Getting to know YOU...




Being a Mod to the Personals/Playground I have noticed that I don't know many of the posters who use these two boards. I figured a thread where we all can introduce ourselves would be nice! (Buried on the Gen board there's a thread called A brief description of who you are by Slut boy. It is a monster and has helped Lit members see who they've been posting with over the years.)

This is totally voluntarily and you can add as little or as much about yourself as you're comfortable with! You can follow my "outline" or write "free form". ;)

Name: Lindsay Rae. (No, Rae isn't my last name.) AKA Tiggs and Puppi. Yes, I've changed my name a time or two. I guess, sometimes, you just have to change things around until you find something you like.

Meaning of Lit name: I consider myself to be Neo Pagan. I am not Wiccan and I do not follow any set religion of any sort. I do, however, consider myself to be a very spiritual person. I take a broad range of faiths and ideas and bring them into myself and my every day life.

DOB/Age: June 22, 1977. I am 25 and loving it!

Location: I am from Omaha, NE and up until Sept. 1 of 2002 had lived all my life there. Now I am living in Rockford, IL with my Fiance and it is quite a cultural shock!

General family bio: I am *single* but engaged and I have one 3 1/2 year old son. I would love to one day have children with my Fiance as well.

Cause of coming to Lit: Back in the beginning of 2000 I was checking out porn ( :eek: ) at The Hun's Yellow Pages and there was a link to Lit. Being an aspiring author (who enjoys writing horror/suspense as well as erotica) and advid reader I checked it out. I've been hooked ever since! :D

"Main hangout spot on Lit": Though I try to keep the Personals/Playground free of harassment and those breaking Lit's rules, most of my Lit time is spent over in Story Ideas, Author's Hangout, and sometimes How To. Hopefully this thread will start a new trend of me coming to The Playground "socially".

"Author status": I have written three stories for Lit so far. (Two were moved to Extreme and I'm still waiting for one of them to be posted in an update! :eek: ;) ) Two are under my old name Tiggs, and the one waiting for the update is under this name. I have also written several poems at Lit. All under my name Tiggs. I haven't written anything new in a long time, and it saddens me. I've tried many "tricks" and writing exercises to help get a writing flow going once again, but so far it's been no luck. :(
Well here goes:

NAME:Kikmosa aka Kiki

Meaning of Lit name: KIcK MOre Southern Ass = KIKMOSA

DOB/Age: Nov. 28, 1960. I'm 41

Location: Alabama. Was born in Mobile, Al. I've lived in Texas, Mexico, Mississippi, and Alabama.

General Bio: I'm divorced, live alone and no kids

Reason for coming to Lit: Couriousity

Main hangout: True Confessions, Aussies, Artistic?, Do men really like BBW, The Glass Cage, Say a little prayer, and many I just drop in on.
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Cool Idea.

Name: On the web, I'm strictly Oz or Ozme, and use the Ozme52 logon if I can. I use the same name everywhere. And, mostly, the same AV. A few people here know my mundane name, if we've exchanged e-mail, so it's not a secret, this just works best for me.

Meaning of Lit name: It's too complex to explain. But I'm not an aussie and have never been there. And it didn't start out as a Land of Oz thing either, though I have taken up a few of the affectations, like my signature, which I intend to use as my tagline when I get the opportunity.

DOB/Age: April 28th. Want to know the rest? Ask. I never lie, but I like people to get to know me a bit better first. That's the way it works in RL after all. And I'm not 52 (ala Ozme52) though I hope to make it that far someday.

Location: Northern California. Not SF, that's really Central CA. I recently began working from home as a full time telecommuter, so I have two computers going, one of them 'dialed into' Lit.....

General family bio: You'll have to ask me if you really want to know.

Cause of coming to Lit: I stumbled across it. I love reading erotica, always have, and was following links from one of those "top ten lists' specializing in written erotica. Having discovered the boards, the role play and best of all, the people here, It's become my main hangout.

"Main hangout spot on Lit": The California Directory. A great crew and very active. It replaces the office workplace for me, 'seeing' the same people every day. I'm a bit rural now.

"Author status": None yet. Not at Lit. Regarding your comment, BlessedBe, have you thought about doing some role play? I'm finding it gives me practice writing without the pressure of having to initially create everything myself. I like the collaborative aspect of the writing too. And you meet some people you may not encounter elsewhere.

Posted exactly 1 month following my very first post at Lit. #762
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Meaning of Lit name: Well I like to think of myself as 75% Angel and 25% Bitch so I figured Sweetevil describes me pretty good..:)

DOB/Age: October 13, 1975 I just turned 27

Location: Western Pennsylvania. Born and Raised.

General family bio: I am married to my high school sweetheart(AKA Wardog69). It will be 11 years Nov 9th. I have 4 wonderful children. Son(10), Daughter(6), Son(4), Daughter(1).

Cause of coming to Lit: I did a search on Google for Erotic stories and viola!...:) I like reading and now writing erotic stories!

"Main hangout spot on Lit": BBW's and their Admirers, and here and there.

"Author status": I have written 4 stories.
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NAME: Shannon

Meaning of Lit name: She's a Norse Goddess of Sex, Love and Fertility

DOB/Age: Dec 2, 1969

Location: Ontario, Canada

General Bio: Single, one child (girl) who's 15

Reason for coming to Lit: started reading stories, discovered the pic section, posted a few, started a thread of my onw and now stay for friends and conversation

Main hangout: True Confessions, my pic thread, GB
Name: Steve Or Ukin..I answer to both

Meaning of Lit name: It is part of a chat room name ..aka..UK in CA..shortened to Ukin..

DOB/Age: June 8, a real Gemini..the year? 1951 (No OLD MAN jokes!)

Location: I am English and have been in North CA for around 15 months now. I live 54 miles north of SF.. I love the weather

General family bio: Divorced..but happily so. I have two kids, daughter 27, son 26 and one Grandson, just turned 2. They all live in Germany...because they are German lol

Cause of coming to Lit: I was told that I should publish some of my writings and this site was here I am..and I am SO shocked at the outrageous antics that go on these Boards..makes my eyes water..I am such a shy Brit, reserved and all that crap! :)
"Main hangout spot on Lit": California Thread..I have made some wonderful friends on I love Tittie Tuesdays and Wicked Wednesdays (and Ej's tits). Over 40's Thread, Older Men Thread, Word Association and any others I fancy.

"Author status": I have written quite anumber of stories...some I have placed on here..some I am working on. I have completed a novel and not yet sent it in for Lit to publish.
I love to write..WHEN the mood takes me..

Nice to meet you's fun..naughty, nasty, rude..but I love it .:)
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ozme52 said:

Regarding your comment, BlessedBe, have you thought about doing some role play? I'm finding it gives me practice writing without the pressure of having to initially create everything myself. I like the collaborative aspect of the writing too. And you meet some people you may not encounter elsewhere.

If you felt bored enough, you could do a search on my old name (Tiggs) in the SRP. I did a lot of role playing with some old friends and a former "Lit b/f" from 03/00 to about 11 or 12/01. I even posted a thing or two in ORP. I've tried "coming back" a time or two, but I won't join a thread that has 5 pages or more and my attempts at new role plays have flopped. :( I miss it, sometimes, but I also miss my old friends I used to RP with. I *know* NO ONE over there now. The SRP seems too cliquey now a days with all of the "closed" threads.
NAME: Anita

MEANING OF LIT NAME: All my life I have made sure that everyone else was pleased. April 2002 marked a change in my life and I decided it was time others spent time to "pleasure me".

DOB/AGE: October 7, 1961

LOCATION: Auburn, Alabama Have lived in this area all my life, was born and raised here.

GENERAL FAMILY BIO: Married with 2 sons (ages 18 yrs old and 3 yrs old)

REASON FOR COMING TO LIT: As I said earlier, I reached a turning point in my life, I discovered that there are not only men out there that admire BBWs, but they also DESIRE them. My husband introduced me to lit and I've been hooked since.

MAIN HANGOUT: My pic thread, BBW pics and in the threads of my many new friends.
And now that I've read every post on this thread so far...

Hi all! :D ;) It's nice *meeting* some new people here! In case you haven't noticed or anything, I'll just mention once again that I am one of the three Mods to the Personals/Playground. Mack and Renny are buds of mine, but I fear they don't come around to peek at Lit much anymore. :( (Maybe we can drag them into this thread if there's a sighting?! ;) )

Anyway, before I get too far off my train of thought... I was gonna say if any of you have any questions, comments, or concerns about anything within these two boards, feel free to click on that "Report a post" if you have a direct concern about a post, or PM me at Lit or mail me at Blessed Be.
Name: Ask me privately for my real name and I'd be happy to tell you. AKA sortacurious.

Meaning of Lit name: I was very curious about joining an online community after lurking here for awhile. I am also curious by nature, and have many sexual curiousities...sorta was just a lame addition.:rolleyes: If I'd realized I would be posting so much and actually becoming a part of Lit. I would have been more creative.

DOB/Age: May 30th, 1971

Location: Very Northern California....I too believe that SF is really central. I live in a small coastal town near the Oregon border.

General family bio: never married, no children

Cause of coming to Lit: I did a search for erotica and after a few other unimpressive sites stumbled onto Lit. After about a year of reading the stories, I explored the rest of the site and discovered the boards. Hello, I'm a Lit-aholic.

"Main hangout spot on Lit": The playground, and almost completely True Confessions, but I lurk all over.

"Author status": Have made a few attempts at writing and hope to pursue this more in the near future. Nothing posted as of yet.

Nice to meet you all....:)
getting to know you

okay for all the curious::::::

Name:.....sorry it is just unusual enough to cause trouble

meaning of lit nick:......a kids game, mother may i.....when i started getting involved in the seemed kinda funny

DOB:......February 21, 1964.......and i do not look 30 whatever!!! girl in the middle of farm land......kansas

family-bio:.....married with a son and daughter

cause of coming to lit:......reading, i was reading a BB that was shut down so i went a surfing, found lit, found the chat and the rest is history

main hangout:.....whereever i do not get kicked out of........all over but no where special.

author:.....that would be a stretch, but yes i have a couple out there.

favorite good

Great Thread...perhaps more of us will come out from behind the keyboard....
Name: Karen

Meaning of Lit name: my thirties and like to flirt :)

DOB/Age: May 2, 1968 34....but shhhh don't tell. LOL

Location: Kentucky

General family bio: Recently divorced after 15yrs of marriage, no kids...Learning to be single again! lol

Cause of coming to Lit: because of the stories!!!

Main hangout spot on Lit: the Personals..cuz i am nosy! hehe

Author status: I love to read them....not write them, not that talented. :D
Name: Known as NG or Nasty around Lit. Would have to PM me for my birth name. :)

Meaning of Lit name: Originally came to Lit BB's for one explore sexually. Wanted to really "get it on", no holds barred.

DOB/Age: July 25, 1972...30 and I have a feeling this is my year

Location: Originally from upstate NY, lived in NYC for several years before moving here to Lubbock, TX. Can we say "major culture shock" boys and girls?????

General family bio: I am single, but attached at the moment and hopefully for quite some time...Teenage brother resides with me along with my pup Sierra

Cause of coming to Lit: I love erotica, came for the stories...then stumbled onto the boards. Stayed because of the friendships I have formed and the laughter I have shared.

"Main hangout spot on Lit": Playground mainly, *True Confessions* mostly, and I lurk a lot on the GB

"Author status": Well Im not an author for Lit but I do write quite a few to and with my lover...trying to talk him into submitting some of his!
Re: Re: Getting to know YOU...

Name: You can call me Red.

Meaning of Lit name: Well, I wanted something catchy and I have red hair. The delicious part is there to remind me and let others know that I am desireable. (When I came to lit I wasn't feeling overly confident). Oh's a type of apple. ;)

DOB/Age: July 24, 1969

Location: Small town SC. Lived here almost my entire live, though I was born in La Jolla, Calf.

General family bio: married with a beautiful 17 month old son (as of Nov. 2002).

Cause of coming to Lit: I found lit one day when I was surfing "Jane's Guide" and clicked a link promising free erotic stories. I read for a long time before I ventured over to the personals. It was then I discovered the boards and I have been here ever since.

Main hangout spot on Lit: Um, mostly the confessional or BBWpics or my own Pic thread. I occaisionally post over on BDSM and I lurk on the GB when I am bored.

Author status: I have one story (which few people know about...till now!) posted in the BDSM section.
NAME: Ask, I'll tell you more...

Meaning of LitName: Had just finnished a class on the Greeks and for some reason, these two names together fit. Also, they're both poets, which was something I began working on more and more since coming to Lit.

DOB: July 24, that's a fire AND water sign, so ya know I'm screwed from the get-go :p

Location: Philadelphia.

General Family Bio: Single, never married, unattached, no kids...

Cause of Coming to Lit: A friend mentioned it, forget why, as a place to check out for the stories. I did. Then I started posting my own short stories and poems. Katpurrs became my first big fan, and she sent me plenty of encouragement to check out the forums. Later, after the poetry forum was started she asked me again to check it out... THANK KP!! :)

Main Hang Out on Lit: Poetry, then a bit on the personals (PA and those wonderful nerdy chicks :D) and lurking on the general thread.

Author Status: I Think it's a half dozen short stories, and 20 or more poems. I don't really keep count, and I don't look at the votes... but I LOVE feedback (hint hint :D)


Name: Tigerjen......but you can call me that or TJ.....or the "Tigress" ;)

Meaning of Lit name: I was born in the year of the Tiger (1974), and I possess
some of the qualities of those who were born under it....such as passion,
courage, boldness, optimism, sensual........and of course my name is Jennifer
(you can call me Jennifer or Jen.....but not Jenny)

DOB/Age: May 4, 1974......age 28! I am a Taurus w/ moon in Libra &
ascendant "rising sign" in Leo.

Location: Fairfield, CT, USA

General family bio: single and looking!

Cause of coming to Lit: On my way back to CT from NYC on July 8, 2001,
I bought my very first Penthouse Letters and in it, there was an ad for Literotica,
and the first word I saw was "stories" and it got me thinking, "hey I have
some erotic stories and a bunch of erotic poems, I could have them posted up
there!" The rest is history.

"Main hangout spot on Lit": Story and Poetry forums (hasn't been the case
for quite a while since I haven't written a thing!).....I "own" the Literotica Kitchen
aka the LOVE CAFE, which has been quite successful.......also have a "closet of
couture" thread......also belong on the threads for CT, NY Vincinty, & New England.
Am also a frequent visitor on other threads such as "the person below me" thread.
I also enjoy putting up polls from time to time, both on the Playground and the
GB....and also am involved w/ the thread for the show "Survivor" on the GB.
Only a few short months ago I started a fan thread for Anthony Hopkins over
on the GB (my fave actor, if you haven't noticed already! :devil: )........

"Author status": I have 4 erotic stories and a gaggle of erotic poems here
on Literotica.........I invite everyone to check them out if they haven't already! :)
Recently I have not written any new stories or poems.....but if I write and post
something, you can be sure the word will get out fast! ;)

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Name: Well maybe once we get to know each other better, I will tell you ;)

Meaning of Lit name: When I came to Lit I was a very bi-curious female. When I created the name I thought it meant "curious female", I have since come to think it means "curious feminity".

DOB/Age: December 20, 1970

Location: Ohio, born and raised all of my life

General family bio: I am married with 4 children.

Cause of coming to Lit: I was in search of erotic stories and after a couple months I stumbled upon the message boards. The rest is history. ;)

"Main hangout spot on Lit": Main hangout is True Confessions, a finer group of people you will never meet. I'm also a newbie at Cookie and Rosy's club. :D There are a few others that I post to regularly, but those 2 come to mind right now.

"Author status": I have written a couple of stories privately, but have not submitted them for publication.

And that's me in a tiny nutshell!
name: jas :) only those closest to me know my given name.

meaning of Lit name:i had just broken up with my Dom.. and feeling rather bratty.. i wanted scheherazade..but it was already taken. an aol friend/Lit member suggested jasmine..
i added the xx to show i'm a bbw..


location: illinois

family bio: married.. 3 kids. 1 grandson

why i came to Lit: the above Lit member guided me here. i read his stories and thought DAMN--i'm going to like it here.. i'm a Lit addict ! :)

main hangout spot: i bounce around.. frequent the playground. i love the word games as well.

author status: one story.. 99% autobiographical.. a girl has to have some secrets !
Name: It's no secret, my name is Sharon.. middle name is Joanne

Meaning of Lit name: I've always liked Ladybirds (known in the US as Ladybugs). Simple hey...

DOB/Age: 10 March, I'm 48 and not afraid to admit it.

Location: I live in Perth, Western Australia.

General family bio: I'm separated, with a divorce on the way. I've never been happier or freer since I've been on my own. I have two children, a son and daughter. They're both married and each has a child, making me the proud Gran of Daniel and Imogene.

Cause of coming to Lit: The site was recommended to me by a friend. At first I was hooked on chat, but later discovered the boards, and the Aussie thread. My addiction grew from that.

"Main hangout spot on Lit": Most of my time is spent in the Playground, and in the Aussie thread here. I do visit the other boards though, and post when I see fit.

"Author status": There is no status I'm afraid. Writing is something I've wanted to try, but haven't got around too.

And BlessedBe... it's great to see you. Of course I know you better as Tiggs.
ok lets see..............

Name: Greg
Meaning of Lit name:Its just a name i have used since I've been online

Dob/Age: 9/12/74=28

Location: North of pittsburgh by about 40 minutes

General family bio: well......lets see I'm happily married to my high school sweetheart(Sweetevil),for the last 11 years.I have 4 children,2 boys and 2 girls

Cause of coming to Lit: well because sweet was always here i ,always read posts and stuff off her name so i figured i would make my own name

"Main hangout spot on Lit": mainly my threads,bbw under 30 bar and a few others but i get around all over if not posting just reading.

"Author status": NONE, i'm not vreative enuff to write!
NAME: Donald Leo

Meaning of Lit name: Well like Don Quixote I'm in search of things that, while important to me, really seem to no longer exist. Things like Honor, and True Love. I also tilt at the occaisional windmill..

DOB/Age: Febuarary 25th 1961, 41 years young

Location: Arlington Texas, I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

General family bio: I'm married and we have 2 children from my wife's first marriage whom I love as my own.

Cause of coming to Lit: Well my sex life is not what I'd like it to be, and there are many reasons for that, but while in an msn chat room one night, a woman I was chatting with suggested I visit lit for the stories, well after lurking as a visitor for 6 months, and reading the wonderful stories, I decided to join.

Main hangout spot on Lit: The Playground and Amature pic's

Author status: Nothing Yet, I'm not too creative when it come to writing.

A glimps...if that...

Name: Ask me and I may tell. Dont ask and i'll never tell.

Meaning of Lit name: My favorite author is James Joyce. My favorite book is A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The main character is called Stephen Daedalus. Thus, the name Stephen Daedalus. Read the book and you’ll find out more. And yes I know Daedalus created wings for Icarus:)

DOB/Age: I’ll give you the year – 1978 - and the sign – Taurus – but I don’t get into the whole astrological side of life. Just gives you a better idea I guess.

Location: I reside in the great white north of CANADA! Well it’s not that white and we don’t drive sled dogs to work! But either way, I’m from the southern part of Ontario.

General family bio: I am single for the first time in 9 years and to be honest, I’m hating every moment of it.

Cause of coming to Lit: Two reasons really. First one and main reason is because I can’t stand pornography! I find it degrading to woman etc..etc..etc…( no need for speech here), but I love sex. I love the idea, the essence and the act of love making. And I love to read about it! It was my way of getting my porn without possibly harming any woman in the making of! I love creating the scene in my head…I’m an avid reader of all things. Imagination is key. Second reason for coming to lit…is not a reason for coming at all. It is more the reason I am HOOKED! I love the community! I started to read the stories, then found the forum and I have slowly been coming out of my shell ever since.

"Main hangout spot on Lit": I am a big fan of the playground. But I also hang out in the under 30s thread, the How too section is where I got my start. I am a big fan of the thread Gil set up called ‘How do you help someone get over being abused’, that’s where I posted for the first time. Also The Isolated Blurt Thread seems to be a hang out of mine now. I try and get around.

"Author status": I have written a few stories, but as of yet, been able to get the nerve up to post them. I need an editor first. I have poor grammer and technical writing skills, funny how that is after 3 years of English in post-secondary school! Either way, I hope to become an author here in the near future.

Either way, I can’t believe I was this open, if you knew me better you’d know this is the oddest thing for me! I would also just like to say THANK YOU to everyone and NICE to MEET you all and I look forward to being a part of this community for a long time to come.
DOB/Age: March1,1957...45 years young lol typical Pisces

Location: I live in the Upper peninsula Of Michigan ,born in Indiana tho

General family bio: I'm separated,(my 4th) with a divorce on the way. I've finally met my soul-mate=Artful on lit..I have 4 children,a son=24,a daughter=23 with a 2 yr old,a daughter=18 and my youngest son=10,love them ALL dearly

Cause of coming to Lit: The site was recommended to me by a friend who knew I loved Erotica and I was interested in BDSM ,originally just looking for fun and friends..

"Main hangout spot on Lit": Most of my time was spent at BDSM , however I have way more *fun* at the playground at the midwest thread ,Aussie's and all over playground really...lots of really *cool* people here and I met the love of my life at Jewelz Playhouse,proving that *online love* CAN come REAL

"Author status": I have written a few poems at the poetry thread and at BDSM poetry ,I may try my hand at Erotica at a later date , for now I am kept busy as a submissive slave and I LOVE it
:rose: Thank-you for this thread Blessed be

"Reason for my name:well ,it was Artful's dream but I am still His Dream , so nuff said .. it's just a name I like and something I LOVE to do ,Real name is Lucy tho:)
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Ladybird said:

And BlessedBe... it's great to see you. Of course I know you better as Tiggs.

You can call me whatever you want. ;) Everyone else does.

And, to all here...! Let me say HI to those I haven't known previously!! I am glad ya'll like this idea. :D