German scientists confirm black hole at center of galaxy.


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
The report explains in brief this rather interesting discovery.

Scientists working at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany had been carefull tracking the orbit of a star very near the center of the galaxy. Previous observations strongly suggested that at the center of our galaxy lies a massive black hole (on the order of two and a half million times the mass of our sun). After tracking 2/3 of the star's orbit, the scientists confirmed that the orbit matched what would be expected of a star orbiting a body of that size.

The discovery essentially confirms with little doubt that what lies at the center of the galaxy (dubbed Saggitarius A) is a super-massive black hole. Earlier studies of Sgr A showed that it emitted large amounts of x-rays, which are emitted when a black hole draws in huge amounts of matter form the area around it. The material is compressed very quickly as it is consumed by the black hole and the high-energy x-rays are what is produced as the matter is compressed.

In a related story, former German Justice Minister Herta Daeubler-Gmelin described Saggitarius A as "hitleresque" and decried its unilateral absorption of stellar matter without consulting any neighbors at the center of the Galaxy.
Huh, well no wonder it feels like we are all being sucked down the tube...
Cool to hear that it was confirmed.

It has been "theory" for quite a while now.

Thanks JMJ.