


Went shopping this morning. Whoa! Nelly! Prices and sizes are extreme since last week. I raise almost all of my veggies, so veggie prices dont affect me much, but I was surprised at how packages are now seriously smaller.
Just got back from the grocery store. Speaking of packing... Individullay plastic sealed fruits and greens makes me a sad panda. Thankfully, there's an old school stand just outside. I'm not paying to have my peppers shink wrapped.
with 2/3rds of america in drought conditions sticker shock will really kick in this late autumn and winter. bet a lot of people who didn't wished they did grow some veggies this year. wouldn't be surprised some people who've never hunted or gave it up will be buying hunting licenses this year.
i wonder how vegetarians feel right now? wallet getting light?
Yeah, I bought a box of Zinger snack cakes the other day and couldnt believe how small the cakes are compared to a few years back.
I noticed that a sack of large lima beans is now $1.59, and $1.00 a few months ago. I grew lima beans this Summer, and got enough for a year.

The Fall garden is green beans, tomatoes, cukes, sweet potatoes, and red skin potatoes.