give some wife gangrape stories




Give readers some hard wife gangrape stories, in which she is tortured and raped brutally in front of her husband and her husband just enjoys it, she was raped by morethan 20 males in single night, and after that she become the hard slut who only loves gangrapes.

A suggestion for you:

Why don't you 'set the scene' by being the husband and describing yourself a bit, the house-etc where it takes place and perhaps a bit of background about why he'd enjoy watching her be tortured and gangbanged then turned into a hard core slut and perhaps pain slut too.
Gina Caroza stood 5'8 and weighed 122 lbs. She was beautiful with short black hair, dark brown eyes and a wonderful olive colored skin. Her breasts were large and adored by her husband Vinnie. They had been married for three years but had met at Catholic school five years ealier.

Vinnie was a big man and worked in construction. He was too proud and wouldn't let Gina get a job. He was the provided and "no wife of his was going to work". Instead Gina focussed her time on making clothes, keeping the house, cooking and pleasing Vinnie.,

Vinnie liked to show off Gina in town. As far as he was concerned he got to marry the best chic in town. He encouraged her to wear sultry and revealling clothes that attracted more attention than she liked.

Truth was that Gina didn't like the limelight. She was shy and timid. But she'd do anything for Vinnie her man.

Her life changed forever one Friday, when a man knocked at her door....


When you open the door a man's standing there nearly filling it all the way to the top and side to side. He's the biggest person you've ever seen.

His nose had been broken and not set properly so it showed. There were a few scars on his face and his dark eyes were shadowed by a broad forehead. He has a five o'clock shadow even thought it's just after noon time.

He looks down at you and says, "My name is Vito. I'm here to see Vincent. Is he home?"

When you ask, "No, he's at work can I give him a message?"

He replies, "Yeah ya can. Tell him Mr. Canelli wants his payment by tomorrow or I'll be back to collect the loan in a very painful way."

"Loan? What loan?"

"Your husband borrowed $5,000 from Mr. Canelli. He's two weeks behind in his payments. Either he comes up with 500. by tomorrow or I'll be back to remind him of his debts in a pain way."

Then he pauses and seems to really look at you for the first time. His eyes take in your face and very slowly move down your body. Your dress, since you were going to meet Vinnie for a late lunch it's one you chose for him and is one Vinny chose, hints and reveals almost as much as it covers.

He's obviously stripping you with his eyes. He looks at the revealed tops of your lush breasts and the deep cleavage. His eyes note the way the fabric clings to your breasts and the hint of nipples that just poke the thin bra and fabric of the dress. They slowly move down your tummy and pause at your hips, that are so well outlined by the soft fabric and snug fit before moving down you nylon clad legs.

Just as slowly he works his way back up again. You know nearly all of the men and most boys look at you like that and undress you mentally, but no one has ever done it so openly, so blatantly before.

When his eyes return to yours he sees the embarrassed blush the goes from your face down over your breasts and under the fabric.

"Of course there are ways to lessen the debt you know. Mr. Cannelli likes good looking women. He likes 'em with nice large and firm tits and wide hip just like you have. He says they make nice pillows and a good place to ride.
Wanna help Vincent cut how much he owes Mr. Cannelli? Are you a good lay? Mr. Canelli only likes good lays ya know."
Gina was shocked and angry at the leering. She didn't care who he was. The man was a pig.

"Mister you are a pig!" she blurted out as she recovered from blushing. Suddenly she felt very self-conscious in
in the chic dress.

"My husband is a descent hard working man. He doesn't owe anyone any money. He didn't associate with people like you" she went on in a rant with her hand waving in the air.

"You get out of here before I call my husband and the police!" she screamed at him. She was upset and angry. Rarely did she loose her cool but this man had been such a pig.

With that she started pushing the door closed....

(OCC Are we each playing characters
or writing a common story. I think characters would be more fun though we have to post more frequently to see the reaction of the other person.)
OOC: Characters are fine with me and I'll post as often as possible. Naturally weekends are, generally,the best time.


A huge shoe stops the door. A hand big enough to cover your face wraps around the door and pushes, hard.

The force makes you stagger back a step or two. I step inside and close the door behind me. There's an ominous *click* as the deadbolt is locked.

"Look cunt. I was tryin' to be nice to ya. I was told to either collect today or to break something.
I was trying to give ya an extra day, on me, cause your a cute bitch and looked nice.
Now, screw that. I didn't call ya names just made a suggestion on how ya can help your old man.
Well since he ain't here so I can break his arm or leg I guess you'll do."

One big step and my hand is down the front of your dress. One jerk and it's ripped from bodice to hem and I'm holding the strip of fabric and looking at your demi bra clad tits and g-sting covered, obviously shaven, pussy.

As your mouth opens to scream a huge paw swings so very fast. *SMACK!* It slaps the side of your big tit.

"Scream bitch and I'll hurt you in ways and more than you can imagine."
Gina felt relief as she started closing the door. She'd be safe. a call to her husband would clear this up. It must be some sort of mistake.

Terror gripped her senses as the door didn't fully close and lock as she had expected.

"What!" she had blurted out. As she looked down she saw the huge foot jammed in the bottom. It must have hurt she thought to herslef. But the door flung back open so fast that she tumbled backwards caught offguard and off balance.

Gina sat on the floor mouth open. This wasn't the perfect evening she had planned. This couldn't be happening to her. Nice things were supposed to happen to nice people and this angry giant didn't seem so nice.

Starting to stand was an effort. But it was the "click" of the deadbolt that alerted Gina to the terrible danger she was in. The giant was moving forward quickly - more quickly than she could have expected.

His words were cross and angry:
"Look cunt. I was tryin' to be nice to ya. I was told to either collect today or to break something. I was trying to give ya an extra day, on me, cause your a cute bitch and looked nice.
Now, screw that. I didn't call ya names just made a suggestion on how ya can help your old man. Well since he ain't here so I can break his arm or leg I guess you'll do."

Gina heard him ranting and threatening her. His words didn't make sense. He was crude and she sensed danger from him and instinctively began backing up. Her husband was in danger - it was all a mistake....

"It's a mistake..." Gina screamed out but her sentence was never finished for the giant has lumbered toward her and instinctively she had raised her arms to protect her face. It was a mistake, for his big hands grabbed the frabric of the front of expensive dress and a sharp ripping sound jarred his senses. The dress literally pulled apart at its seems and the man held the shreds in his hands and she was before him now in her undergarments. The sexy and delcious pink assemble that she picked for her lover husband.

The man now grinned as she felt his menacing eyes now re-inspecting her. She felt very self-conscious and vulnerable standing there in a little pink lacy demi bra and tiny pink g-string. It wasn't right! The man was a pig.

Gina opened her smell to scream for help at the top of her lungs. But before a peep came out the man huge ham like fist punched her on her right breast sending her backwards down the hall. She landed on her ass with her mouth wide open.

Again the man threatened her:
"Scream bitch and I'll hurt you in ways and more than you can imagine."

Gina screamed and screamed.

"Hellllpppp! Help! Help" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Seeing the man's rage she crawled a few steps and broke into a run towards the bathroom. She sensed the man was chasing her but she managed to run in the bathroom and locked the door quickly. It wasn't a strong lock but at least she was alone for a moment.

Seeing the guest phone by the toilet she grabbed it. Now she could hear banging behind her. Quickly she dialed 9-1-......


The slap to your right breast spun you around and toward the hallway behind you where you stumbled and fell on your tight ass.

You're warned not to scream or you'll be hurt, but choose to ignore the warning. I approach as you scramble to your feet screaming for help, but fortunately the air conditioning is on, the doors and windows closed and, since it's just a bit past noon, most in the neighborhood are at work just as it had been when I checked out the area before coming here.

The wide strip of dress is still in my hand as I hurry down the hall behind you. The bathroom door slamming and being locked causes all of a two second delay.

That's how long it takes for my foot to hit under the lock. It flies open and the edge hits your hand and arm. I see a telephone fly across the room to land in the bathtub with a clatter.

One of my hands grabs your luxuriant hair and jerks it pulling your head backwards. Your mouth opens to scream again only to feel me stuffing the fabric from your dress in to fill it.

More and more is shoved into until our cheeks are ballooned out and just muffled squeaks and moans can be heard.

You're dragged, by the hair, to the tub and the phone is turned off. It rings and I answer it speaking softly, "Hello?"


"No, I'm very sorry. My daughter got the phone and was playing with it. She must have punched the numbers. Please accept my apology for the inconvience."

"Thank you very much for understanding."

"Thanks again. Bye."

"Now bitch, it's your turn. I warned you not to scream. Now a little lesson will become a big one... for you."

You're dragged through the house by the hair until I find the bedroom. Every time that you reach for the cloth to pull it from your mouth either your skimpy bra clad tits are slapped or your pussy is to show you that won't do at all. Each slap brings a muffled shirek of pain and humiliation.

Once I find the bedroom and drag you into it I shut and lock the door. Pulling you to the large mirror on the wall I turn you so you're facing it.

The hand leaves your hair and reaches around to grip your jaw easily holding you in place. As you watch my other hand slowly moves between your heaving tits and fingers hook the front of your bra and yank. The elastic and fabric dig into your skin until it finally rips open and your full firm breasts pop out to bounce and jiggle on your chest.

Each is squeezed... hard before the hand slides down your flat belly, over the little feminine swell to the waist band of your g-sting. Again fingers hook into it and it's pulled until it too is ripped from your body.

"My, my. Aren't you a tasty little bitch. I think I'll enjoy this more than I first thought."

You're pulled to the side of the bed by the jaw. My hand captures both of your wrists and holds them together. As I sit I drag you over my thighs and hold you there by the wrists.

"I told you not to scream bitch. I warned you I'd hurt you if you did."

*SMACK ! SMACK !* Each ass cheek is spanked as hard as my arm can swing. The calloused palm driving into the tightly muscled cheeks of your ass. Over and over your ass is spanked until not one place isn't bright red and your whole ass is filled with heat and pain.

You're easily flipped over onto your back. Your arms are pulled behind you, over your head, arching your body. Your feet barely touch the floor to help support your weight.

*SMACK ! SMACK !* The spanking begins all over again, but this time on the front of your body. It begins on your thighs, moves up-bypassing your shaven pussy- over your belly to your tits. The tits your position makes stick up in the air proud and firm.

First the undersides of each is spanked, the the outsides and inner swell of the cleavage of each is spanked. That's followed by the tops of each one and finally the front and nipples. The hard nipples and crinkled areolae are spanked.

Now your tits are also a bright red, just like your thighs, your belly and all of your ass. All of you feels as if it's on fire and you hope it's over.

A futile hope. Now it's your naked hairless pussy that's spanked. Not quite as hard as the rest of you nor as long but the pains more intense.

You're suddenly jerked upright on my lap. I stand, still holding your hands over your head, and stretched to tip toe. Back to the mirror and facing it so you can see the redness as well as feel the pain you hear, "Now you stupid bitch will you do as your told or do have'ta teach you the lesson all over again?
If it's yes nod. If it's no just shake your head and we can do it agin, harder and longer."
Gina was outraged as the giant crashe through the bathroom door. She kept screaming over and over. It was the normal reaction and she couldn't stop. Tears rolled down her eyes in outrage for the torn dress and assault to her breast.

It stings as you grab my long hair and shake me as you stuff the remainants of my dress into my mouth to silence my screams. I resist by shaking my head but eventual my mouth is stuffed, By I continue with my best efforts to spit it out.

I hear you speaking in the phone and I'm confused. I hadn't realized I had succeeded in dialing the right number. Now relief floods through me as I scream over and over thougth only low moans and groans are heard.

They won't believe your story. They'll check the records of who is living here. There are no children. They will be suspicious. No doubt they'll send a squad car to investigate. I need to keep you busy until the police arrive.

You rant and rave about my screaming. How little you know about women I think to myself. Then roughly you drag me through the house. I feel carpet burn on my arms and legs until I can reposition myself to use my hands to reduce the carpet burn. At last the floor covering is wood, and I now slid easily behind you into the master bedroom. Our private room, our little piece of heaven, I think.

Every so often so slap my tits and and rear and you pull me along. Each time I'm outraged at your behaviour and victimization. You are a bully!

I'm confused as you again lock the door. Who are you expecting I wonder, until I decide - it must be the police. You seem angry but nervous. yes, the police are coming.

Roughly you hold my jaw as your second hand ever so roughly pulls off my demi-bra and g-strig. I see you in the mirror and can't believe this is happening to me. It is a nightmare.

I block out from my mind as you touch my private areas. I wan't to scream so badly yet only moans and grunts escape the fabric.

I hear "tasty little bitch" and I almost faint. This can't be happening. The police must be arriving. This can't be happenning.

As you pull me to the bed, I see the nightlamp on the endtable beside the bed.

I feel helpless as you hold my hands with one of your ham like hands. I'm over you and feel so hurt, vulnerable, angry, enraged and humiliated.

Your mouth continues to run off:
"I told you not to scream bitch. I warned you I'd hurt you if you did."
But I barely hear you. My mind is closing out the reality around me. Then the spanking starts. I squirm as you hold me with one hand and spank me with the other. You are a coward and a bully!

My whole body aches from the brutal spanking. It stings and I know I will be sorely bruised all over. You bastard! My tears continue to pour down my face, My make-up is smudged.

Suddenly I'm jerked upright on my tormentors lap. Again you are holding my hands amd I face the mirror and can't believe the beating you've inflicted on me.

I don't hear what you say.... I just nod my head in shock.....

"Smart choice."

You're turned and shoved toward the bed where you land laying sprawled face down.

One of my hands holds you in place as the other opens my belt, the button on my trousers and the zipper. As they fall to my knees, my hands grips your hips. Thumbs and fingers dig into your spanked, hot skin and flesh and your lifted to your knees.

I stand between your legs at the edge of the bed. Your feel stick out behind my legs. Having done this before I'm alert for a kick and watch your hands and gag as I say, "Now bitch you have another choice to make. Up on your hands and knees and I'll just fuck your cunt.
Stay like that and I'll fuck it and your ass too.
It's all up to you."
I'm crying in great sobs. Hoping that at any moment the cops will come charging in and arrest you. I'm angry and outraged. I want it over so I can be free!

On the bed I see you undressing so I look away. I don't want to see! I don't want to be here. This can't be happening!

I move over onto my top and lift myself up, I place the palms of my hands on the bed and knees likewise. I know the position all the too well. It used to be my favorite. I don't want you to be rough and I'm already very sore. My legs I part slowly trying to make it easier and less painful.

I'm surprised that feel a little horny. Some strange man told me he was going to fuck my cunt or my cunt and my ass. Some choice. Better just my vagina I decide. Somehow a lesser outrage.

I continue to cry. The dress is still stuffed in my mouth but I've managed to spit a little bit out.

Wiggling my ass before you I await the onslaught.

"Not the ass... you promised" I whisper...


I watch as you get to your hands and knees. The sight of your shaven pussy framed by your taut thighs and crowned by your tightly pucked ass hole and of your large firm tits hanging under your chest make my cock swell a bit more and twitch in anticipation.

A finger is pushed into your cunt, more easily than I expected for it a bit wet already.

"Ummm, the little bitch is already getting wet for me," I say to you.

The finger strokes in and out of your cunt and another finger rubs up your pussy slit and over your hardening clit with every stroke.

In and out, up and down your slit to rub your clit, over and over as my other hand plays with your heavy tits and hard nipples. Squeezing them, pulling on them, twisting them as well as pinching and rolling those large hard coral colored nipples and tugging them as if I was trying to milk them too.
I feel you touching me and pretend it's not happening. Your hands roughly move about my breasts and I feel like a cheap whore before you. There is no praise, no love and no warmth. Simply a pig touching me and forcing me to stay still.

You stick your chubby fingers into me in anticipation of the fucking no doubt. I just want it over and I don't fight it. You explore more and more and are soon touching and playing with my clit. I want to keep quiet but I moan softly hoping you won't hear me or know that my body is getting excited under your foreign touch.

My eyes are locked shut and I try to rehearse the rosary. Anything to clear my mind for panic is rising. I'm scared. This isn't right and I don't want it. As your fingers explore me I inch my way up on the bed. I know I am getting wetter and hotter as your fingers are moving easily within my hot vagina.

Your touch on nipples frightens me. They are big nipples and they are ever so visible to you.

"Please don't hurt anymore" I whisper.

I raise my rear for you and drop my breasts to the bed. I stretch my hands out ahead of me to brace myself against the headboard. Momentarily I look up.. I see you behind me. You are a demon with an enormous threatening prick........

I don't want to see this....

"Please can I turn off the night table light" I whisper softly....... :heart:

My hands grip your hips and turn you sideways on the bed so that your profile appears in the mirrored wall.

"Watch bitch. Watch me fuck you. If you look away this," I say the finger leaves your now wet cunt and is pushed into your ass at the same time another invades your cunt, "is where I'll be fucking you next.
Watch and remember that this is all your fault, at least this time it is. All because of your mouth.
Speaking of which..."

I push the cloth that's slipped out back into your mouth to keep you gagged.

Both fingers fuck you hard and fast and the third rides up and down your slit and over your clit.

"Watch bitch. Watch as I finger fuck your cunt and ass hole. Watch as I rub your clit.
You want it. Now you want my cock and we both know it, but you don't get it until you start to fuck back."
Gina was shocked as the big man pushed her sideways so that there was a better view in the mirror before her.

The man was nasty. There was to be no mercy as he spoke:.
"Watch bitch. Watch me fuck you. If you look away this," I say the finger leaves your now wet cunt and is pushed into your ass at the same time another invades your cunt, "is where I'll be fucking you next. Watch and remember that this is all your fault, at least this time it is. All because of your mouth. Speaking of which..."

Oh no.... now I have to watch. Carefully she looked up. She didn't want to watch but she didn't want to be ass-raped too.....

Ohhh she gaged as he rammed the dress remenants back into her mouth.

Then his fingers worked harder and faster. She grunted softly into the dress and hoped the sounds were muffled into nothingness....

Her mind went a million miles away as her body responded under his touch but her mind refused to enjoy.

He spoke on and she didn't hear him...
"Watch bitch. Watch as I finger fuck your cunt and ass hole. Watch as I rub your clit. You want it. Now you want my cock and we both know it, but you don't get it until you start to fuck back."

Looking up in the mirror she was like a doe caught in teh headlights of a car. He was big, erect and ready. She'd knew his fingers would soon be replaced with a large penis. One bigger than her husband's and that would be a first to her.....

Her tears streamed down her face....

It was then she heard a rattling of a door knob... was it the cops or her husband?

My fingers leave you and my cock rams all the way to it's base into your dripping cunt with one hard thrust of my hips to match the jerk backwards on your hip. "UGH!" I grunt as I bury the hard meat in deep enough that my cock head slams into your cervix stretching it farther than it's ever been stretched before.
The width of my cock stretches your cunt and it's head and shaft your walls wide enough it's nearly painful.

I use my hands to pull on your tits bringing you back onto me as I drive into you over and over again.

"Ugh! You're a tight bitch or at least you were. Take it and fuck me back. You may hate it but you and I know you want and need it now. I can feel your cunt squeezing my cock."

I listen to the rattle of the outside doorknob and watch the knob of the bedroom door, but don't stop what I'm doing. Raping you as an added lesson.
Vinnie Peeping....

The rattling doorknob is pushed to the back of my mind as you ram me ever so deeply I can't help but to start bucking in response as my body kicks it up a few notches. I'm so wet that you slid back and forth so easily as we are both pleasured. My moans are intense and deep and even though gagged they are audible. You sense the sexual exctement and energy from me. You feel the heat and perspiration from my body. My whole body is on fire from the spanking.

I feel the rough pumping of your giant cock, which I imagine to be 10 inches, and it continues as its own pace of self indulgence and ectasy. I can see you in the mirror over the bed. You're not handsome or young. You are big and awkward looking - more like a bouncer or a block of stone. You're a man I would never have given the time of day. Yet, here you are helping yourself to my most intimate self after having puched and spanked me.

I hear you grunting and dread a release of your male fluid. It would be so awful after trying unsuccessfully so long with my husband that I'm impregnated by some rapist/goon. More tears role down my face.

"Don't ...dump in me" I try to call out but the is muffled and sound like a groan of pleasure.

Your hands creep on me and I feel you using my big breasts to steer me and guide me in matching your pumping action. It is unnerving as I watch us in the mirror - our bodies in harmony - locked like two bunnies. It feels so right but I know it's so wrong. In the back of my mind I compare you to my husband..... you are both so different.

You continue your verbal abuse and to my shock it excites me and another rush of wetness rushes through my pussy. I can feel every big wonerful inch of you inside me.... No, no I'm not enjoying this I tell myself as a new series of moans escape my mouth.

Outside I now hear a voice.... it's Vinnie

"Look ... I can see you two lovers through the keyhole!!!" Vinnie yells angrily.

Oh he's been's watching! He can't see that I've been forced or that I'm gagged.

"Look buddy that is my bitch wife and I don't like other men shagging her - you get your ass out of there - so I can teach you a thing or two......"

He's taking a temper fit, but can't see that the man with me is a giant.... maybe he's armed... Vinnie won't stand a chance......


"Freeze bitch. Move one muscle to get off the bed or to take out that gag and I'll break both of his arms and legs and still fuck your cunt and ass," I growl quietly.

Pulling out I shuffle to the door my cunt juice wet cock out front bobbing as I move. A hand reaches under my jacket and pulls out a pistol. You think it looks just like Dirty Harry's from the old Clint Eastwood movies you like to watch.

The lock is opened and the door jerked open. Vinnie is just standing up and finds himself looking into the, seemingly, huge opening in the barrel of the pistol. He can even see the 'huge' holes in the hollow point bullets visible on either side of the revolver.

"Shut the fuck up asshole or you're head become mist and your brains and skull wallpaper.
Get the fuck in her now and you'd fucking well better becareful what you do and how you do it.
Hands and knees pretty boy and crawl over there to the end of the bed and stay there on your knees.
Move it asshole," I finish the pistol rock steady and pointed right at the middle of Vinnie's face.
The moment was broken as the big man threatened me again:
"Freeze bitch. Move one muscle to get off the bed or to take out that gag and I'll break both of his arms and legs and still fuck your cunt and ass".

Gina knew better. There was too much at risk and she didn't want to be murdered or to have Vinnie murdered.

"Ugggggghhh" I grunt as you pull out. I can't believe it's so big!
I feel a rush and am unsure whether you filled me or not. I'm wet yet I expected much more goo from you.

As I look in the mirror I see you drawing a huge pistol. I want to scream out but as I do there is nothing but a muffle. I see you open the door .. and the shock on Vinnie's face as you open the door and point the gun at him.....

I cringe as I hear you yelling at him:
"Shut the fuck up asshole or you're head become mist and your brains and skull wallpaper. Get the fuck in her now and you'd fucking well better be careful what you do and how you do it.
Hands and knees pretty boy and crawl over there to the end of the bed and stay there on your knees. Move it asshole".

"Look buddy... I ain't going kill you... I'm just real angry... I come home and some guy is fucking my wife.... I'm not blaming you... You see a hot babe and she's willing... A man is a man... but ...." Vinnie states as he starts to crawl to the bed.

I see his eyes are angry. He still doesn't understand why the big man is there or the threat about the money....

"Why do you want to fuck her?" asks Vinnie.


"Jeeeze, you've gotta be the dumbest shit for brains I've ever seen asshole.
Look at the bitch. Who wouldn't wanta fuck her asshole, but this is also business.
Mr. Canelli sent me to collect the two weeks you owe. If ya didn't I was to break an arm or leg.
Welll you weren't home so this is the next best thing," I say as, still holding the pistol in one hand and watching Vinnie in the mirror I ram my cock back into your dripping cunt.

"Mmmm, nice and tight. Just like I like 'em. Course when I've finished they aren't quite as tight. One slut measured me. It's 10 and a 1/2 inches long and nearly three inches around. I give 'em a bore and stroke job, if you know about cars and what I mean, " I chuckle as I go back to fucking your cunt hard, deep and slowly.

"Mr. Canelli says that you have til tomorrow to come up wit the $500.00 or I'm to really break something of yours asshole. Nice and slowly so you feel every second of it and realize it ain't a good idea to stiff Mr. Canelli."

When he hears Mr. Canelli's name Vinnie goes deathly pale and he begins to shiver and tremble. He knows this is no joke, rape or his wife and her lover now.

"Now that I've seen your wife, if ya want, I can tell Mr. Canelli that she can 'work it off' for ya, at least as much of it as Mr. Canelli thinks she's worth anyway.
He likes good looking women who fuck good and your wife is and sure as hell does."

My cock is completely filling you now and stretching you a bit each time I push into you and against your cervix. If your cervix doesn't stretch the alternative is to fuck all the way into your womb. Either is fine with me.

My eyes move constantly now that Vinnie's here. I watch you in the mirror as I fuck you and one hand plays with your hanging tits and rock hard nipples. I look at my cock as it stretches your cunt wider than it's every been stretched before and disappears inside, all but the last inch or so that's for when I cum in you and of course I watch the kneeling, pale faced Vinnie.
Vinnie is angry yet terrified as the big gun is pointed at him.

"That's my wife your talking about buddy!" he replies angrily to the retorts from Vinnie about Gina.

Vinnie is angry and wants to attack you as he sees you returning to finish fucking the waiting Gina. But the gun is too menacing and his head has his emotions in check.

Vinnie growls as the big stranger further provokes him and chuckles:
"Mmmm, nice and tight. Just like I like 'em. Course when I've finished they aren't quite as tight. One slut measured me. It's 10 and a 1/2 inches long and nearly three inches around. I give 'em a bore and stroke job, if you know about cars and what I mean, " I chuckle as I go back to fucking your cunt hard, deep and slowly.

"Mr. Canelli says that you have til tomorrow to come up wit the $500.00 or I'm to really break something of yours asshole. Nice and slowly so you feel every second of it and realize it ain't a good idea to stiff Mr. Canelli."

It's a double shock - Gina being fucked by another man before him and him being powerless to intervene and now his past debts coming back to haunt him. He didn't owe that much money only $30,000 but the $500 interest per week was killing him. Sure he'd missed but he always had a good excuse. Some business weeks were better than others....

"Look I'll pay him. I'll give you my rolex. Get off my wife. She's not part of this!" Vinnie explains. "She's got nothing to do with this at all.!"

Gina watched as the big man had resumed his pumping. She had avoided grunting as the big man slipped back in to her and buried 10 inches back in. She was shocked that he now entered so easily as if she was now molded to his big cock.

Vinnie lookes so angry and helpless. Gina's eyes were full of tears and her body still glowed a red color.

The stranger continued with the taunts"
"Now that I've seen your wife, if ya want, I can tell Mr. Canelli that she can 'work it off' for ya, at least as much of it as Mr. Canelli thinks she's worth anyway. He likes good looking women who fuck good and your wife is and sure as hell does."

As you finished your words, Gina feels your renewed energies and focus on her pussy with your giant cock. Without success she moans into the gag, as your pumping resumes and her body quivers under your touch. Gina face is red from crying and blushing as she is humiliated before Vinnie....

"Take the rolex... leave her the fuck alone!" Vinnie yells.

"One more fucking word outta you asshole and the barrel of this gun'll take out your teeth.
Shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the fuck dipshit or lay there spitting out pieces of teeth."

Vinnie opens his mouth to say something and immediately snaps it shut again as I frown and lift the gun in my hand from where it's resting on top of your taut ass cheeks.

"Good thinking asshole. I never threaten only promise and that's what it was. Remember that."

My cock hasn't stopped shuttling in and out of your cunt the entire time I've been talking to Vinnie. It pulls out until the large plum sized head is stretching your hole then slowly is pushed allll the way, except that last lil bit, back into you again.

Each time your wet velvet walls are spread wide and each time I reach your cervix I rub and grind on it. My hand squeezes and pulls your tits, one at a time. Each is twisted as it's squeezed. Each is pushed flat by my huge hand and rolled on your chest. Each nipple's pinched and rolled, twisted, tugged and pulled as my cock continues moving and I revel in the feel of your cunt and tits and my power over you and humiliation of Vinnie.
Vinnie listens as the tug threatens to knock out his teeth. The man has aa gun and looks like the type that would murder both of them. The big goon is working as an enforcer which explains the sudden visit..... He didn't mean to be late. he never thought they'd go after Gina......

Gina is helpess.... The big man continues his own sexual fulfillment as he continues to stuff himself into her delicate wet hot pussy. The gag stiffles her moans. She gasps as he pulls almost all the way out before deeply slamming it in again. His hands continue to tease and torment her. Her nipples are rock hard and she can see Vinnie starring in disbelief as he watches. Surprises crosses her face as she sees Vinnie with an enormous hard-on.:heart:

Looking down I watch my cock again as I push it into your fuck hole and smile as I feel you push back onto it and squeeze it with that hot, wet, tight cunt.

Glancing into the mirror I see that you aren't watching me fucking you as I'd told you to do, but are looking at shit for brains.

A look and I can see he's hard. Time to crank it up a bit.

"Hey asshole. Stand up reallll slow and strip. Take it all off," I say as I raise and point the gun at Vinnie again.

The fucking doens't slow down. It keeps the same steady pace. A pace you now begin to wonder how long I can keep up.

We both watch as Vinnie slowly gets up and starts to undress. Finally he's standing there naked with a raging hard on.

"Well, well. Not bad pretty boy. Course it ain't as big as mine now is it.
Watching me fucking your wife's cunt got ya all hot and horny, huh asshole.
Well get on the bed on your knees and jack off for us. Let's see how good ya can do.
Make it fast and jack off hard and fast or I'll have ta hurt ya both. When yer ready, cum on the bitch's face for me."

We watch as Vinnie slowly moves to kneel in front of you til I say, "Not there shit for brains. She's watching what she's getting and doing. Off a bit to the side dumb ass."

He moves a bit and begins masterbating as he watches me filling your cunt and playing with your tits and nipples.

The sound of your moans and whimpers are matched by the wet sound of your being fucked and now by the sound of his hand jacking off his cock in front of you.

"Faster or I'll have to fuck her asshole with my gun's barrel, all 8 inches of it.
Do something stupid like try for the gun or me and you die, a .44 magnum makes a big hole," I say as I lower the barrel from your chest to your crotch, "and so does she, but she'll take longer then you do.

And still I fuck your cunt and play with your tits non-stop.
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Gina is starting to tire frim the sexual exhaustion. It is harder to keep her rear in the air and she leans heavier on her elbows and forearms for support. Given the big man's strength, his support forces her to and from onto the giant cock that continues its relentless pumping. She continues to watch Vinnie - her eyes full of sadness and shame.

I groan to myself as you order Vinnie to strip. I assume he's going to fuck me after your done but that's not your plan at all. Instead he threaten him and him - forcing him to start to jerk off as he watches the big goon in action. This can't be happening. You've ordered him to jerk off on me. Vinnie has never done this. It's just something a husband doesn't do to his loving wife. It's crude and disgusting. Yet, near me, Vinnie is stroaking himself and his own tempo is rising.

Your threats to do little to interupt him and he's rock and ready in just a few short moments. He moves his loving cock to my face and shoots a small load across my delicate nose. yet, as he continues to stroke a second and then a third burst of cum is sprayed onto my face. It drips across gag and partly to my chin.

At that moment I close my eyes imagining it's his penis deep within me and spraying inside me.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I scream into the gag as I buck wildly onto the giant penis. My ectasy is delightful but short lived..................

Despite my climax, the giant cock seems to continue as the rough hands continue to touch and tease my nipples and breasts.....