Going to hop in the shower

Purrde Flower

I see you!
Jul 18, 2002
If you can make it to my house in the next 40 minutes (time I will be in the shower aproximately) your welcome to join!
hopping in the shower sounds dangerous. one of my cousins once fell in the shower and broke her tailbone.
Purrde Flower said:
If you can make it to my house in the next 40 minutes (time I will be in the shower aproximately) your welcome to join!

What do you do for the last, say, 38 minutes of it? Slowshave? Sit down and read?

Just curious, as usual.:D
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Mmmm....a forty minute shower sounds SO nice....

yes it does-specially since its freakin 60 below zero here-tak about nipply, jeezuz itscold.:eek:
Purrde Flower said:
If you can make it to my house in the next 40 minutes (time I will be in the shower aproximately) your welcome to join!

Those handheld shower massagers are really better than a vibrator aren't they!:D
Ahh.. I love hot showers! It has a way of relaxing you. I actually just like to lean against the shower walls and let the heat hit my skin. It feels sooo good. Then of course there is the shaving to be done.. Washing my hair a few times..