Getting Mushy In Public


Oct 31, 2001
I often say I love you and I mean it.

I give you hugs, cuddles, kisses and licks.

I wish so much I could give you more.

Saying "goodnight" is often the hardest thing, harder over the phone than online, but still hard to do.

The longing, the wanting, the craving that i feel for your touch, your caress.

I dream of the feel of your skin, the taste of your lips, the happiness of your smile.

Thinking of the looks on your face as i hear you say the phrases that have become so common to my ears, imagining the look on your face as i smile in true happiness.

What we have is not perfect and definately not easy, but we try and we cope as best we can.

We cherish each moment we have together, whether typed on a monitor, spoken on the telephone and just sitting together quietly.

I get sad at times, thinking of how far there is between us, but at the same time, we don;t let it get to us... or at least don;t let it show.

People say that "love" cannot exsist online, but it can and does.

Maybe not in the form that is commonly found in everyday life, but somehow different, and special in its own way.

Good or bad, like all things, time will tell.... but right now, it would be honest of me to say that I love you, with every thought, dream and action.


Thankyou hon, I don't have the words to even begin to tell you how I feel about you.

You are one of the first things I think of in the morning, and the last at night. I can't tell you how hard it is to hang up the phone after a conversation, or how many times I've found myself wanting to kiss the phone, as if that would some how bring you closer.

You make my day with a simple voicemail message. Hearing your voice, even if it's only to say goodnight means so much to me. Just as you mean the world to me.

I love you hon. :kiss: