Good girl and her bad boy [Closed for Me15]


RP Enjoyment
Oct 23, 2006
-Leo a kid growing up on the wrong side of town bandana in his head blonde strands showing form beneath his eyes a shimmering blue and his clothes of black and red punkish style nothing ripped a tee shirt and a pair of jeans the jeans blue his tee shirt black and red design a pair of converse as he looked around talking with his boys they watched these 'sluts' pass by them they hoot and holler his boys would grab ass and sometimes get random girl to sleep with them but one girl was walking and Zack couldn't keep his eyes off-
i hated it when the guys did that. i had higher standerds... ish. i had a boyfriend, and i didnt want to be a cheater, no matter how much i like the punk look.
-Not only was this one girl walking she looked lost and alone Leo bit his lip and walked across the street holding his boys off.-"Excuse me you need help."-Said Leo his eyes burning bright and true.-
'i was surprised when one of them actually spoke to me.' i was about to reply when my phone rang.
"hey, stacey! whats up?" why was stacey, my ex-bestfriend, calling? she almost never talked to me.
[look, hope, please dont be mad at me. kyle came over to my house and, well, he fucked me. im so sorry, i didnt expect it.]
-i dropped my phone. i quickly picked it up and called kyle, my boyfriend.-
[hey baby, whats up?] the nerve of him!
"we. are. over." in my anger, i threw my phone. just my luck, it hit the side of a building and broke to peices.
-Leo bit his lip.-"um...."-He rushed over and picked it up for her.-"Like i said do you need help?"-He asked as he handed her the three pieces.-
"sure, i was staying at kyles house, but since that asshole is out of my life, do you mind if i stay with you?"
'god hes so fucking hot.....'
i took the peices to my phone, knowing im going to have to get a new one.
"Sure i mean do you need clothes or anything? what about home?"-He asked as he began walking with her. Sure he had a punish look to him but how bad could the guy be.-
"Oh, my parents dont care. Besides, i can manage. 'And by the looks of you, i wont be needing my clothes tonight' i was lucky he cant read minds!
-He shrugs.-"Ok then...Come on."-He walked with her through the bad looking neighborhood. The brick buildings absorbing the light instead of reflecting it as it got darker.They reached his home and open the door with a key as they went in and up the stairs.-"Here it is Apartment 4H"-He walked in the apartment was fixed up rather nice for a dump. He showed her the small apartment bathroom,one bedroom, a kitchen and living room.-"Sorry it isn't much...i see the way your dressed you have to have a lot of money."-He chuckled.-
I looked at what i was wearing, yes, it was expensive, but i realized what he was laughing at. My nipples were sticking right up through the fabric. Fuck.
"Uh, yeah." I turned beat red. How embarassing...
-I didn't notice the nipples till she looked down and i looked i didn't mention it.-"So...tell me more about your self."
"Well, i dont really believe that theres such a thing as chance, and i tend to hide the person i really am. I love most things that other girls hate. I do especially like bad boys." I winked, hoping he got it, only to find he wasnt even looking at me.
-Leo bit his lip as he herd that then turned.-"So you like bad boys?.....does That make you a goodie to shoes rich girl?"-he chuckled reading about these relationships in stories-
"No, i just not known for being the badass i want to be." I stepped in front of him, making him stop right in front of me.
-Leo got a good look in her eyes they burned bright and he wrapped his arms around her.-"do you want to show me whatyour bad girl looks like?"
"Do please." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and stepped closer.
-Leon ran his hands up her body slowly and kissed over he neck.-"Tell me what your into...what do you fantasize about."-he said one hand cupped a breast while the other her ass a she nibbled her neck.-
I moaned louder than i expected. But who cared?
"Oh, you know... oh yes... Being taken gently at first, then rough... mmmm that feels good.."
-Leo smiled and whispered to her ear.-"So let's do that first."-He said and grinds in to her and removed her top first with her bra. His kissed traveling her neck and rubbed her breasts softly giving them a squeeze.-
"Oh yes! That feels amazing! Dont stop!"
I startdd breathing fastef, not wanting it to end.
-Leo smiled as he stop a moment but then remove your skirt and panties Leo strips as well as he put Hope's back to his chest kissing your neck as he rubs hey breasts squeezing them and playing with your nipples. Leo grinds slowly against her ass groaning in her ear.-"You like that?"
"Oh yes! Yes!"
My breathing came in short gasps as i felt his cock on my ass. I started pushing my ass against him, wanting him in me.
-I groan and moan as i whisper in your ear.-"Why don't you turn can suck me off if you want me that bad?"
I spun faster than i thought humanly possible. I got on my knees, and took his cock in my hand while the other starting weighing his balls.
"Have you ever measured your cock?"
I asked that before i started suckng his hard shaft hungrily while still looking up at him.
-Leon groaned as he looked to her eyes.-"Only once last i saw it was about 10 inches."-Leon held her head softly groaning as she sucked on him.-