if the have heart issues,me I have the heart issues...

Just a word to the wise,theres more to life than laying up in the crib...That being said,I saw a news article on CNN this morning saying 76% are living paycheck to paycheck.

Adultfriendfinder has a millionairefriendfinder dating site as a spin off.They have a dozen spin off dating sites like the,if ya need to look for some bucks.My dad said with his sisters it looked like the highest bidder,some married detectives...he had 7 sisters...

My older brother went to live in Canada a while,& married a Canadian woman.He met her in a Health Food Store Vegetarian Restaurant.She got Citizenship by virtue of marrying a US citizen.They had 2 kids,& she left him thereafter,he got the kids,she moved on ,out in California,took to being a barmaid...
Theres a parallel there ,like if you married a Chicano from the old country.My grandmother got citizenship by marriage to my granddad.He got his citizenship by being born on this side of the Minnesota border.They came thru and found the family farm on the US side,his parents were Canadians.
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Just venting my frustration at people in general. Okay, men. Am I a thick woman with curves? Yeah. Does that mean I'm so desperate for attention that I'll respond to any proposition? No. I'm attractive, and I know it. Maybe a little too well sometimes and that makes me sort of picky. But I have never and will never fuck somebody who says to me, "you know you've always wanted a piece of this, you'd do it if you had the chance."
Um, no. No, I wouldn't. First of all asshat, you're married now. I'm not interested in being the other woman for anyone. I will not settle for anything less than THE ONLY woman. Even if its only temporary. I played that part for a really long time and I refuse to feel again the way that relationship made me feel. You've been married less than a year. Grow a pair of balls and get out of it if you're unhappy, but I won't be your dirty little secret. Fuck you.
Men look at me with lust in their eyes. Not all men, no. But enough. I don't need your approval. Yeah, I love sex. You've known me a long fucking time, you probably know that. But if that's all I needed, you're high if you think I'd get it from you. Remember, I've also known you long enough to have heard about your prowess in bed, trust me... Your girlfriends have not been impressed. I can do better.

End rant.

Well Id say adultfriendfinder has chapters in most countries of the world,incl Mexico,where shes concerned.I don t know if she speaks the lingo or no...My Norwegian greatgranddad/Ollie Hiee, was a sailor on the great lakes,delivered iron ore to factories...

sure,they have a lot of members in the UK & you can get a free membership to see who is near you as well,for this last commenter...

The adult friendfinder also breaks it down by State and shows whos a member in say,Olympia...
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