Get Over It..............

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
A National election is over, a party gains a two person advantage, big deal! In the years I've watched the government work, I've never seen a 100% partyline vote. Forget the hysteria until you have CREDIBLE proof something sinister is going on. It's amazing the people here shrieking about their loss of "rights", but in the same breath would deny others theirs (2nd Amendment)!
We have people to love, work to do, and places to be. Get on with life and fucking relax!

*Get over it! :D
Just wait until Redwave pops around then you'll hear some shrieking.
Not to mention the conspiracy theories that'd make a Paranoiac green with envy.
And propaganda spouting that'd put old style Commisars in the shade.Not that they'd have to worry.In Stalins time Red would've been shot or kicked to Siberia in no time.
To steal from Mile's thread.......

The lawsuits, excuses, and propaganda start tomorrow a.m. :D
Judging from some of these threads, you'd think the American Nazi party had gotten elected and already dissolved congress and declared martial law.

Jesus. :rolleyes:
I just heard on my radio....

The talk jock compared this minor victory as America's version of "Crystalnight" when in 30's Germany, the Jews experienced nationwide persecution. The host said the new jews will be the elderly, homeless, gay, women, Iraqis....etc! His voice is trembling, poor hysterical maroon.

*What a hoot! Wait until Europe starts in! :D
70/30 said:
Supreme Court...three justices...GWB is against

7-11 could you please make an effort to think and post in full complete sentences and paragraphs? It would help alot.

Miles (you) gets mad when I say things certain people are evil. Just imagine I said GWB nominates 3 supreme court justices that