God! I sicken me.

Sounds like The Mid-term Blues to me.

I prescribe movie of your choice, a pizza and beverage of your choice. A little escape into another world for a few........
Okay... reassessing treatment......

one moment please......
Clean your room. Seriously. You'll feel better about yourself and be better equipped to face the dirty world outside.
I know one cure for that particular illness ...and I believe you know what I'm taking about ;)
CelestialBody said:
My room smells like the pizza I had last night, my desk is littered with diet pepsi cans, and I have a huge fucking headache. :(

coffee, advil, sunshine.

take once daily.
My mom has been in the same funk for over three years.. but she is disabled (more in the mind than in the body) and depressed.

CB, We all get to the point that we don't want to do anything but sit around.. it shouldn't last long. If it does then you need to seriously think about seeing a dr. Depression (especially during the winter) is very common.. and very easily treatable.

How long has it been going on? A day or two is ok.. after that you want to get some help. Ignoring it won't help.. trust me.

Hope you get to feeling better soon

I've felt similar for, oh maybe a few years now. And It get's harder to break out of it the more you isolate. I say that to maybe motivate you hopefully not scare you. :eek:Could you try some small steps? Break things down into smaller projects and give yourself time in between. Good luck. I'm sorry you are feeling this way.
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Pull yourself together woman! Go take a shower if you haven't done so already, put on some clean clothes, and go take the trash out. And air this place out! Smells like somebody died in here!

CelestialBody said:
Ever get to the point where you don't want to go outdoors. The thought of leaving your home makes you ill? Your sleep pattern gets fucked up, food makes you nauseous, and as much as you love your classes, you just don't want to go? The feeling is overwhelming me right now. I'm sitting in a room with trash that really needs to be taken out and books that need to be read and wonder why the hell I'm doing this.

You've been at Lit a long time, and this doesn't sound like you at all. Not the normal you, anyway. If it is depression, you can kick it if you go talk to someone for help.
Sounds like a case of minor depression to me. Go talk to someone for sure.
Your room sounds rather neat compared to mine. I have fleas, rats, dead mice and green stuff with legs. Does that make you feel better?
I totally know what you're feeling. Absolutely, 100%, know. I have been that way in past winters. This winter, I can feel myself getting in the funk, but I'm trying to fight it. Circumstances aren't helping things, but I'm slowly trying to get there.

Everyone says there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but right now I don't even know where the fucking tunnel is.
Honestly, I've been a little afraid to open this thread CB. ;)

Your friend is a keeper. It's all uphill from here.