gender atypical


Nov 14, 2001
what are some things you do that are atypical for your gender? have you ever felt, or been made to feel, embarassed for going outside of those norms?
Pee standing up.

Hey some public toilets are too scary to even hover.
I wear my baseball hat when it's extremely bright outside. I get lots of odd looks for it and even a few comments. I never knew it was such a crime for a female to wear a hat. And then there's just me being me and I've been informed so many times that I'm "one of the guys" and also informed that I need to be mroe like a girl since it's not proper for me to be the way I am. :rolleyes:
seXieleXie said:
what are some things you do that are atypical for your gender? have you ever felt, or been made to feel, embarassed for going outside of those norms?

I drink beer and sing Irish songs and I'm not afraid to hug my friends (male, female, other).

I'm here. I drink beer. Get over it.
having long hair. when I first started growing it out I got weird looks from other guys "what the he looks like a fucking girl" "what a faggot"

then after a few weeks girls would notice and I would get the "ooooo damn" looks, and lo and behold, I noticed some guys growing out their hair.

at first I felt weird about having long hair, but after I got a million compliments from girls, I got over it pretty fast :)
I have a really sick and demented sense of humor, which guys seem to appreciate more than do women.
I don't go out drinking just to get drunk (unless it's Pumpkinfest! but that's a new hampshire thing) even tho i go to a known party school.

I had as many stuffed animals as action figures when i was a little kid and i still haven't gotten rid of either.

I'm a hopeless romantic. For me that results in most of my friends being girls but rarely having any girlfriends because at least here at college, they go for the dumb meatheads.

seXieleXie said:
what are some things you do that are atypical for your gender? have you ever felt, or been made to feel, embarassed for going outside of those norms?

My whole career has been outside of the "norm" for my gender. I'm very used to being the only woman in a room of men for business meetings, although that is changing (finally!) these days.

I also love to fish. Killermuffin does, too, though. So I don't feel so odd here at Lit. ;)
badasschick said:
Pee standing up.

Hey some public toilets are too scary to even hover.

Question: Do you squirt it backward between your legs still? Or forward away from your body?

I've always wondered why more women don't learn how to pee standing up... seems like a very useful talent. :)
i do some things that are typical and some things that are atypical but i try not to analyze which is which

theres so many ways you can be made to feel less then you should be by others so i refuse to play that game :)
sexy-girl said:
i do some things that are typical and some things that are atypical but i try not to analyze which is which

theres so many ways you can be made to feel less then you should be by others so i refuse to play that game :)

You're such a GIRL......;)
sexy-girl said:
i do some things that are typical and some things that are atypical but i try not to analyze which is which

theres so many ways you can be made to feel less then you should be by others so i refuse to play that game :)


What a great post.
When in high school I wore baggies (known as board shorts these days) T-shirts and surfed EVERYday....I was just one of the guys did nothing but hang with the fellas the girls at my school hated me cause I wasn't all prime proper and hair srayed....I was tan and sea/sun bleached hair. Now that I am older I laugh about it cause the same guy I surfed with back then is still my best bud wonder how many premadonnas from Jackson High can say that about there "girlfriends" from slumber partys :nana:
aw thank you freya i guess i was due :)

april and effigy sometimes i can be girlie and sometimes on rare occasions i can even be sexy ... but mostly im just me whatever that is :)

anyway im tired and in danger of making even less sense then i usually do so nite all
extend my little finger when I hold a glass ... some say it's ...ummm feminine
I can work on my own car! :) --comes from being a "farm kid"

I grew up as "one of the guys"...all my good friends are guys

I live in jeans, t-shirts, and tennies/boots

-- VincentFloyd -- my hubby got the same stuff you did... he had long hair up til about 1 1/2 years ago
I'm rather girly, even dramatic sometimes. Sort of like Jack on Will & Grace.

Although, I do let 'em rip occasionally.
I was an only child and my dad really wanted a boy. I didn't realize some of the things I learned weren't typical for girls until I started school. That kind of blew the whistle on him.

And I really never got over the addiction to power tools. :D