Government officials should have to give interviews

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004
Nobody disagrees that the media give politicians a lot of soft balls. We also know why they do, these people cannot be compelled to speak. I think things would be better if at least Senators are required to do at least one interview. I would prefer four as an option. You can't challenge someone you can't force people to talk. Though if I understand right these people are supposed to be public servants. I don't know about the rest of you if my boss tells me he wants a word with me 'not right now' is generally not an option. Its only an option when i have some specific task that needs to happen before a certain time. I can do one or the other but I can't do both so tell me which want.

We should have the ability to compel our 'employees' and not JUST the major three. There are still articles online, there is 'new media' out there.
Yes. And constituents should be provided bi weekly calls or conferences.
I think that would work better in some sort of online forum. I don't want them blowing up my phone. Though I agree, they should be more connected to their constituents. I bet if when Obama, then Trump, then Biden had to explain to the people of Michigan, Flint specificaly but I doubt that's the only rough shit why they didn't "add pork" a bill if you want my vote I need X money to unfuck this or that.
Sure, as government employees, they should be required to answer questions on their work product--or go to prison.