glammy pants

I've heard that, a lot this evening, as a matter of fact.

It's lovely to see you... and them.
why thank you ducky one.

all goes well in the land perky i hope?
I'm missing my Pants, but other than that, s'ok. I'm missing several some Newjorkers too. Isay come visit me instead!!!
if i wasnt afraid my landlord would rent out my place to someone who would atually give him money id so be there~squatters rights and all.
heh :))

make CC and Flirty bring you food. ;)


you know, tighty whities, just don't look bad on that guy.
wait, licking the armpit? Is this something I need to know about?
glamorilla said:
oh yesss...

its a pit stop to the nipple.

you know, I always learn new things from you.

thanks, sugah.
*Speechless* but I'm pretty sure my jaw is hanging open uncontrollably :D

Gawd those are hot pics glam.