The fucking GOP is on tv again whining that all Americans oughta pay some income taxes, that the rich carry everyone. WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!

Bull shit. A few get most of the money.

Maybe what we oughta do is tax the fuck outta all the folks and companies who get government money in wheelbarrows. Perfessers. Banks. Hospitals. Green energy. GM/Chrysler.Tobacco farmers.

The goddamn neocons oughta go back to the Democrat Party.
RINO. You say that a lot. What makes you think you get to decide what a Republican is and isn't?
The fucking GOP is on tv again whining that all Americans oughta pay some income taxes, that the rich carry everyone. WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!

Bull shit. A few get most of the money.

Maybe what we oughta do is tax the fuck outta all the folks and companies who get government money in wheelbarrows. Perfessers. Banks. Hospitals. Green energy. GM/Chrysler.Tobacco farmers.

The goddamn neocons oughta go back to the Democrat Party.

Not sure what this has to do with RINOs, including RINO-in-Chief Mitt Romney.
I am amused that the media keep saying Romney is moving to the center. If he is, it's from the left.
It's funny that those who complain the most vociferously about RINOS, are members of the fascist wing of the GOP. It's almost as if they want the GOP to collapse.

Hmmm.... could be a great Democratic Party conspiracy; putting spokesmen like JBJ, Vette, Miles, Ish, BB... out in front as the spokesnuts for the GOP.

You can say whatever you want. If it matters is up to the rest of us.

"the rest of us"?

That's funny...

...what you actually mean is "those who agree with me".

Quit flattering yourself, squirrel...

...that you're anything more than simple wormfood - just like every other individual that's ever lived.
"the rest of us"?

That's funny...

...what you actually mean is "those who agree with me".

Quit flattering yourself, squirrel...

...that you're anything more than simple wormfood - just like every other individual that's ever lived.
Did I say "up to me"?

Well, no.

So nice try.