

Soothing jacuzzi bath
Nov 16, 2006

Iranian rockets brought in through Egypt. Lebanon in disarray. Turkey confronting Syria. Riots in Jordan.
Insider information?

I think the Knesset giving permission to mobilise reservists is a sign of concern.

I'm disappointed in you, fishy. I thought you of all people here would understand an Asatru reference.

Ragnarok = Twilight of the Gods (according to Wagner's Ring cycle). Don't try to backtrack now. I'll bet you're "Team Jacob".
I don't even know who Jacob is.

But I am a wolf, so obviously I would be a werewolf. Vampires are over rated.
Someone better step in, cause this thing is ready to blow!!
Someone better step in, cause this thing is ready to blow!!

Oh, and who should that someone be?

I think Al quaeda should pool their resources and fight those Zionist pigs.

What say you?
As a descendant of Odin, my call-up papers for Ragnarok are in the post.

I expect a Valkyrie delivery soon.
It's a rumbling from the tailings of World War II. I hope that it ends soon.

Which was a rumbling from the tailings of WWI.

Some argue that WWII started with the Spanish Civil War, so perhaps WWIII kicked off with the small wars of the break-up of Yugoslavia. This one however seems to have a Middle Eastern/North African shift. Or perhaps we are in for the Islamic equivalent of Europes wars of religion in the 16th and 17th centuries, which lead to the wars of empires. Alawite v Sunni v Shi'a, v Sufi v Salafi v Wahabi. Could be interesting.
Which was a rumbling from the tailings of WWI.

Some argue that WWII started with the Spanish Civil War, so perhaps WWIII kicked off with the small wars of the break-up of Yugoslavia. This one however seems to have a Middle Eastern/North African shift. Or perhaps we are in for the Islamic equivalent of Europes wars of religion in the 16th and 17th centuries, which lead to the wars of empires. Alawite v Sunni v Shi'a, v Sufi v Salafi v Wahabi. Could be interesting.

When the guy immolated himself and the Arab Spring was born, that was the sound of the Archduke being assassinated.

The fight for the Caliphate is underway. The faction that liberates Jerusalem will have the inside edge and it will once again be where the Muslim world faces when they pray.

The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Jewish efforts. And Jewish resources. Yet at this moment Israel is our only reliable and unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us.

I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish the holocaust will be upon us.

Eric Hoffer