Goth Chicks

The Squid King

Spineless Tyrant
Jan 6, 2002
I just went out for like 10 minutes to the convenience store to get Iced-Tea, and I was waiting in line to pay for my drink when four Goth Girls came into the store. I didn't really pay any attention to them, but when I looked the second time, two them were checking me out and talking to each other. Now I'm not into the whole Goth lifestyle, but I admit I am attracted to girls pale white skin, dark hair and blood red lipstick, so I flash them my best smile before I turn and pay for my tea. I turn around to leave and one of the girls who was checking me out is right there. I almost bumped into her. I was looking in her eyes with red contacts in them when she asked, "Where did you get your teeth filed?" My answer came a little slowly because she was pretty hot and because I didn't exactly understand the question at first, but when I said, "They just grow that way." She perked up and then ran off to tell her friend.

I so should have got her number. I'm an asshole. Goth chicks are hot. What was I thinking?

I agree. Some are hot. Others are just plain scary though.
You fucked up bad, bro.

Don't you know that that's a textbook goth-girl pickup line?

You missed out, for real. You could be licking off her pancake makeup as we speak, had you known what was up.

Well, there's always next time.
just go to the same the same time....every night.
I am sure they will be back...

someday..... ;)
My co-worker went to a Goth party with another co-worker.

The official report was - interesting, but a very strong depressive overtone.

They might be fun to play with for an evening, but might wanna re-consider before thinking about more than a fling.

It just embraces a view of the world that I don't subscribe to.
jadedpast said:
just go to the same the same time....every night.
I am sure they will be back...

someday..... ;) already do that. That place is where I get my blunts, and my snacks for the munchies that inevitably follow. I go there like 3 or 4 times a day, always around the same time.
well then.... eventually they will come flash the pointy teeth.... they get all eyes gives ya her phone number...and you're good to go.

well unless they are not from around there. If not....I am sure they have clubs of that type around there... maybe you shall find them there.

Lets hope they don't try to convert you.
You look cute in yer suit.

There's no need for me to educate you on this-- I already told you what's up. Just be ready to pounce the next time you see her!

The Squid King said:

So educate me.

How do I pick up goth chicks just by using my naturally pointy canines? Because I can't dress in those faggy pirate shirts that those goth guys wear.

I might be able to knock them dead in my fovorite suit though...
jadedpast said:
you said you didn't want to wear poet shirts lol

For me to dress like one of those goons:

"{she would} really have to ride nice dick, know how to work her hips, and her head priceless"

Quoted from Jay-Z

I aint worried about their noir Anne Rice views of the world either.

I'll just tell them my noir life story, shit that even made my psychiatrist weep, and she supposedly heard it all.
well.... it takes one to know one.

But that....was a long time like high school lol
jadedpast said:
I like the comment hehehe

Why thank you! I think the one of the most appealing things about fucking a goth chick (beyond the obvious fun of fucking) would be putting the damage on her makeup. When the eyeliner smears, you know you've done a good job.
jadedpast said:
well.... it takes one to know one.

But that....was a long time like high school lol

Got any pictures?

If you do...

...I'll do the Harlem Shuffle for you.
superlittlegirl said:

Why thank you! I think the one of the most appealing things about fucking a goth chick (beyond the obvious fun of fucking) would be putting the damage on her makeup. When the eyeliner smears, you know you've done a good job.

yep...would look a little crow-ish
There are about seven species of goth chick, it’s inaccurate to talk about them as though they were some homogenous group. Especially considering who’s doing the talking.
Never said:
There are about seven species of goth chick, it’s inaccurate to talk about them as though they were some homogenous group. Especially considering who’s doing the talking.

Then please educate me.