Gay female or bi female perspective - volunteer request


Depraved Fictioneer
Jun 5, 2022
I am partway into my next submission where one of my principal characters is an openly gay female.

I want to do a respectful job of character development but feel that I have a blind spot in this regard. Familiarity should breed empathy, and I have neither on my own in this case.

Am looking to connect via PM with a gay or bi female to talk with me on the unspoken, less obvious influences on the mindset of gay women. The societal stuff is obvious, right? Basically, I'd ask you invest a few PM cycles to inform me as appropriate without calling me a hetero-male dumbass (even though that's probably accurate.)

Thanks in advance.
Being a lesbian, you'd think I could give you insight. However, my lesbianism is the product of either my nature, events in the past going back a long, long way, or just a dislike of dick, cock, prick, or whatever your preferred synonym for the penis is, for having never given me pleasure. My wife might be a better sounding board for you, but I'm sure she'd not share those things with strangers, not even an anonymous one. There are blogs dedicated to the choices you want to know about. I'm sure Reddit or Quora have plenty of information on the subject. Asking strangers to open up about something so central to their being to you, someone they don't know isn't likely to happen. However, I have been wrong once or twice, so maybe one of the others here would give you what you want. With that said, the lack of response suggests perhaps I'm right.
Being a lesbian, you'd think I could give you insight. However, my lesbianism is the product of either my nature, events in the past going back a long, long way, or just a dislike of dick, cock, prick, or whatever your preferred synonym for the penis is, for having never given me pleasure. My wife might be a better sounding board for you, but I'm sure she'd not share those things with strangers, not even an anonymous one. There are blogs dedicated to the choices you want to know about. I'm sure Reddit or Quora have plenty of information on the subject. Asking strangers to open up about something so central to their being to you, someone they don't know isn't likely to happen. However, I have been wrong once or twice, so maybe one of the others here would give you what you want. With that said, the lack of response suggests perhaps I'm right.
Thanks for the suggestions on other sources. It appears your assessment is accurate, based on the lack of responses both to this post as well as the one I posted in the GLBT forum. I thought I was just uninformed, but perhaps clueless is more accurate.
The first clue I wasn't into boys (at all) came while watching the movie Bound and the smoking hot 360-degree scene of two women doing it! Of course, my adopted mum and dad weren't home when I dug the DVD out and watched it!
Just wanting to chat sounds like you're just a horny guy wanting to hear about women getting it on. There's a lot of them about.

Draft a story or at least the plot, and ask for feedback on whether it seems plausible, and you'll get a much better response.
Just wanting to chat sounds like you're just a horny guy wanting to hear about women getting it on. There's a lot of them about.

Draft a story or at least the plot, and ask for feedback on whether it seems plausible, and you'll get a much better response.
I will PM you with the story framework.