Gee Somebody Can Read The Constitution

Are you sure you want to trumpet your "ability" to read the Constitution?
Doesn't matter. ObamaCare started life in the Senate, Roberts declared it a tax, and its the law now. World War 2 was the last time Congress officially declared war.
Now if the House would just start doing its job instead of a 47th repeal of ACA we'd really have something to post about.
Further evidence that Repubs don't want to occupy the White House this century.
Doesn't matter. ObamaCare started life in the Senate, Roberts declared it a tax, and its the law now. World War 2 was the last time Congress officially declared war.

Wrong thread? And Obamacare originated in the House btw.
The OP is complaining about nothing again. For one, Senate bills have traditionally been allowed to contain fees if they're narrow enough.

Secondly, the Senate could just take one of the 40 Obamacare repeal bills on their desk and replace its text with whatever revenue bill they wanted.

Lastly, the whole purpose of the bill is to put pressure on the House to either act or be anti-immigrant obstructionists. Stockman is an idiot.
Dear vette,

Justice Roberts killed the Constitution deader than a doornail.

Quit looking to it.


Actually, the Senate can make changes to taxes. It's right there in the part vette didn't read:

but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills
Reading the constitution and understanding it are two different things as evidenced by pretty much every post Vette has ever made about it.
Actually, the Senate can make changes to taxes. It's right there in the part vette didn't read:

but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills

I'm pretty sure Vette only reads and memorizes the parts he likes. Bet he can quote the second amendment word for word.:rolleyes:
Reading the constitution and understanding it are two different things as evidenced by pretty much every post Vette has ever made about it.

What leads you to believe that Vette has read OR understands the Constitution?
Yes, two reasons.

1. It's a brietbart piece and they only do racism.
2. You posted it.

i'm waiting for the libs to come in and denounce this simpleton, like they told me they tend to do.