Glass sex toys and boners


Literotica Guru
Jun 22, 2002
I believe glass sex toys are a relatively recent invention.

There are many words the are used to describe an erect penis: boner, woody, steel, rock hard, etc. However, I've never heard anyone use "hard as glass".

Do you thing that the advent of glass sex toys will slowly bring "hard as glass" into the descriptive lexicon of the male sex organ?
Maybe if you start writing the term into your stories it will catch on.
More likely smooth as glass. As in "The skin of his cock was smooth as glass."

Hard glass after all breaks easily not a thought any guy wants attached to his dick. Shudder.
I'm going to start using the phrase "Morning Glass" and see what happens.

There could also be a new innuendo when someone says "blown Glass"
I believe glass sex toys are a relatively recent invention.

There are many words the are used to describe an erect penis: boner, woody, steel, rock hard, etc. However, I've never heard anyone use "hard as glass".

Do you thing that the advent of glass sex toys will slowly bring "hard as glass" into the descriptive lexicon of the male sex organ?

I very much doubt glass sex toys are that recent invention. The Phoenicians were making glass a very long time ago and glass windows have been found in the ruins of Pompeii that was destroyed about 80 CE.

We know the Romans had Ivory sex toys and perhaps some made from other things too, such as glass.

My wife is a Lamp Worker and makes various things from glass and a torch. While she is the expert I have, through propinquity, learned a bit. When made from a good quality glass, toys are very sturdy and with care will last a long time. Yes they will break if dropped on a hard surface or struck against each other. I know this for sure since I broke one of her favorites when I allowed two to hit each other.

The best and the only type of glass that should be used in a sex toy is Boro Silicate also known as Pyrex. One finished the toy should be immediately placed in a kiln and the temp. slowly brought down from the 1500 F to almost room temp. This prevents small almost invisible fractures and internal stresses to develop that will make the toy more likely to break unexpectedly. This is the reason I would never buy any glass toy that is made in China, despite what the label may say, and honestly I am not likely to purchase on that is made in the U.S. ether.

There are too many good American Lamp Worker / Flame Workers out there to buy cheaply made crap. Spend the extra bucks and be much safer. Many of the Lamp Workers will also make toys to your order. Pyrex glass is fairly expensive especially if you want colored glass.

One of the advantages of glass is it is non porous and can be cleaned in your dish washer or by putting it in a pan of cold water bring it to the boil and let it cool to room temp. now you can use last nights anal toy where ever else you desire today safely.

No I am not pimping my wife's toys. Today she mostly makes glass beads in soft glass because of the limitations of her torch.

I really like using glass toys. The one thing I will not do is use glass in her ass and her pussy at the same time. The idea of the hard glass pressing pressing against another very hard toy separated only by that thin piece of membrane sounds like a good way to do some damage.

Some of my thoughts on glass toys.

Master left out one important point. If you love your glass toys, please don't drop them one on the other. :eek:

The good news is, they can be repaired. (and he could be forgiven LOL)

The most important thing to note is that if it's really cheap, it's REALLY cheap! I think many glass artists over-price themselves ($300 is more than a bit much, IMO), but neither should they sell themselves on the cheap. Clear boro is quite inexpensive in raw rod form. Colors are significantly more expensive, plus you have to consider fuel costs to keep the torch burning and the kiln running. At least $100 is reasonable, in my mind. The more colors/techniques, the more time and resources have been put into your piece. Please, please respect the artists who have created your fun times. :rose:

Beyond that, I respectfully disagree with Himself. I think glass toys are relatively recent simply because boro glass is "new" in the grand scheme of things. Soft glass could certainly be shaped into a fun toy, BUT it would very likely shatter during cooling without a modern annealing kiln.

I know, we've both kind of geeked out on the technicalities (he's paid attention!) but this is important stuff! I'm horrified by cheap Chinese knockoffs that are potentially quite dangerous.
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Not so recent.
The Romans and even the ancient Egyptians had them. See here.
That's beautiful.

It's only three inches long, though.

Phallic flasks and jugs are not necessarily sex toys in the sense of "insert and holler Hallelujah." Fun to drink out of though!
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I'm absolutely delighted to learn that glass toys are ancient! I might just have to make one and submit it for an SCA Arts & Sciences project! :D

I had to wander through my photo archives to find my toy pix. There were both hand made by me from Kimax borosilicate glass. My torch isn't really hot enough for large rod work (starting diameter 1.5") so I quit making them after a half-dozen or so. The "field testing" was my favorite part.


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Glass is a magnificent material. I have often wanted to work in glass, but I have become wise enough to know, I'd burn something important if I was around dangerous flames.:eek: (Pipe lighters excepted.:))

DS, on the lower toy, what is the approx length of the shaft between the two knobs? It looks like it wold be about 3-4"?
Glass is a magnificent material. I have often wanted to work in glass, but I have become wise enough to know, I'd burn something important if I was around dangerous flames.:eek: (Pipe lighters excepted.:))

DS, on the lower toy, what is the approx length of the shaft between the two knobs? It looks like it wold be about 3-4"?

The short side is just under 3", the long side is about 5"

P.S. The official lampworker's T-shirt says "Glass: You will get cut, you will get burned" :D
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I'm absolutely delighted to learn that glass toys are ancient! I might just have to make one and submit it for an SCA Arts & Sciences project! :D

Lol, it does amaze me how many SCA folks I keep finding here on site. My Lady wife and I have been active in the U-haul camping insanity since 1999 for me and about 94 for her.

She said that she would love to be there to see the face of the A&S crat when you enter it.:D:D

M.S.Tarot (Muirghein Sebastian Tarot, of house NOVA)
Lol, it does amaze me how many SCA folks I keep finding here on site. My Lady wife and I have been active in the U-haul camping insanity since 1999 for me and about 94 for her.

She said that she would love to be there to see the face of the A&S crat when you enter it.:D:D

M.S.Tarot (Muirghein Sebastian Tarot, of house NOVA)


Well, it works perfectly as an offshoot of another project I'm considering. I got to visit the Corning Museum of Glass this summer. One of the objects in the medieval glass section was a nifty pairing of two large and two small reliquaries which were basically footed test tube shapes with pretty silver caps, containing teeth, hair, and/or bones of reputed saints. I really REALLY want to recreate one, and use a preserved possum penis just for giggles.

Let me know if you ever head to Estrella War! :)
I'm absolutely delighted to learn that glass toys are ancient! I might just have to make one and submit it for an SCA Arts & Sciences project! :D

I had to wander through my photo archives to find my toy pix. There were both hand made by me from Kimax borosilicate glass. My torch isn't really hot enough for large rod work (starting diameter 1.5") so I quit making them after a half-dozen or so. The "field testing" was my favorite part.



They look good. I know my wife loves the one I got her. (also borosilicate pyrex)
I usually take glass as fiber glass. Now when I watch drag racing and they talk about glass, meaning the carbon fiber parts of the race cars I'll be thinking of dicks....Thanks....thanks a fucking lot !!! :D
Hemi under glass...Plymouth Baracuda that did wheel stands, OK a dick standing. Funny cars, entire body made of "glass" also know as fabulous floppers. I think I'll stick to wood when referencing dicks LOL.
So I Have To Brag

Our present Baron (in the SCA) is an awesome 'rocket scientist' by day (metallurgical stuff that's wayyyy over my head). This is a pic of part of the LADEE that just got shot into space, which he helped to design. That blue & white sticker in the middle? That the heraldic device for our Barony (Twin Moons). We're going to the moon!


  • Baronial Ladee.jpg
    Baronial Ladee.jpg
    62.7 KB · Views: 16
The official lampworker's T-shirt says "Glass: You will get cut, you will get burned" :D

Where do I get me one of those? ;)

We should start a glass art thread! I've had a few gentleman tell me I ought to torch some toys; I had to explain that I work in soft glass and how that would be bad :)
Where do I get me one of those? ;)

We should start a glass art thread! I've had a few gentleman tell me I ought to torch some toys; I had to explain that I work in soft glass and how that would be bad :)

I think it's somewhere on CafePress? I almost tackled one of the boro boys at a Tucson show, but he was too skinny to make it worthwhile anyway. ;)

You just got me thinking...soft glass marbles would make reasonable ben-wa balls. :cattail:
Where do I get me one of those? ;)

We should start a glass art thread! I've had a few gentleman tell me I ought to torch some toys; I had to explain that I work in soft glass and how that would be bad :)

You could, of course, start a glass work thread, but there is a Crafty Litsters thread in the BDSM Cafe. Here is a link.

I have not looked at everything, but I have not seen any lamp work as far as I remember and I am a little surprised there in almost no chain mail posted ether, sorry that is my thing..

Desert Slave says she know of a couple of glass artists here n Lit. so perhaps a thread of your own may work.

Glass is most well-known for breaking. Not a feature people want to use to describe a cock. Having a glass jaw isn't a good thing. Living in a glass house means you shouldn't be throwing stuff. I doubt people it'll catch on.
Glass is most well-known for breaking. Not a feature people want to use to describe a cock. Having a glass jaw isn't a good thing. Living in a glass house means you shouldn't be throwing stuff. I doubt people it'll catch on.

Respectfully, you're a bit behind the times. Glass toys have had a thriving business for over 15 years. There was a very successful market for them on Ebay until they got all uptight. The Chinese are copying them, cheaply, which is a sure sign of success. :rolleyes:

Also, consider Gorilla Glass, Corning's latest brainchild. It's thin, flexible, and incredibly strong. A Gorilla Glass house would likely pelt the stones right back at you. ;)
Lol, it does amaze me how many SCA folks I keep finding here on site. My Lady wife and I have been active in the U-haul camping insanity since 1999 for me and about 94 for her.

I myself was pretty active in the SCA from about 1995 to about 2002, and still have a lot of friends who are into it. I went to an event a couple of years ago, though, and found out that the vibe had changed ... or maybe I just didn't know as many people, and felt a bit left out. Haven't been back since, but if I were invited, I'd go just to check it out again. I wonder if I ever met you or you wife or desertslave at one of those things?

I was told that the earlier days of the SCA were a lot randier. (The joke was that SCA stood for "Society for Consenting Adults.") But it was strictly family oriented stuff by the time I got there. All the same, SCA people and Lit people do seem to share a common fantasy, of creating a world more hospitable and beautiful than the one they happen to be stuck in in mundane life.

She said that she would love to be there to see the face of the A&S crat when you enter it.:D:D[/QUOTE]

I met all kinds of people at those events, from fundamentalists to libertines. I'm thinking that it would purely be the luck of the draw to see who showed up to judge the competition. But If your documentation was sound, I bet even the fundies would have to cut you some slack.
Also, consider Gorilla Glass, Corning's latest brainchild. It's thin, flexible, and incredibly strong.

Corning's latest brainchild? Hell no that noting more then transparent aluminum. They've ripped off Star Trek is what they have done!

The Federation should sue... or maybe Montgomery Scott.
I myself was pretty active in the SCA from about 1995 to about 2002, I wonder if I ever met you or you wife or desertslave at one of those things?

I was told that the earlier days of the SCA were a lot randier. (The joke was that SCA stood for "Society for Consenting Adults.") But it was strictly family oriented stuff by the time I got there.

To have met me you would have had to either go to an event in a state that touches Alabama, (Gulf wars, Foolswar, Borderraids, Christmas revel ect.) or to have met my wife Pennsics in 96. We were members of Klan Confused, House Nova, and in my wifes case "House Vonder Morginstern"

I have seen a few changes in the events like you mention but for the most part it always seemed to me to depend on the make up of the people that showed up. If it was parents with kids then it was a family friendly event. If the kids got left with grandma for the week end then it was a frat party.
