Got any great plans???

My little brother is coming up to visit. I love kids. I'm excited. He's 12. He's already asked me for alcohol. I didn't give him any and I believe I've lost my cool status.
V8 supercars Bathurst 1000 50th anniversary race is on!
I'm watching qualifying and top 10 shootout today, and the race is tomorrow :)
I'm picking up my cat from the vet, eating lobster, drinking champagne and burning mortgage papers.
Cleaning some around the house and doing laundry. Fun, fun.
Working my regular job Saturday & Sunday night, harvesting soybeans during the day.

Sleep is for people with only 1 full time job I guess...
I'm picking up my cat from the vet, eating lobster, drinking champagne and burning mortgage papers.

That's wonderful. I look forward to destroying mortgage papers myself... in about twenty years. :rolleyes:

My weekend? Going to break in my new chainsaw and take down those damn crab apple trees whose roots are clogging up my sewer line. And getting my furnace repaired; an easy fix according to the service guy.

Life is good this weekend. :)
hopefully going out for dinner & movies with a guy pal.
i could do with a night out.
Harvesting green beans, and learning how to make vids for YOUTUBE. Bought lumber to make a planter box.
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i'm going to a lame oktoberfest today. with 4 little kids :(

workout this morn, anniv dinner with the wife tonite, soccer game tomorrow, work a couple of hours.
might be going out this evening but only to the local pub for a drink and a bite to eat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky.

That made me happy. I'm gonna get up off my ass here as soon as I can get the gumption and go make pancakes for a fat kid. Then we're gonna go hiking up to the pond where I saw a bunch of tadpoles a couple months ago and looks for snakes because he loves him some motherfucking snakes and I know there's a natural clay bed down there. The coal run-off is kind of fucking it up, so I'm thinking maybe we can catch a green snake or something and try to save it from mutation. I've got a whole reptile kit. I dunno though, I feel kinda bad about that because it's kind of like a snakey prison. Like, we're gonna take you from your woods and put you in a tank and expect you to love us type deal.