Gmail question


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
When you write a new e-mail and type the first letter of the person you want to send it to you get a drop down menu of everybody you have ever e-mailed with that letter. Is there a way to clear that? I looked all over the place and can't figure it out. There are some names I don't want to see again. Thank you!:rose:
When you write a new e-mail and type the first letter of the person you want to send it to you get a drop down menu of everybody you have ever e-mailed with that letter. Is there a way to clear that? I looked all over the place and can't figure it out. There are some names I don't want to see again. Thank you!:rose:

I've no idea, but I was just wondering if you sent off an unintended email by pushing the wrong name on the drop down menu? Have you tried deleting the contact?
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I've no idea, but I was just wondering if you sent off an I intended email by pushing the wrong name on the drop down menu? Have you tried deleting the contact?

All the contacts are deleted but it is still in that drop down menu. No, thank goodness, I have never clicked the wrong person before.
I just read in the Secret thread how some woman sent off a naughty vid of herself in a PM from the Lit drop down the wrong person.
Have you deleted their PM's too? Maybe that's keeping their info in your secret files.
You need to delete all previous emails to that person, as well as the contact.
If you have a saved email it will keep coming up.
Well Dang who has time to go through all those to find out where his are.

JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!:eek:
I just read in the Secret thread how some woman sent off a naughty vid of herself in a PM from the Lit drop down the wrong person.

That would be terrible. Hey don't know me - Surprise!!!
It'll be refreshing to let go of that burden.

I seriously can't figure it out because some of the names I know I don't have anything saved from. Maybe I don't know how to get to all the contacts. I thought it was just the bar on the left that lists them so you can chat. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it and ask my friend to change her name. Seriously, married 25 years next week. If there was cock somewhere in my inbox I would know it. LOL
All the contacts are deleted but it is still in that drop down menu. No, thank goodness, I have never clicked the wrong person before.

If they show up in the drop down menu, they are not deleted.

Highlight the person's name on your contact list and click on "contact details". The "more" drop down menu will let you delete the contact and it will not appear in the email address window.
If they show up in the drop down menu, they are not deleted.

Highlight the person's name on your contact list and click on "contact details". The "more" drop down menu will let you delete the contact and it will not appear in the email address window.

The thing is I don't see them on my contact list to highlight them. Thanks though. I will try to see if there are more some how?
I know on yahoo, I can't access as much info from my iPad as I can on my laptop. I've no idea why, I don't ponder it much.

I found this, hon. I don't know if it'll work or not, but...

To fix this you have to remove the addresses that are no longer needed by going to “Contacts” and find the mistyped or deprecated email address from one of the “Most Contacted” or “Other Contacts” categories and delete them by selecting them and clicking on Delete contact under the “More actions” drop-down menu.

If you mistakenly remove some contacts that you didn’t mean to, don’t worry there is a way to undo this, you can easily restore your contacts list to its previous saved status by going to “Contacts” and choosing “Restore contacts” from the “More actions” drop-down menu.
You will also need to delete any emails that were sent 'CC' to this person's addy.
I hate when people do that.... CC means not only can everyone see your address, but then your gmail will recognise those addresses too.
I just read in the Secret thread how some woman sent off a naughty vid of herself in a PM from the Lit drop down the wrong person.

Yeah, that's why all my naughty pictures are now entitled Zgoodlittlewitch so they no longer show up as the first or default pictures in a file.

Uh. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything. :eek:
Yeah, that's why all my naughty pictures are now entitled Zgoodlittlewitch so they no longer show up as the first or default pictures in a file.

Uh. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything. :eek:

I wish the zgoodlittlewitch would post in the boobie thread.
Me or my boobies?

You post your boobies. Here's how I picture you. You have an hour glass figure and long blonde hair. Is it the witch costume that made me think that?

And little feet.