Giuliani thinks that 'scientific evidence' will show he was allowed to conspire to overturn an election


Literotica Guru
Jul 31, 2014

He wants to move the case to federal court, which of course will enable Trump to pardon his sorry ass in the unlikely event of the Mango Malfeasant being re-elected.

"There are things we didn't present then [in 2020] because over the next couple of years, a lot of people did a lot of work and have been able to produce more witnesses and what I would call scientific evidence that is very persuasive."

'What I would call' is mealy mouth MAGA-speak for 'it's my 1A right to tell you all lies in the hope that you'll break the law on my behalf and then you go to jail instead of me.'
The defense is now that part of 45's job was to protect the election and so he was "acting in his capacity as President". ....and therefore anyone working in the administration also acted as such.

It's a weak and thin defense. I doubt it will work to have it moved.
He must have Pillow Man's presentation ready to roll.
Odds are it's mysteriously hacked. Again!
Guiliani, science can prove a lot of things. Like say Coke is bad for you. I’m still willing to drink Coke Zero btw.