Great things about posting stuff at Lit


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
What things do you find the most beneficial about posting your work here?

For me:

Interaction with the reader that you just don't get elsewhere.

Laurel herself. That woman is the total bomb.

I have more control over the content of my story. If I want a friggin' semi-colon in there, I get a friggin' semi-colon in there. Even if I'm wrong and it should be a comma.

Access to other authors who let me rip their work to shreds for their own personal edification without fear of having to end the evening in a rousing bout of fisticuffs.
For me it's the constant self flagilation...

The whipping of myself into a frenzy for the paltry feedback of some unknown person somewhere in the world that I don't even know, nor will I ever meet, but whom will say what they liked, or disliked about my sudo effort at entertaining them. I punch a key, click on submit, and wa la, instant gratification give or take 7 to 10 days later. LOL I actually find more pleasure talking in the threads here of late, than I do in submiting my work here.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Experimentation with no greater consequence than an ugly vote.

And an enormous readership, bigger than most literary mags. I have one story with 40,000+ reads. Not a large amount by Lit standards, but by the standards of almost any mag that might publish me, it's huge.
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I enjoy the interaction with authors more than anything. I get many more readers and feedback at my ASSTR site than here at Lit, on a regular basis. Also, I have complete control over my stories at ASSTR. I get 5,000 visitors to my website on weeks I don't post anything. I get close to 20,000 visitors during weeks when I post something to my site. Storiesonline posts within 2-3 hours of submitting and doesn't censor like here at Lit. I have much more flexibility over categorizing my stories as well at SO. If I have written a story that involves incest, group sex, and loving wives, I can categorize it exactly that way. The webmaster there responds to my emails as well.

So, why do I come to Lit and what do I enjoy about it? The authors here on the forum make it worthwhile for me. I have learned quite a bit reading posts and interacting with some wonderful people here. I have made a few wonderful friends as well. This forum is what makes Literotica beneficial for me.

What do I like about having my works on Literotica?

First of all, the obivous: This is a site where millions of people go to read erotic stories, so I get thousands of people to read what I have written. How easy is it to get thousands of readers to come to your private homepage?

Second of all, since this is a site of erotica, people who read my stories are a bit more open-minded than most, and most people don't get upset if I write about gay men, interracial couples, or women getting naked in front of 15 men, shouting "line up, boys!"; because the people who read these stories have chosen themselves if they want to read stories from the Gay Male, Interracial or Group Sex category. (With a few exceptions, that is. There are morons everywhere.)

Third, I get a lot of feedback from my stories, some critical, that make me improve my writing for coming stories, some flattering, that make me feel very good about myself.

I get to be in exciting contests, that make writing even more fun and exciting - and sometimes I can win money and fame and glory, too!

And, finally, I get to interact with other writers in the discussion boards, learn from them, get ideas and tips from them, share my opinions with them, get a good laugh from them...

I hardly ever turn on the internet without visiting Literotica. It's a great site!

karmadog said:
Experimentation with no greater consequence than an ugly vote.

And an enormous readership, bigger than most literary mags. I have one story with 40,000+ reads. Not a large amount by Lit standards, but by the standards of almost any mag that might publish me, it's huge.


Oh and of course you get a resident agony aunt thread hosted by friends BK & MG.
No doubt about it.......

I truly enjoy the feedback I receive on my stories and make it a point to answer each and every one. We all get the anonymous feedback too, (not always good) but when I've gotten the occasional email from someone telling me they disliked a story, or hated that I did something in a story, I've always responded "kindly" in those instances as well.

The interaction between writers. That's been a big one for me. Having KM "tear apart" one of my earlier stories was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me. It allowed me to step back and see just how "wordy" I really was at times.

The "unknown poet" (Gee...kinda miss him!) who pointed out my flaws (while still enjoying my poems) though I don't write that many here as I KNOW I'm really not a poet. :D

But it's coming to interact, respond, and take part with the writers here on the boards that I have also come to enjoy. There are so many that I have truly come to know and consider as friends. Friends who don't simply stroke your ego, but help you grow as both a writer as well as an individual. Talented people with a sense of humor who can have fun here with their thought provoking challenges, comments, or plain and simple thoughts that I've always appreciated their sharing.

And Literotica, Laurel and her staff for the outstanding forum that has been created here. The contests and recognition for the writers. Something that gives everyone a chance to strive towards personal goals along with a little recognition along the way.

Great thread KM.

I remain,
I'm with the main group here. My favorite things about Lit are the opportunity to interact with my fellow smut-writers, and to be able to post my stories in a venue where they'll be found and read by those who like them.

I also like the occasional flash of inspiration to be found in Story Ideas. I've written one novella from a thread posted there (Infernal, in reponse to the Angel & Demon thread) and am about to post another (Mister Fluffykins, once I can decide whether it belongs in the Fetish or Toys category <g>). I like suggestions that are a bit apart from the norm, and challenge my creativity.

I admire the heck out of Laurel. Being willing and able to keep this site running, with the incredible volume of work it generates for her, is worthy of huge kudos!

And feedback. Love the feedback. Am a total feedback-whore ;) It makes me feel great whenever something I've created inspires someone to take a little time from his or her day to read, and then to send me a note.

The sheer quantity and quality of knowledge available here. And I don't just mean Weird Harold. If you look at the difference between my first story and the revised version on the SDC's advice, the difference is easy to see. Any question can be answered here and the people are so friendly. Would recommend this place to any aspiring author, not just smutters.

Second to that is the knowledge that someone somewhere has read my work and the rush of pleasure from the occasional feedbacks. Everyone who feedbacks me gets a response, even if they're nasty.

The Earl
friendships that form from feedback :D

You can interact with your readers ,other writers and professionals all at the one place!

the way you can ask questions and get answers on all kinds of topics from lots of very helpful people

The community, the fun, the laughter and the friendships.

Just seeing my smutty fantasies in writing, thank you for allowing lowly perverts like me to post my kinky thoughts Laurel! *L*

Oh and lots more I am sure...
And of course the quality of some of the Avs on display. Nice English Lady.

The Earl