gop's plan to keep women barefoot and pregnant dangerous to American economy, increasing poverty


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

Eliminating the right to access abortion services “would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades,” Yellen told lawmakers during a Senate Banking Committee hearing, responding to a question from Democratic Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey about the economic impact of an abortion ban.

Economic research, she added, suggested such a move would increase poverty levels for women and hurt the future earnings of children.
s.c rep tim scott found her comment 'piercing' (that old play on shrewishness), to which she replied
she didn’t mean to sound harsh but was speaking to the economic realities for women and children.
The Taliban’s Afghanistan is the blueprint for Republican AmeriKKKa. It is time to DIVIDE the country! Give the trailer trash their own Christian country and fuck them to hell. Sick and tired of this shit.
Most women seeking abortion are living below the poverty line. The G00P loves keeping the poor on the government dime.
Most have kids already and have abortions in the first trimester
but but but it's im-por-tant to keep that chain of domestic supply viable
Yes, both Alito and Barrett have argued for increasing the domestic supply of babies.

The "leak" from the Supreme Court has allowed the public to view the violation of the 14th Amendment in real time. Alito will now be forced to scrub at least two of his footnotes from the decision, but the GOP's attempts to control of women will remain.
Jesus. She moved to the very epicenter of barefoot and pregnant women...

Talk about the hypocrisy of foreigners.

Jesus. She moved to the very epicenter of barefoot and pregnant women...

Talk about the hypocrisy of foreigners.



womp womp