Granddaddy's Lake House (reserved)


It's all in ur head
Sep 18, 2022
"Listen, Mrs. Ginna Reynolds, we simply can't continue providing services for your father anymore." Hospital Administrator Kerry Morgan said as she looked across the desk to the woman before her. Kerry wore a business suit coat, white blouse, and pleated skirt and looked on to the stressed woman with sympathy. She glanced over to the Hospice lawyer, Gregory Johnson, who said nothing and just watched. Legally, the Home Health Service had the right of it.

"I... I know my father can be a handful sometimes, but I don't have the time to be there for him with his condition." She said with a look of sadness in her eyes.

"Ma'am. It is more than a handful. After this last incident, I am afraid your client is too much of a legal risk to keep." Kerry said with a comforting but firm tone. "The last nurse who went out there turned in her notice and is quitting the company because of him. Here is the report."

She handed Ginna the report and as she looked over it, her hand moved to her mouth saying, "Oh god..."

"Yes. His last RN, she reported he had stripped in front of her with an... erection and started pretending he was some kind of adult porn star or something. She reported that he was delusional at the time calling her by some other girl's name." She said calmly.

Ginna looked up at her and said, "God I didn't realize. But, I mean, I can't approve him moving into a home. I am his medical surrogate and he has asked to remain at his lake house."

"Well, Mrs. Reynolds, it is that reason we are a parting of the roads. Our recommendation is to admit him into a nursing facility and we can help him live comfortably for the remaining of his days, however, if that is against your wishes, our only other option is to release him from our medical care." She said as she handed her another document and a pen. She said, "If you would please just sign here and we will finish up the release."

Ginna glanced at the release forms and tears grew in her eyes. She said, "What am I supposed to do for him? I don't know."

"Admit him. It's the safer option for you." Kerry said calmly.

Gina trembled as she reached for the pen and said, "I... can't." She signed the document.

"If you change your mind, we are right here and ready to take over his medical care again, but through a nursing home, rather than at his lake house." She said as she gathered up the documents and then stood up and offered her hand saying, "I really am sorry I can't help you any further."

Gina rose to her feet and took her hand and shaked it saying, "Me too..." Slowly she turned and headed out of the office to her car and headed home. What was she going to do now?
The moment Jenna woke, she knew she was late. Her head ached with the all-too familiar intensity of a brutal hangover. Her entire body ached in fact, more so than usual. As she groaned and sat up, the previous night slowly began to come back to her. It had started out reasonably enough, with Jenna making the decision to go to the library to study for her exam instead of out with her friends. Her on again, off again boyfriend, Will, was supposed to meet her at the library to help her study, but he texted some excuse and she was on her own. That was when things started to go off the rails. She'd gone down to the cafeteria in the basement of the library to get some coffee and a snack and that was where she'd met Finn or Flynn or whatever his name was. He was a certified stud and as much as Jenna wanted to focus on studying, she couldn't help but do a little flirting. Of course, Jenna rarely stopped at just flirting, so when Flynn, pretty sure it was Flynn, followed her back up to her study nook on the fourth floor, she soon found herself making out with him. Sure, at that point she probably should have just taken him back to her dorm and fucked the shit out of him, but Jenna had developed a certain affinity for risky sex and soon she was going down on him right there in the study nook. Now she certainly wasn't the first girl to suck a dick in the dark corners of the library, but of course things hadn't stopped there.

Being kicked out of the library had hampered her ability to prepare for her exam, but she still could have gone back to her dorm and used her notes to study, but then again she and Flynn were too worked up to just go home. He took her to a bar on campus and after a couple of shots they fucked in the bathroom. Quick and hard. And again, if she had just gone home at that point, everything would probably have been fine. Flynn had cut out after that leaving Jenna to walk back to her dorm, but she wasn't really in the mood for studying. She was slightly tipsy from the shot and extremely horny, which was how she had ended up in the frat house she had just woken up in. She didn't remember everything, but judging from the three mostly naked guys in the bed and on the floor around her, she guessed things had gotten out of hand. Which probably explained why she was so sore.

Twenty minutes later, after the walk of shame back to her dorm, and a quick clothing change, Jenna had shown up to the testing room only to be turned away. Once the test started no one was allowed in or out. Which meant not only was she not going to do well on the exam, she wasn't going to be able to take it at all. "Fuck!" she exclaimed as she slumped down into an oversized chair in the lobby of the building. She'd already tanked one of her exams and the C+ she'd gotten on her final paper in Eng Lit hadn't been enough to pull her grade up from a solid D for the semester. It was of course at that moment that she got a text from her mom. No one you want to talk to more when you're flunking out of college than your parents, right?

Strangely enough the ensuing phone call turned out to be just what Jenna needed, and after a few calls and text exchanges she had agreed to take a semester off from college and to spend that semester at her grandfather's lake house taking care of her elderly grandfather. It was perfect. She needed to get away from school and alcohol and Will and all the Flynn's of the world and she couldn't think of a better place to get away than at the lake where she'd spent summers as a girl. And if it meant she was taking something major off her mom's plate, so much the better.

"Okay mom, tell grandpa I love him and I will see you guys in a week," Jenna said before ending the call and heading back to her dorm to pack.
Jonathan Carson, the artist formerly known as the 1980's porn star John Holmes, sat out on his dock in his wooden gliding rocking chair rocking back and forth slightly, holding a fishing pole in hand and watching a little float bob in the water several meters away. There were four other poles that he had cast out, each with floaters of their own bobbing in different spots on the water. As he watched the little floaters in the water, he reached to his glass of iced tea and tried to pick it up. His hand began to shake a little too much and Ginna said, "Hey Daddy... let me help you with that..."

She went to reach for the glass to help him with it and he felt a surge of anger from her increasing desire to help him. He was old, not helpless! How long would take for her to finally see this?! He snapped, "I got it!" He slapped her hand away and turned his eyes to the glass and put his hand around it, tightened on it and lifted it out of the drink holder and brought it up to his lips and drank a bit out of it. However, his tremors caused some of the tea to spill out onto his shirt and he felt another angry growl later he shoved it back into the drink holder. He didn't meet her eyes though knowing that she wasn't entirely wrong either.

Ginna said, "Daddy, we ... need to talk about something." She glanced back towards the dirt road that went by the front of his home and found a little 4 door sedan rolling down the drive. Looks like Jenna was finally here...

"You promised me about the home. This is my home! I will NOT leave it. You try to make me leave it and I will kill myself... you hear me girl?" Jonathan said angrily as he turned his eyes back to the fishing poles. He said, "Your mother and I have lived here since 1984! She is buried right over there in case you forgot!" He pointed towards a large oak tree where a white picket fence formed a large square around two graves, one of which was filled and the other for himself when he passed. He turned towards his babygirl and said, "I am not leaving this place except in a casket!"

Ginna's eyes began to water because she missed her mom so much. She had always been able to keep him under control in her own unique way. She heard the door to a car slam shut and she stood up saying, "Daddy, Jenna is here. She has come to see you."

Jonathan smiled as he glanced back but not seeing anyone. He said, "Oh?" He loved that little girl. She reminded him so much of his wife Abby when she was young and they had first met, which ironically had been on one of his sets.

Ginna said, "I am going to go meet her Daddy. I will bring her to you. I think you have a bite Daddy." She pointed to the float in the water bobbing up and down as a fish nipped at it. Jonothan turned his attention back to the fishing forgetting his daughter as she walked up to the house to meet Jenna at the door. She wiped her eyes as she opened the door and said, "Hey baby! Thank you for coming out here..."
Jenna hadn't been to her grandfather's lake house in over a year but she had spent enough time there as a child to know it well, well enough that when she found the front door locked she reached underneath the welcome mat and retrieved the spare key which she was about to use to open the door when it finally sprang open to reveal her mother. Jenna braced herself as she greeted her mother. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see her. She loved her mom, but lately, as her own life had begun to spin a little out of control, Jenna had found it harder and harder to spend time with her mom. Anytime they were together she felt like she was lying to her mom, or that she was disappointing her. And this time was no different. She had offered to come stay with her grandfather and her mom had jumped at the offer, telling Jenna what an amazing young woman she was, what an amazing daughter, willing to take time off from college to take care of her ailing grandfather. Jenna knew the truth though, and every time her mother praised her for the decision, Jenna just felt more shame at having flunked out of college.

"Where's grandpa?" the twenty year old asked as her mom helped her carry her bags into the house and place them in one of the unused bedrooms.

"Oh, he's just out on the dock fishing, you know how he is," her mom answered. "Is this room okay for you? The back bedroom is a little larger but this one is closer to your grandfather's bedroom, so I thought..."

"It's fine, mom...definitely bigger than the dorm room," Jenna said with a smile as she sat down on the bed dressed in black yoga pants and an oversized green hoodie. "How's he doing?"

Her mom seemed to pause for just a moment before responding, "Cranky as always, but today's been a good day actually. I think he's excited about having you here." There was another long pause, and it seemed to Jenna that he mother was editing what she had been about to say before finally settling on, "I'm excited you're here too. Now I've got everything written down for you, his medication schedule, contact numbers, wi-fi password. It's all on the kitchen counter."

"Okay," Jenna answered rising from the bed and following her mother out of the bedroom and passed her grandfather's bedroom.

"He's got his cane with him right now, but some days he will need his walker," her mom explained, motioning toward the walker next to her grandfather's bed. "He also has a wheelchair in the closet if he is having a really bad day."

Her mother spent the next twenty minutes reviewing the medications with Jenna, her grandfather's schedule, and which doctor's to call if there were issues. Jenna couldn't help but notice that as she did so, her mom glanced at her watch several times.

"I got this mom, if you need to go, it's okay," Jenna assured her. "If I have any questions I'll text you."

"Are you sure, honey? I do need to get back to the city, but I want you to feel comfortable-" her mom said before Jenna cut her off.

"It's fine mom. You go do what you need to and I'll go hang out on the dock with grandpa. It'll be just like old times," she said with a smile.

Ten minutes later Jenna's mom was gone and Jenna was just stepping up behind her grandfather's chair, slipping her hands to his shoulders, "Hi grandpa, how's goes the fishing?"
Jonathon Carter sat out on the dock staring at the floaties in the water. There were 6 total. For the bulk of the time, the floaties didn't make a single ripple in the water. He was considering the idea of going ahead and reeling in all the lines and heading inside when the tip of the fishing pole in his hand began to curve. He could feel that slight pressure on the pole and he could feel something toying with the bait he had put on it.

"Come on girl... give it to Daddy..." He muttered as he watched carefully, "You know you want this treat... you know you do... come play pretty girl..."

Almost as if it was reacting to his coaxing, suddenly the floater slipped under the water and the line pulled hard causing the tip of his rod to bend towards the pressure. He gave the rod a very hard yank hoping to set the hook into the fish's mouth when the tension instantly vanished! The line and hook flew out of the water without a single piece of bait on it "Curse you!!! Blasted CURSE YOU!!!" He growled as he wound the fishing line back up onto the spool.

He fell silent once more though as a second line in the water began to bob... His set the first rod down and careful reached out to pick up the second line when he heard, "Hi Grandpa, How goes fishing?"

His head turned towards her just as the bobber fell still once again. He didn't care though, his grand daughter was here! A smile grew on his face and he said, "Jenna! No one told me you were coming! Give Grandpa a hug!"

He reached up for her and felt her press into his body with her arms around him in a tight hug. For a moment... his mind took him back to his wife, Abby. This was very much like how she hugged him too!

When they broke from the hug, he looked up at her and said, "I... Not that I don't mind at all seeing you, but what brings you here to the house?"
Jenna wasn't surprised that her Grandfather claimed not to know she was coming or why she was there. Her mom had filled her in fully regarding the memory problems he was having, in addition to his physical ailments. Though, she had been somewhat vague with respect to why the home nurse agency was no longer willing to provide services and Jenna had gotten the sense that she didn't want to go into details.

"I just needed a break from school and thought what better place to take a break than out here with my favorite guy," the twenty year old replied with a big smile. "It's a beautiful day for some fishing, huh?" she commented, turning to face out at the lake. The sun was directly over head and the day was already shaping up to be hotter than Jenna had expected.

"I think I'll run back up to the house and change into something more appropriate," she said, motioning towards the yoga pants and hoodie she was wearing. "Do you need me to bring you anything? Water? A snack?"
Jonathan smiled at her and patted her hand in a familiar familia sort of way. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it gently saying, "I am so glad you are here babygirl. You do this old heart of mine a good service."

He heard her saying she was going to run up and change again and asking for water or a snack. He said, "You know where the kitchen is babygirl if you want a snack. I am good for now."

The old man turned and watched her walk away and for a moment, let his eyes lock on the bubbly butt she bounced back and forth with each step. It was just like Abby's.

He turned back to his own problems and one at a time began to reel in each of the lines and hook them safely away, discarding any of the little remnants of bait left. He then took the rods and slid them into the side compartment on his fishing boat, then gathered up the minnow bucket and dumped the minnows out, set the minnow trap for his next time on the dock this evening. He gathered up his belongings and rather than head to the house, he walked over to the boat and crawled into it and set his cane down.

Jonathan glanced around a little nervously. He knew that those strangers that his daughter would send over to watch him like some invalid kept scolding him for trying to take his own boat out onto the water. Who were they to tell him what he could and couldn't do. He glanced up once more and saw a young woman who was familiar to him somehow walking out of the house and he tucked his head down to hide from her... just in case it was one of those mean strangers. He untethered the boat from the dock and used his case to push off a bit.

The girl had spotted him and had picked up the pace! She was calling him 'Grandpa?!' No way he was anyone's grandpa! He tried to turn the engine over again and again... only, nothing happened. He glanced at the girl reaching the boat and grabbing at the edging and pulling it back to dock! He picked his cane up and said, "Leave me alone nurse! I mean to take my boat out!" He waved that cane a bit before feeling a pain in his shoulder which caused him to wince and drop the cane... and with it, his spirit to take his boat out on the lake.