God Given Ass


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
Ziggy, of course

But who else do you think has a God Given Ass?


Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we was voodoo
The kids was just crass. He was the nazz
With God given ass
He took it all too far, but boy could he play guitar

-- David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust)
Re: Re: God Given Ass

JerseyBoy said:
you mean besides Caly? hmm...

I know for damn sure I'm not the only one with a God Given Ass...though I think mine is from the Goddess. ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: God Given Ass

calypso_21 said:
You are right :p ...and it looks nothing like my av.

I hope not, your av has teeth. The tongue wouldn't bother me. I bet your starfish is yummy.