Good morning General Board!!!

Jesus fucking A-hole, you mean people wake up with the general board jacked into their pie hole USB port and wish the virtual neighbourhood bloody good morning?

So much is wrong with that. Not to mention that the planet is spherical, so it's not morning everywhere according to Copernicus, but maybe that news hasn't reach Podunk, Maine yet.
God, I love bots programmed make ~27,000 posts in 18 months on a website that was once sort of about the fine art of creative writing in complete sentences longer than 5 words.

I guess Lit is now more about a stream of comatose than consciousness. Fitting, indeed, for our new spread the wealth around equality world. The English language had way too fucking many words and rules for the sloths to remember, and that's not equitable.

Hapi mrning sun work fun good yeah Luv u, L

bi bi :)
Whatever happens here stays here, so there is no morning anywhere else. The rest of you 3rd world losers get Chinese knock-off mornings, definitely not as good as American mornings.
Honey, say "good morning" to all the General Board forum members.
