Great quotes from The Terminator.


Dead is dead.
Apr 10, 2002
So at work today, we basically did nothing but rip on the dialogue from the first Terminator movie.

Some bits of comedy gold.

"Don't make me bust you up, man!"

"On your feet soldier! ON YOUR FEET!"

"He's sorry to ask for 5 American dollars, or his father will beat him!"(or something)

"I can't even balance my checkbook"

They're funnier when you remember how bad the acting was.
superlittlegirl said:
I can't balance my checkbook either. But I guess that's off-topic, right?

Not if RP travelers through time and has sex with you.
The Terminator is cool. It's a great movie, but the acting is sooo funny!

"I'm at this club, it's called Tech-Nooooo-waaaaaar!(noir)"
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Would such a thing require time travel? Golly, we're getting all futuristic with this thread!

HeavyStick said:
Not if RP travelers through time and has sex with you.
Almost a classic...

Gun store-

Terminator,"A phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range."

Merchant, "Just what you see." :D
"Hey, he's a couple of cans short of a six-pack!"

When arnie asks for the guys clothes