Glam come here

how come all the breeders assume the homos all know and love rocky and wanna be frankenfurter.
paganangel said:
how come all the breeders assume the homos all know and love rocky and wanna be frankenfurter.
I take it you are referring to me. First off I don't assume these things. Glam is a fun person with a great sense of humor. That is why I posted the RH pics. I thought he might get a kick out of it. I did not mean to be hurtful or demeaning at all. I posted the Rocky pic in reference to glam saying

To be honest it did not occur to me til he said that.

Lighten up dude.
bad kitty said:
I take it you are referring to me. First off I don't assume these things. Glam is a fun person with a great sense of humor. That is why I posted the RH pics. I thought he might get a kick out of it. I did not mean to be hurtful or demeaning at all. I posted the Rocky pic in reference to glam saying To be honest it did not occur to me til he said that.

Lighten up dude.
me lighten up?

the kettle're black.
islandman said:
So, if Long Dong Silver knocked at your door, you'd turn him down?

he's no more special than any other man and gets no discount.
Re: Re: Glam come here

islandman said:
You give in too easily.
If I really upset anyone then it was one to many. Plus I am very sick with the flu and kinda sensitive. The one person I wanted to share it with saw it so I guess that was enough. Back to my cave now.
bad kitty said:
Care to explain cause you have totally lost me.
i mean no one was offended and if they were they are dicks. i was just making fun of you, that' all.