

Jul 29, 2002
Leaving for work. See you all later.


okay, it wasn't that funny, but I had to start a stupid thread because it's been a while.

:( :( :( BG Mma Has Left The Building:eek: :eek: :eek:

Just got home from work myself. So you enjoy your day.
You haven't changed a bit, just the same lovely M'ma. Put ya feet up......cuppa tea?

(feeling nurturing tonight) :D
BgMma99 said:
Leaving for work. See you all later.


okay, it wasn't that funny, but I had to start a stupid thread because it's been a while.


Have you taken lessons from Bluesboy, or is it the other way around?
Tea would be lovely!

And yeah, BB2 and I have done a lot of talking.....hee hee!
I meant that you shared a similar sense of humor. Anything else I don't need to know about. :D

You would probably faint if I told you anyway!!

Har har har har har.

Lord, I hope he doesn't see this!:D
BgMma99 said:
You would probably faint if I told you anyway!!...

Oh honey, don't worry... *laughing* Would it help if I said I was ------fill in the blank ---- than him???? It's all in the name of fun!

We have an arrangement (note my title please) that seems to work well.

Have fun! (I love your hair btw. It's truly beautiful and that color, OMG!)
hi bgmama, you back from work? want some beef in chocolate sauce? ;)
Beef in chocolate sauce? Hmmm, if it's what I think you are talking about, then I am all for it~:D

Hey there, Gusty. Thank you, honey. You are too sweet.:kiss:
Yes, she is pretty naughty.....and I like it!

I had a LONG day at work since I pulled a double shift, but hey, I need the money anyway.:kiss:

You are too too perceptive. Yup, that's who I meant. Belly Boy. Oh oops, did I say dat?

Hi Gusty Person!

Mia, after her first alcoholic drink in 6 months :D
BELLY BOY! We have a new nick for him!! Aww, that was cute, too!

I would gladly rob a bank today to have an entire weekend filled with SC. hee hee....I am bad, I know.

First one, eh? Better be careful......:kiss: