Generic sympathy fishing thread


Clearence INFRARED
Sep 11, 2001
<apoplogy for complaining>

<setup of situation>

<explanation of problem>

<compounding of problem>


<secondary apology and thanks>

<sad face>

*Option 1:Multiple sad faces
**Option 2:Sad faces interjected throughtout post at end of sentences
***Option 3:Sad faces interjected randomly
<give cyber hugs>
<sympathize with situation even if never been in it>
<suggest something to do>

<keep hitting refresh to see what happens next>
<cyber hugs>

<letting person know you're there for them>

<telling them you know what they're going through>

<relay similar situation of your own>

<more cyber hugs>
<laughs at the quit your bitchin comment...but never acknowledges it on the screen>

<gives more cyber hugs and kisses>
<insert some sucking up>
Reminds me of a song

(Hetfield, Ulrich)
Oh poor twisted me
Oh poor twisted me
I feast on sympathy
I chew on suffer, I chew on agony
Swallow whole the pain
Oh it's too good to be
That all this misery
Is just for oh poor twisted me

Poor mistreated me
Poor mistreated me
I drown without a sea
Lung fills with sorrow, lungs fill with misery
Inhaling the deep dark blue
Oh woah is me
Such a burden to be
The poor mistreated me

To finally reach the shore
Survive the storm
Now you're bare and cold
The sea was warm
So warm, you bathe your soul again

Good to feel my friend
Oh woah is me
Such a burden to be
Oh poor twisted me