Genderqueering :)


Really Really Experienced
Jul 3, 2012
I want to look like a guy!

I'm fairly cute, but with my hair cropped I can pull off fresh faced lad fairly easy, however I only discovered this about 2 months ago... and it is great!

Anybody else discovering this?

So far as I can tell there seem to be more men interested in dressing womanly than the other way around on here. I don't want to *be* a man, and it is separate to my interest in strap ons. But I am loving going out in my (adimittedly borrowed from my boyfriend) boxers and jeans and a smart shirt. Just being a lad.

It is fabulous. I'm not really asking a particular question, just interested in hearing from anyone who is similar. Link images to styles that you like if you want. I especially like Winona Ryder in Girl, Interrupted, and she isn't thaaaaat boyish. Google image it, 'cos I haven't learned about links yet.

Is anyone else here? It isn't something I would tell any of my friends yet.
I'm interested in crossdressing myself, I've thought sometimes if I would easily be able to look like a woman, and If I fully shaved and did up my hair and did all the fancy things, I think I could pull off a fairly attractive woman..For I think I'm a fairly attractive man also. :)

I've never tried though, I have fantasies about being dressed up..but that's another matter. :p I find it hot btw, girls dressing tomboyish, especially in mens boxers, and if they had a strapon to boot..Woo I'd be interested in playing with you!
I'm interested in crossdressing myself, I've thought sometimes if I would easily be able to look like a woman, and If I fully shaved and did up my hair and did all the fancy things, I think I could pull off a fairly attractive woman..For I think I'm a fairly attractive man also. :)

I've never tried though, I have fantasies about being dressed up..but that's another matter. :p I find it hot btw, girls dressing tomboyish, especially in mens boxers, and if they had a strapon to boot..Woo I'd be interested in playing with you!

Are you an attractive man now? ;) I love wearing my boyfriends boxers, thankfully he is cool with it. I prefer them when he has worn them because then they smell all manly and gorgeous. And then I return them to him disgusting because I have been masturbating in them. I also like wearing the boxers, and then doingmy binder and my baggy jeans and boots and black leather jacket and a grey hoody and I go out feeling like I have got alllll the swagger of a lad, and then I sit with my legs apart at the back of the bus as per usual, and kind of wish I had the bulge too. Then it would be complete.

Me and the boyfriend are working our way up to strapons, but not quite yet.

Tell me more about being dressed up, that sounds interesting! I quite like the idea of dressing a guy up like he is one of my girlfriends and having loads of girly fun about it. Which is ironic, because otherwise I am not interested in being girly with my actual girlfriends. :p
everyone has a fetish... I don't know...If your cute, pulling off the Victor Victoria is difficult... to many famine features.... else wise.. best of luck
I think girls look so hott dressed as guys. If you try it out more, I'd love to see the end results.
Yeah, ain't a fetish for me, just something I do because it feels right sometimes. Try googling "transmasculine" in addition to "tomboy".
The spouse and I have "switched" genders a few times. I bind my breasts, put on jeans and a shirt we got at Goodwill (I'm lots smaller than him), and wear a special toy that we got online. Hair up under a hat, clunky shoes, no makeup of course. It's fascinating to see how people react - or don't.
The question of what's a lifestyle and what's a fetish and what's a non-sexual hobby is really interesting! I'm a dickdangler in body and spirit, but get off "playing" genderqueer instead of "living" it, and so I'd place it pretty squarely as a fetish. SkylarFalling, it sounds like you dressing up as a boy for mundane shit as well as the sexiness; how do you think of yourself in relation to gender?
I am female and if people ask that is what I tell them, I'm just a fairly masculine woman. Sometimes I like to dress like a guy intentionally, beyond my natural style just being masculine but I'm not sure whether or I would correct them or just go with it if someone genuinely thought I was a 'real' man. It's kind of the picture of me that I like to show people.

But the idea of being thought of as a man and then having a partner who finds man clothing but surprise lady bits underneath attractive is something I like. It's not *being* male, but appearing so. Having said that I like to play the more stereotypical male role amongst my girlfriends. I like to carry things for them and hold doors open for them and hug them if they're cold or sleepy and I like to lead and be the more sexual one of the gang. I find the idea of dominating a woman attractive as masculine me, but not at all as feminine me.

BUT masculine me does not like to dominate men. Feminine me dominates men, and masculine me likes to dominate women or to be dominated by an older man.

My brain is a complicated place.

So yes, combination of fetish and everyday!
I wish I was androgynous enough to pass for a guy when the mood strikes me, but this is apparently not the case. I don't have much in the way of curves, but I'm too lightly built to look like a guy with just a change of clothes, even since I cut off the long hair.

On the bright side, my boyfriend and I are about the same size, which lets us steal each other's clothes on a regular basis and have them fit well enough that it doesn't look weird.
I still look like a fairly young guy. Lucky you swapping clothes with your boyfriend! Mine is like twice my height, so I get away with his boxers and that is about it. Might have to go and buy myself some man clothes.
I often go out as a woman. I dress appropriately for what I'm doing that day. If I'm going out to the mall to go shopping, I dress like any other 30 something woman going to the mall for shopping. If I'm going out to dinner and drinks with friends, I dress appropriately for that occasion, etc, etc...
For me, its all about passing my self off as a woman. I want there to be no question in a person's mind that I am 100% female.
I often go out as a woman. I dress appropriately for what I'm doing that day. If I'm going out to the mall to go shopping, I dress like any other 30 something woman going to the mall for shopping. If I'm going out to dinner and drinks with friends, I dress appropriately for that occasion, etc, etc...
For me, its all about passing my self off as a woman. I want there to be no question in a person's mind that I am 100% female.

I love when guys can pass convincingly. I dunno why, but traps are just fun. It's so much sexier to me than guys who are obviously just cross-dressing guys.
I am female and if people ask that is what I tell them, I'm just a fairly masculine woman. Sometimes I like to dress like a guy intentionally, beyond my natural style just being masculine but I'm not sure whether or I would correct them or just go with it if someone genuinely thought I was a 'real' man. It's kind of the picture of me that I like to show people.

But the idea of being thought of as a man and then having a partner who finds man clothing but surprise lady bits underneath attractive is something I like. It's not *being* male, but appearing so. Having said that I like to play the more stereotypical male role amongst my girlfriends. I like to carry things for them and hold doors open for them and hug them if they're cold or sleepy and I like to lead and be the more sexual one of the gang. I find the idea of dominating a woman attractive as masculine me, but not at all as feminine me.

BUT masculine me does not like to dominate men. Feminine me dominates men, and masculine me likes to dominate women or to be dominated by an older man.

My brain is a complicated place.

So yes, combination of fetish and everyday!

Sounds very familiar, from the other side. I'm clearly masculine but love dressing femme in private. The only time I want to be with a man is when I'm as femme as I can be. Normal day? No interest. I'd love to find a woman who wants to be with a woman with "surprised guy bits" underneath. :)
I still look like a fairly young guy. Lucky you swapping clothes with your boyfriend! Mine is like twice my height, so I get away with his boxers and that is about it. Might have to go and buy myself some man clothes.

Yeah, I am lucky.
It's hard to explain how ridiculously happy I was to be able to lend him my hoodie one night when we were walking home in the cold. And he can leap into my arms and I don't drop him, even though I'm not super strong. :D
Wow! I don't think I will ever be able to catch my boyfriend. He is about a head taller than me, I would need to be proper muscley to have him jump into my arms. I know what you mean about clothes swapping though, when I eventually told him about my discovery he offered to lend me his boxers and I think I was grinning for like four hours straight. I love his clothes.
My wife could wear my whole closet if she let me wear hers! :)

Okay, I do wear her sexy stuff when she's out of town so I guess I'm cheating. ;)
I'm interested if, by wearing guys clothes, you feel the ... how to say this... that burden, that "oppression" is too strong a word ... anyhow words... do you feel released from that? Is it a liberation or another feeling? If it's a vague sexual thing then that's cool too, but I'm just curious. Sorry for putting my question sooo badly :rolleyes:
Since I've been on both sides of the fence I'm very aware how careful I have to be now in public, in dark places. I am vulnerable where I never was before.

I think I get the drift. As much as we do our best to make men and women equal, there is no denying that I gain a certain swagger when I am being a guy. You get released from a lot of weird social stuff that girls go through that most people can't quite put their finger on.... and gain that confidence that comes from being a lad about town. I love it. I feel like a could take on the world. When I am being girly I always feel a little inadequate because I am not naturally very feminine (when I was 12 or 13 I used to get into trouble with my mum a lot 'cos our family were all quite conscious of our appearences, especially my barbie doll mother and sister, and she used to tell me off a lot for not making an effort with myself or for looking scruffy. It turns out I wasn't trying to look scruffy, I was trying to look masculine and hadn't really realised it. :D ) but as a guy I feel more confident in how I look and how I interact with others. Especially girls. Social interactions between girls who don't know each other very well are far more awkward than those of guys who don't know each other very well.

Hell I ramble a lot. I'm still giddy with it all. A lady on the bus said "thank you young man" and smiled at me, and I think it was only by force of will I didn't just go "yipeeeeee!"

And I think going back to what you were saying about dark public places, looking less feminine makes me more confident about my body. When you are a woman, you look sexual. Men aren't physically obviously sexual, they have cocks and they live in their trousers. Women have hips and boobs and bums and all sorts that are there looking sexual all the time. I find it very hard to stride out into the world feeling a) confident andb) dignified with my boobs wobbling around like they do. Whereas man-skylar is far less self-aware like that.
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This is such an interesting topic to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings about de/re gendering and how it feels.

I don't do this, but was moved to write by the last post talking about tall man means short woman, etc... I have lived that my whole freaking life and I am DONE with it. I am tall, full figured, and about the furthest thing from dainty ever created. I spent a lot of time feeling "less than" because I'm not what society said I should be as a "woman". I am so glad that is changing, and that my daughters will live in a more accepting world of the individual person and not our norms .... but we'll always have to grab our own sexual identities with both hands and direct where we go with them, because all of us- gay, straight, transgendered, lesbian, queer are expected to fit into certain stereotypes, and the more of us who say "No siree, I am (whatever) but you aren't the one to tell me what that MEANS", the happier we all will be.

Sorry. :rolleyes: lol Off the soapbox, but seriously thanks for bringing that clarity to my thoughts.
I think I get the drift. As much as we do our best to make men and women equal, there is no denying that I gain a certain swagger when I am being a guy. You get released from a lot of weird social stuff that girls go through that most people can't quite put their finger on.... and gain that confidence that comes from being a lad about town. I love it. I feel like a could take on the world. When I am being girly I always feel a little inadequate because I am not naturally very feminine (when I was 12 or 13 I used to get into trouble with my mum a lot 'cos our family were all quite conscious of our appearences, especially my barbie doll mother and sister, and she used to tell me off a lot for not making an effort with myself or for looking scruffy. It turns out I wasn't trying to look scruffy, I was trying to look masculine and hadn't really realised it. :D ) but as a guy I feel more confident in how I look and how I interact with others. Especially girls. Social interactions between girls who don't know each other very well are far more awkward than those of guys who don't know each other very well.

Hell I ramble a lot. I'm still giddy with it all. A lady on the bus said "thank you young man" and smiled at me, and I think it was only by force of will I didn't just go "yipeeeeee!"

And I think going back to what you were saying about dark public places, looking less feminine makes me more confident about my body. When you are a woman, you look sexual. Men aren't physically obviously sexual, they have cocks and they live in their trousers. Women have hips and boobs and bums and all sorts that are there looking sexual all the time. I find it very hard to stride out into the world feeling a) confident andb) dignified with my boobs wobbling around like they do. Whereas man-skylar is far less self-aware like that.

Heh, yeah, when I was a teenager, my mom complained about my clothes. While other moms were telling the teenagers to put more on, mine was asking me why I felt the need to wear so many layers. I don't really want people looking at my boobs. At the same time, though, I'm told I'm completely oblivious to people checking me out. So I usually just put on my two or three shirts and forget about it for the rest of the day.

I had an interesting experience the other day. Previously, when I had job interviews, I listened to conventional advice and put on innocuous pink nail polish, got into some kind of skirt, put on makeup, and dug out my uncomfortable black pumps. This time, I thought "Screw that. I want an employer who values my work, not my fashion sense." So I put on pants and a suit jacket and shoes that I got in the boys' department. I didn't bother with makeup or nail polish.

For the first time ever in the history of me looking for jobs, I got the first job I interviewed for, and they're going to pay me almost half again as much as I make right now. Coincidence? I suspect not. Though whether it was the outfit, the attitude that led to my choice of outfit, or the fact that none of my brain's processing power was dedicated to remembering not to smudge my makeup, kick off my shoes, or sit in an unladylike way ... who knows?
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Oh! Must find time to read this thread.

Just dropping by to say:

Yeah *raises hand* here's another one.

And to drop a book: My gender workbook - Kate Bornstein.

For me, this thing is difficult and interesting. It's a weird mix of arousal and belonging. And sometimes it switches back to girly, which is even weirder. I don't have dysphoria, though, I don't dislike my genitals or tits.

A while ago, I found some people who see me as 'he'. I visit them once in a while. It's incredibly addictive. Last weekend, I was at a queer party where a dude bought me a beer. I was so surprised. Turned out, he was gay. Then I was even more surprised... :eek::heart: