Great way to take care of your homeless


Nov 9, 2000
Anchorage mayor is planning to send the city homeless south for the winter or to be honest send 'em to another city so they're someone else's headache! I can see a homeless person wanting to move to California or Seattle or someplace with a mild climate, but that ain't Anchorage. No homeless person would voluntarily go there, so I'm sure 99% of those homeless were home-grown. "I'll just pawn 'em off on someone else!" FFS.

Why would they send them only to Democratic run States? Send them to Florida...or Texas...or any Southern State
Last year's dividend check for Alaskans...$3284

I am sure there are states out there that can accept Alaska's homeless...not like the state has a huge population. Let's make it worth it to the states accepting their homeless. Alaska...make a 20 year payment for each homeless you send. Cut a check for $64,000 for each citizen you abandon and give it to the state they are going to so they can help them get out of poverty.
"Oh GOD don't send me to Flordia for the Winter", said no one ever.

I must be doing it wrong.
No different than shoving your clutter in the closet when company comes over. They don’t care about these people.

Greyhound therapy is literally a thing.

Many states have purchased a one way ticket to California for their homeless / “mentally ill”

See one example here:

I worked in the mental health field in a “red-ish state” , and it was a known, and common practice (cost saving measure) to buy one way tickets to California for the homeless / “mentally I’ll” . - The thought obviously being that California was the most humane place to send them.

California has actually been sabotaged by “red states” for years. More recently, it seems California is returning some transplant in a more coordinated and ACTUALLY humane manner.

The times they are A-changin’

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