Got anything for Back Pain?


Literotica Guru
May 29, 2002
Like a dumbass, I tried to carry too much at once and hurt my back. I didnt slip a disc, it feels more like a muscular pain.

The pain is at the small of my back (right where your spine connects to your hips) and I'm having a lot of trouble standing up straight as well as trouble walking.

I've already done the hot tub thing (the relief lasted for 2 hours) and I've taken 4 aleve. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

By the way, I dont own a heated blanket (already suggested).
flexeril (pill)

Flexall 454 (ointment like ben gay)

sleep flat on your back

If it's more than 4 hours after the injury, use heat but lay down.

Don't let some neighbor crack your back.

If it hurts past 2-3 days go to a doc.

Any muscle relaxer is good.
Lay on your back with a pillow under the knees.
It help to relief the pressure on your back.
Ice for the first 24-72 hours. You already blew it with the hot tub, but put the ice on it now. 20 minutes every hour or so.

Lie on your stomach and relax for a couple of minutes.

Lie on the floor and do pelvic tilts.

Ibuprofen, up to 2400 mg in a 24 hour period.

Don't lay around. Get up and walk on a flat surface at least every 3 hours for 5 minutes at a time.

If you decide on the narcs, (Vicodin, codiene, et al,) still take the Ibuprofen.

I am very knowledgeable on this as my husband fell rollerskating last week and I have thoroughly researched it. I think he is hating my guts...

"Did you do your walking, dear?"
ksmybuttons said:
Lie on your stomach and relax for a couple of minutes.

Don't do too much of this. My chiro says it puts a strain on the back and actually does more harm than good.

If you have one, use the gel freezer packs. Slip it under you when laying on your back. You might try a trip to the chiropractor. I'm guessing you might have had your lower back slip out of place and it's pinching the sciatic (sp) nerve. If you have any pain down your legs, the chiro is your best bet. Streching excercises are also good, tho slow and nothing overly strenuous. If possible, have a friend give you a backrub. It might not cure, but it'll help ease the pain and relax the muscles.
Pillow under your knees or between your legs depending on how you sleep will help you sleep tonight.

Rice *uncooked* in a clean sock and sewn up is a good sub for a hot pack. Heat the sock/rice in the microwave and it's just as good.
Secret Pleasure said:
Pillow under your knees or between your legs depending on how you sleep will help you sleep tonight.

Rice *uncooked* in a clean sock and sewn up is a good sub for a hot pack. Heat the sock/rice in the microwave and it's just as good.

ah, SP does it hurt YOUR back being up there on that
giant X...
After three back operations and years of pain and discomfort, my advice is to ignore the advice here and see a doctor if it still hurts Monday.

Back pain can be caused by many different things, and some of the above remedies could make it worse.

Go to for generic advice from real doctors.
Salonpas patch's work good for muscular aches. They're an analgesic similar to Ben-Gay, ect. :rose:
Thank you all for the advice. This got more responses than I thought it would =)