Groping on Dance floor


Really Experienced
Jul 2, 2012
Pretty Wife's Ass gets grouped often at dance clubs! Do others have same experience? Tell details where and how?

No sorry never had that happen, not to my knowledge.
Would like to grope your wife though. :D

Great story by the way.
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Hot time dancing

Yes, it makes for a Hot time dancing!

Read our story and you will get a taste!

Guess never happens with other wives?
Groping can go both ways but she has a lovely body!!

Great story btw!!;)
havent been in a long time but.. used to find that my cock was always tight and swollen when dancing from being rubbed up on and gropped randomly. Sometimes i'd know which girl it was and sometimes I dodn't.. not sure which turned me on more!
A former GF

There was this song by Don Mclean "American Pie" . It had and still has lots of hidden messages /meanings but there was a line in there

"And can you teach me how to dance real slow?"

When one of us said it, that was our signal to dance real slow and grope her ass.