Good hotwife romance stories / erotic romance stories told from the male POV?


Aug 9, 2022
Most of the hotwife stories I find are shorter stroke stories. Nothing wrong with that, but I like a longer story that emotionally engages me by connecting me with the characters. I was wondering if there are longer stories about a hotwife couple? Ideally told from the man's PoV. Bonus points if they are sci-fi or fantasy.

Some stories (not necessarily hotwife) that I've enjoyed are Westrons, The Lab Bunny Experiment, and Willing Slave, Unwilling Master.
Lots of stories in the story section, they even have a label of "loving wives"

Go to the story section and start doing searches, which is at the bottom of the story page
There doesn't seem to be a good way to filter by POV or by longer stories. A lot are cuckold, cheating, or BTB