Generationally Misplaced

Celia - I love you, your sig, and your av

I had a scene like that (damn fucking hot) on a CD, but it got damaged :(
i have always related a little more with the generations older than i am. but now i'm becoming the older generation and find myself relating more with younger folks because a lot of the people i know that are my age are already becoming way too crusty.

All last semester while I was sitting in my History of Jazz class, while we were going over the heyday of jazz in the late 40's through the early 60's I kept thinking, "I belonged there!".
celiaKitten said:
I feel like I am.

I'm weird.

Anyone else had this feeling?

OH yes!

When I relate to people as people sans ages and locations and all that other stuff, it is generally my mother's generation that can keep my attention.

;) Good thread, ck!
yup. Always have felt that way. I never quite fit in wherever I go.... always knew I would have fit in better in say, the medieval centuries.
Re: Re: Generationally Misplaced

MissTaken said:
OH yes!

When I relate to people as people sans ages and locations and all that other stuff, it is generally my mother's generation that can keep my attention.

;) Good thread, ck!

:D heehee. The best ideas come out of good conversation.
All the time. All the time.
Friends often tell me that I speak like an 'old person'.

I thought the AV was awesome before, but man that is hot Celia.
The term "old souls" seems to best fit the people that I really mesh with. It's not often that I find someone younger than myself that fits into that category.

I think it's life experience and general understanding (as opposed to "knowledge") that really determines someone's age.

When I was 19, I dated a man who was 33. People thought that there was no way we could really have anything in common with that age difference. However, he had lived in one house all of his life, grew up with the same group of people around him day to day, etc.

I had - by that point in time - lived in 4 states, several houses (and apartments), and seen far more of the world than he had.

I don't know about other people, but I think that not living a sheltered life can make you feel "generationally misplaced".

My brother is only 16, but his eyes are much older. He understands so much more than many people my age.

I think that most people I've met in their early 20s (like myself) don't appreciate life, love, work, etc the way that I've come to. I am a lucky girl - don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that my life is full of hardships by any means!! But, compared to most people my age, I feel like I am on a very different path. I'm not a "typical" 23-yr-old.

I'm not sure which generation I would really belong in...or if any generation would really fit for me.
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Um. Nope, I don't. I'm 32 and I feel at home with people from 25 to 40, which is more or less my generation. Talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-enerationnn!! Sorry.

Until I hit 30 I had the "I get along best with people who are older than I am" thang. Umm..and this is NOT directed towards anyone in this thread, specifically, it's just something to ponder. I think a bit of it is wanting to be seen as grown-up and self-directed. I'm pretty sure that once I hit 50 or so, I'll say that I get along best with people in their 20's so as to feel that I'm "really young for my age" or some nonsense like that. ;)
red_rose said:
She's one of those old and crusty folks who's taken a shine to me.


Yup, I have. I love r_r oodles and oodles! Just dont' ask me if I think you're a "typical" 23 yr old. :D
celiaKitten said:
I feel like I am.

I'm weird.

Anyone else had this feeling?
You are just very mature for your age. Eventually most of your peers will catchup to you.

I used to feel something very similar when I was in the military; most of the people there were 18-21 and I was 5-8 years older than most of them. They acted like a bunch of high school kids for the most part and it got tiresome.
people my age look at me like a child.

does that count?

I don't want to grow up I like acting as I do.