General Board opening page


Literotica Guru
Aug 12, 2001
is it me or is the first page of the general board, the table of content, all stretched out. I thought I might of hit something but I can't seem to figure out how I can reduce the size of the topics to show who has posted and what not.

Anybody else having this trouble?

There's one of those damn super long titles stretching the hell out of the board. I absolutely hate that :mad:
Chilled Vodka posted a thread with a title that stretched the first page. As soon as other threads pushed the thread to page 2, one of his alternate personalities bumped it up again.
ChilledVodka pulled a Spinaroonie. A Thread title with no spaces. It will drop away soon enough.
Thank you all

I thought it was a new look and my eyes do not like it. It is not so easy to browse through what I am interested in reading. Hope all is well again Thank you to those that responded!

ksmybuttons said:
Three great minds all thinking alike...:)
I love how we all added a different spin to the answer. I can claim the Typed the Most award. :D
Mischka said:
I love how we all added a different spin to the answer. I can claim the Typed the Most award. :D

The awards panel was biased, I felt I was disenfranchised because I was the only Man.
Heavy but like

HeavyStick said:
The awards panel was biased, I felt I was disenfranchised because I was the only Man.

always you did it so well. Straight and to the point sort to speak.

HeavyStick said:
The awards panel was biased, I felt I was disenfranchised because I was the only Man.
You were also two minutes too late. The tortoise doesn't always win the race, buck-o.
Mischka said:
You were also two minutes too late. The tortoise doesn't always win the race, buck-o.

I demand a recount. Florida got seven of them.

edited to add:

"buck-o" doesn't show in my legal dictionary. ;)
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The true feelings are beginning to emerge. You all have "innies" and I have an "outie". I'm taking my balls and going home.
ksmybuttons said:
Damn, Mischka, we did it again!
This is getting freaky.

And HeavyStick, I'm trying to set the legal precedent for "buck-o." It's next on my agenda after general acceptance of "snooby pants."
ksmybuttons said:
ChilledVodka pulled a Spinaroonie. A Thread title with no spaces. It will drop away soon enough.

woah woah woah

That's one thing I haven't done!