Girls and guns


Really Really Experienced
May 8, 2010
Girls with guns and girls knowledgeable in the uses of them

Anyone out there this excites or intimidates
I'm not intimidated by girls handling or knowledge of guns
You cannot be born and raised in my neck of the woods and not own them and know how to use them. Even the girls grow up deer hunting around here.

There just is something sexy seeing a girl looking down a scope or
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Come on it would be hot to have some woman turn the tables and tell us to drop them ( pants that is). While reminding us they can shoot an eye ou of a fly at 100 yards.
Women and guns? That's like letting a monkey fly an airplane..Very Dangerous :catgrin:
I can't grow up the daughter of a Marine and not know how to shoot a gun. I've been shooting guns since I was 12 years old. I :heart: guns :)