gawd im bored.

Indigo.Rose said:
im hooked on them new snackwells mini cookies.

i swear they have some kind of addictive drug in them.

hey angel how is the kitten?

he's doing good, he likes to sleep right next to me, he kinda hides from devilboy. they are like two little boys fighting for my attention, my kitten seems to has a little gas at times. I need to stock up on candles
Re: Re: Re: gawd im bored.

Indigo.Rose said:
yea i could use a boy toy too, hanns just isnt cutting it any more

I'm disappointed IR hanns? Gwad you could have come up with anybody better! hehehe :devil: :p :kiss:
Indigo.Rose said:
well i guess so, did i mention im also lazy today?

maybe i should visit the menstral hut thread.

Hmmm so self gratafication is out while visiting the menstral hut?
CoolidgEffect said:
Hmmm so self gratafication is out while visiting the menstral hut?

Umm, darlin, you can still touch the prized jewel without getting into finger paints!!! ;)