Ghost story question


Really Experienced
Jul 2, 2012
I have a question about non-human stories. First off, my confession: I've not read any past the first couple of paragraphs, (for a variety of reasons left alone at the moment).

OK, confessions aside, When writing a ghost story what is the correct protocol about seeing the little guys? I have written a few scenes but have left my ghosts invisible. Although in a couple there are hints for us to see... I fully intend them to become visible at a later time as the story compels it.

Thus far I think it has worked out just fine, but I have written quite a bit here, (30K + words), and I am curious about what others think before I turn this thing into an entire book.

I like my version, (of course!), but if invisible is not the way it's normally done...

There's no "correct protocol." It's your story, so you can do what you like. I'd say some common things that people do are to make ghosts "transparent," so that they are seen but cannot touch or be touched. Sometimes the ghosts can only be heard. It's really just what you want to do, and as long as you're consistent, I doubt the readers will care what tack you take.

Here is the contest winner from 2009, "Midnight" by alana9, which featured a ghost. This is just to give you an example of what one person did.

I also had a ghost story in that contest although I've taken it down. In mine, there are two ghosts and they are sort of the match-makers. They interact with the two main characters, although it's almost all talking.

So -- it's up to you. :)

Thanks, Great help. On seeing but not touching---

That's interesting, in my story, they can't be seen, but you can touch them, -- and feel them, :) -- but just during the sex basically...

Thanks for the read as well, think I'll take a look when I get a chance.

I agree that it's entirely up to you. I have to admit I've only read one story on this site in the "Erotic Horror" category. But I can imagine ghost stories that range from the completely invisible (things that go "bump" in the night) to the completely visible and palpable.

In fact, I personally think that the latter could be creepier.
My ghost story might show how I dealt with it.
Incident at Cemetery Junction
...When writing a ghost story what is the correct protocol about seeing the little guys? ...

There is no "correct protocol" about seeing ghosts.

Some ghosts, like Poltergeists, can move objects or make noises, but can't be touched or seen.

Some ghosts can only be seen at a distance, in certain places, or at certain times. They may or may not make noises, but mostly cannot move objects, touch, or be touched.

Some ghosts are only visible to direct descendants, or relatives of some degree. They may or may not be able to communicate, touch, or possess, those who can see them.

or ...

The variations are endless and more variations pop up in literature every day, as each new author assigns properties and abilities to their own conception of ghosts.
I don't think there is a correct protocol, as others have mentioned.
However, in non-erotic stories, if you're trying to scare the reader you have to convey a sense of menace and it doesn't really matter if the ghost is invisible or not.
I suppose for an erotic story then you'd have to convey a sense of sexuality or sensuality and again it shouldn't matter if the ghost is visible or not. The ghost could always be revealed (made visible) at the end of the story to punctuate the eroticism, in the same way a horror story might describe the ghost in a horrifying form only at the end of the story.
There's a wonderful ghost story by Theodore Sturgeon (horror not erotic) that might give you a better sense of what I mean. If only I could remember the title...
YOu can do what you want with the ghosts in your story. I am going to mention things that have happened in real life with ghosts.

Now first, a ghost is never exactly seen, sometimes there are things in a picture that weren't there. Moving shadows and noises just out of sight are common occurences. However, all of that can be explained away by things on the lense, moving light, and animals, mice specifically.

So let's move on to something that has a more solid feel. There is a movie of her experience though i don't remember what it's called. A woman in the 70's I think it was got repeatedly raped by a ghost. Eventually it stopped because she moved I think it was, or maybe a priest exorcised the house or something. There is supposed to be video of one of the rapes happening. I've only seen the movie and not recently but she bounces on the bed with her legs spread.

Means you don't have to see the ghost to have sex in the story. Also means that unless she had some sort of psychic power and a real desire to be raped ghosts can do more than most people think. She had been tested, not on drugs, no signs of tumor, and no chemicals in the area of her house. Course there's nothing saying it was actually a ghost either, maybe there is a species of mouse with psychic powers or something. ;)
YOu can do what you want with the ghosts in your story. I am going to mention things that have happened in real life with ghosts.

Now first, a ghost is never exactly seen, sometimes there are things in a picture that weren't there. Moving shadows and noises just out of sight are common occurences. However, all of that can be explained away by things on the lense, moving light, and animals, mice specifically.

So let's move on to something that has a more solid feel. There is a movie of her experience though i don't remember what it's called. A woman in the 70's I think it was got repeatedly raped by a ghost. Eventually it stopped because she moved I think it was, or maybe a priest exorcised the house or something. There is supposed to be video of one of the rapes happening. I've only seen the movie and not recently but she bounces on the bed with her legs spread.

Means you don't have to see the ghost to have sex in the story. Also means that unless she had some sort of psychic power and a real desire to be raped ghosts can do more than most people think. She had been tested, not on drugs, no signs of tumor, and no chemicals in the area of her house. Course there's nothing saying it was actually a ghost either, maybe there is a species of mouse with psychic powers or something. ;)

The Entity. w/Barbara Hershey. Based on a true story, about Carla Moran and one of the most investigated paranormal events. Interesting scenes where the ghost is 'touching her' and her body moves - apparently done by using some kind of pressure air hose. Actually worth seeing.
Yeah that was it. At least I'm not losing my mind, well maybe I did and nobody ever told me but hey I was right about that. :D